Wednesday, February 26, 2025

A Winter Waterfall

I love to photograph waterfalls.  Lucky for me, Northwest Oregon boasts many beautiful cascades, many just a short drive from home.  Although waterfalls make wonderful photo subjects any time of the year, I think winter is the absolute best time to capture them.

East Fork Hood River surrounded by frosty trees

Located in the Northeast foothills of Mt. Hood, Tamanawas Falls is hands down the top waterfall to visit during winter months.  Merely a 2-mile hike (or snowshoe) to reach, it's also quite accessible.

More white beauty

One late December day, I saw that the mountain had received a fresh coat of new snow.  Time for a trip to my favorite wintertime waterfall!

White trees close-up

Arriving at the trailhead, I noticed a good six inch layer of powder covering everything.  From past visits, I knew this popular winter trail often got packed solid quickly and snowshoes weren't always necessary.  However, the snow looked deep enough, and since I wasn't sure what conditions would be further up the trail, I elected to strap on my snowshoes anyway.  Better to have them than not!

Snowmen surround the Cold Spring Creek bridge

From the parking area, the trail first crossed over the East Fork of Hood River via a tall, wooden footbridge.  The trees lining the river were coated with frost, making it a most lovely scene.  Although I'd planned to head straight to the waterfall, I couldn't resist taking a few minutes to make several images of all this beauty.

Cold Spring Creek, even more lovely with snow

Beyond this first bridge, I trudged a half mile uphill before losing all that elevation, as the trail took me downhill to a crossing of Cold Spring Creek.  

Someone built snowmen on the bridge rails!

Cold Spring Creek is a gorgeous little stream, bubbling though mossy rocks, its waters an icy blue hue.  The creek bank was lined with an impressive forest of fir and cedar trees.  I always make it a point to stop here and get a few photographs.

Upstream view of Cold Spring Creek

A surprise was waiting for me.  Someone had built a dozen small snowmen at one side of the footbridge crossing Cold Spring Creek.  Not only that, three tiny snowpeople had also been perched on the bridge rails.  Seeing these cute snow creations, I couldn't help but smile.

Mother Nature's flocking

From Cold Spring Creek, I trekked onward.  As suspected, despite the prior night's snowfall, the trail was packed solid snow.  Although they provided some traction, my snowshoes were not necessary.  However, having no way to strap them to my backpack, I elected to keep snowshoes on my feet for the duration - easier to wear than carry.

First view of the falls

The trail followed Cold Spring Creek as it rushed along its snowy banks.  Powder-dusted bushes and trees lining the creek were all quite lovely.  I navigated a large rockslide slope, clambering up a very steep and slippery grade - thankful that my snowshoes provided sufficient traction.

The waterfall is surrounded by white vegetation

And just when I was starting to wonder if I'd ever reach that waterfall, I rounded a corner and there it was!  Plunging 100 feet over a tall basalt cliff at the end of a picturesque mountain valley, Tamanawas Falls was a sight for sore eyes.

Tamanawas Falls base area

The waterfall was surrounded by a forest of white-shrouded trees and bushes.  Although it had been snowing the prior evening, early winter temperatures had not been cold enough yet to form icicles from its top.  (Later in the winter these ice formations can be quite dramatic.)  But the newly fallen snow made for a gorgeous winter scene.

Looking good in white!

I shuffled up to the waterfall's base area hoping for some close up photos.  But if I got too close the cascade's spray began to freeze on my camera lens.  In the end, my best images came from further away.

More Cold Spring Creek views on the return trip

I sat, enjoyed a snack, and admired the beautiful waterfall I'd snowshoed 2 miles to see.  During that time a few other people came and went - most just snapped a few pictures before heading right back.

Snow-covered leaves

After a good hour spent photographing and generally admiring this wonderful winter scene, it was time to trek back to my car.  I clomped along the packed snow trail, feeling a bit sheepish for wearing snowshoes when nearly everyone I met were using microspikes or yaktrax.  However, I did see a few people without any kind of traction devices on their feet, and wondered how they would be able to climb that slippery slope through the rockslide area.

This fallen log gives an idea of snowfall amount

I took my time on the return trip, stopping to photograph a few interesting spots I'd noticed on the way in.  Back at the Cold Spring Creek bridge, I was disappointed to see that someone had knocked down the cute snowmen from the bridge rail.  Seems like there's always one grinch that ruins it for everyone!

Another view of the footbridge

Approaching the trailhead once again, the midday sun was now out in full force, quickly melting the morning's frost from all the tree branches.  Now I was thankful that I'd photographed the trees at the beginning of my hike.

Parting view as the snow was starting melt

It was a great morning to be outside in a winter wonderland and visit a favorite waterfall.  


  1. Lovely scenery, beautiful pictures!! I especially like the one with this written below: More Cold Spring Creek views on the return trip.

  2. A totally magical winter wonderland. Supurb photography.

  3. Gorgeous photography. I think "first view of the falls" might be my favorite. What a different world compared to my desert exploring!

  4. You got some wonderful snowy photos!


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