
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year's Day with the Tele Ladies

I met the Tele Ladies last season on a ski bus Thursday.  They are two incredible woman who still rip telemark turns despite being of retirement age.  Check out last year's post about my friends right here.

Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

Katie and Sue - ready for action!

We telemark skiers like to stick together.  Since meeting the Tele Ladies (aka Katie and Sue), I've teamed up with them several times.  It's always loads of knee-droppin' fun.

A good sunshiney start to 2013!

I have a tradition of skiing New Year's Day.  It's a great time to be on the slopes.  Everyone's too tired (and/or hung over) from staying up late and partying on New Year's Eve.  Ski areas are generally deserted.

The mountains pop out of valley clouds

New Year's Day 2013 found me at Mt. Hood Meadows with my two favorite telemark buddies.  The weather couldn't have been more perfect.  Blue sky as far as the eye could see.  Made for some fantastic views.

Sunshine on the Cascade Lift

Starting out with some easy runs to get the blood flowing, we quickly graduated to the upper Cascade Lift.  From high on the mountain, we were treated to the best views ever.  Foggy clouds clung in the valleys and the higher peaks poked up through the cloud layer.  The skies were so clear we could see distant mountains that normally aren't visible.  Super-scenic!

Two snowboarders savor the view

Lift rides were full of stories and laughter.  I told them of my friend Kim and I's mogul rating system (A - DD, with the very largest being classified as "Dolly Partens").  Sue and Katie loved it - so much that when Sue looked down a slope she reported there was nothing but "Dolly Partens" down there.  (Which made a nearby male snowboarder who overheard us bust out laughing)

Skiing in Hood's shadow

My friends and I decided our little group needed a name.  After several funny suggestions, we settled on the "Tele Trio."  Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

I tried to capture the Tele Ladies in a few skiing action shots.  But I only had my point and shoot camera to work with, and it doesn't do action very well.  Still, I had fun trying.

Here comes Katie!

This one of Katie was a little bit better.  If nothing else, Mt. Hood makes a great backdrop.

And there she goes!

Next time I'll have to lug my digital SLR (aka my "big girl camera") up to the slopes.

First self-portrait attempt

I decided we needed a group photo.  Finding no one around to work the camera, I had the bright idea to prop it on top of a protective foam pad tied around a nearby trail sign.  Setting the timer, I quickly shuffled back up slope, attempting to get into position before the shutter went off.  I made it just fine - but nearly blocked Katie.  Time to try again!

Failed self-portrait attempt

The next two attempts were both failures.  One shot was out of focus, the other very over-exposed (I couldn't figure out why).  Maybe the fourth time was the charm?  Again I set the timer, and began to shuffle into position.  After three attempts, you think I would've had that down.  But no, on shot number four, I tripped over my skis right before the camera clicked.  This is the photo that got captured.  Fail!

Success! (with a little help)

A snowboarder who happened to be passing by witnessed my fall, and took pity on us.  He offered to take our picture.  So I ended up with a good group shot after all!

But you know what?  After getting home and looking over all my photos, I decided I liked the blooper shot best of all.  The expressions on everyone's faces are priceless!  It's a good memory of a very fun day.

A day on the slopes with the Tele Ladies - what a great way to start the New Year!

Linking to:  Share Your Cup Thursday and 52 Photos Project.


  1. That scenery is so beautiful. The skiing looks hard work but great fun. Enjoy the weather.

  2. Nice story- beautiful country- good job

  3. That looks like an awesome day and a great place to ski, it certainly made for fabulous photos. I also like the blooper shot a lot. I need to start skiing again!

  4. Loved your "Dolly Partons!"

    Sounds like a great day.

  5. i love that failed attempt at getting yourself in the shot. looks like you had a blast.

  6. I love the mountain tops coming out of the clouds.

  7. Awesome photos! How wonderful to be able to take photographs from up there on top of the world. Yes, you need to try Tads Chicken n' Dumplins soon - it's the best! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Linda, bloopers are the best because they are real life. Loved each and every pic but that was my all time fav! So fun that you three hit it off so well. Now here's showing how dumb I am. I don't know what a tele turn is. The mountain sure was gorgeous with the sun shining down on you trio of trouble. lol! Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.
    p.s. loved the Dolly comment too!

  9. Awesome shots! I love the way you brought in the new year :) Thank you for sharing.

  10. That looks like lots of fun! outdoors, friendship and laughter--what a great way to charge into 2013!


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