Thursday, March 13, 2025

More Drama at the Duck Pond

Are you all ready for part two?

I often take walks around a local suburban park hoping to see aquatic birds fishing for dinner.  In case you missed my last post, I shared photos captured at this neighborhood duck pond of two cormorants fighting over a fish one of them had just caught.  

This little Pied-billed grebe caught a large carp

A couple weeks after my first photo encounter, I was back again scanning the pond surface for diving waterfowl.  I spied a Pied-billed grebe near one end and began to watch the little guy repeatedly dive and surface.  I hoped he'd eventually come up with a fish.

Trying to swallow the fish....but it was too big

After about 5 minutes, my patience paid off.  The grebe surfaced with a good sized carp in his beak.  He swirled it around in the water, and then tried to swallow his catch.  But it appeared the fish was too big for the little grebe's throat.  The grebe hoisted the fish into his beak again and again, but to no avail.

Then two cormorants tried to take the fish away

Now for the drama.....two cormorants suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began to harass the grebe.  They wanted his fish.

Lots of mayhem ensued!

But the little grebe wasn't giving up without a fight.  He swung his fish-laden beak around and around, and swam as fast as he could hoping to evade the thieves.

The grebe tried in vain to evade his attackers

When he wasn't dodging his attackers, the grebe tried desperately to swallow his fish, hoping to get it down before it got taken away.

Then the grebe tried desperately to swallow his catch

Sadly, the fish was too big for the grebe's mouth, and try as he might, it wasn't going down.

Another frantic swallowing attempt

After about about 5 minutes of commotion, one cormorant was able to swoop in and grab the grebe's fish, and immediately gulp it down.  The entire thing happened so fast, and was so unexpected, I wasn't able to capture it with my camera. 

In the end, the cormorants made a successful steal

Defeated, the grebe dejectedly swam away, to begin diving for another (hopefully smaller) fish.

And a blue heron coming in for a landing

And just as I was ready to head for home, a blue heron flew across the pond, and landed on a nearby rock.  Since my camera was still set from the fishie drama, I was able to catch him in flight.

Hope you've enjoyed this installment of "drama at the duck pond!"

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