
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The "Tele Trio" Rides Again

Look out ..... we're back!

Sue, Katie and I (the newly named "Tele Trio") descended upon Mt. Hood Meadows last Sunday for another day of fun and frolic in the snow.  It's becoming a weekly routine. 

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

What are they up to now?

We lucked out with our third straight bluebird ski day.  The skies were clear and amazingly blue, with nary a drop of precip.  (Are you sure we're still in the Pacific Northwest?)

Sue admires the corduroy

It was another day of sweet turns in perfectly groomed snow.  And a continuation of merriment and laughter on the chairlift rides up.

Mt. Hood makes a nice backdrop for Katie

So far this season, I've been using my telemark skis more than my alpines.  (If I want to hang out with the Tele Ladies, I'd better have my heels free!)  Katie also threatened she wouldn't ski with me if I showed up with alpine boards.

Smile, you're on candid camera!

But the benefit is, my telemark skills have improved dramatically.  The Tele Ladies are a good influence!

Obligatory sunburst pic

As you know by now, my skiing blog posts are not complete without at least one sunburst shot.  Here ya go.  (You're welcome)

Glittering, icy snow

I ran into Dean and Kathy, some of my other good ski friends.  We all teamed up into one large happy group.  The gang traveled around Meadows, finally ending up at the top of Vista Lift.

Our gang high above the clouds

Although the runs off of Vista aren't my favorite, you can't beat the views.  Looking west across the White River Canyon one can see Timberline Lodge and the Mile and Palmer Lifts.  Hovering below the mountain was an impressive cloud bank.

Poor little ice-crusted trees

But conditions up here were definitely not ideal.  The top of Vista always gets the winds, and it appeared they'd scoured every bit of snow off its slopes.  All that was left was a firm, slick base.  And a few sad ice-crusted trees.

Icicles dangle from it's branches

But even though all that ice was nasty to ski over, it sure made the trees look lovely. 

Hood wears a feathery cloud cap

Towards afternoon, the wind picked up and my favorite mountain was wearing a wispy white cap of clouds.  So beautiful!  Yes, I have zillions of Hood photos, but I couldn't resist taking one more.

Just another wonderful ski day with the Tele Trio!

Linking with:  52 Photos Project.


  1. And you have my 'permission' (and thanks) to take and post a zillion more:) LOL
    LOVE your icy trees and cloud capped mountain--so beautiful!

  2. Wow, looks like some pretty wide open spaces there, too! Pretty and wide open.

  3. Love that last photo - you girls sure look like you're having a great time.

  4. That last shot is spectacular!

  5. Coming from the deep South, I can't even imagine this much snow! Lovely photos!

  6. Loving all the white & wide open space in these pics. Thank you for sharing.


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