
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Retro Photo - Snow Kids

I haven't done a retro photo post in awhile, so it's time!

This particular image is one I captured of my kids on a rare snowy day.  The Portland area only receives a measurable snowstorm every 5 years or so.  When white stuff does accumulate, the entire metro area goes nuts.  Kids of all ages rush outside to play in the snow.  Which is what we did that day.

This photograph is from around 1992.  My daughter, always the ham, produced one of  her super-cute expressions.  My son, the master builder, couldn't have cared less about the camera, and kept working away on his snowman.  One of the reasons I like this photo is it really captures the different personalities of my kids.

Linking to:  Flashback Friday.


  1. Awesome! I think I have photos of my kids playing outside during this very same snow 'event' :)
    Cute kids BTW!
    Blessings, Aimee

  2. How fun to see this picture and then be able to see the current pic of them on the sidebar. Sweet memories for your family!

  3. What a great shot! I really love how you've captured their personalities - that's priceless. Thanks for linking up on Flashback Friday :)

  4. Such a cute photo of the kids! I had no idea you got such little snow in Portland when you're always skiing not far away.

    Still waiting for snow in Chicago....

  5. This is too cute! Your daughter looks thrilled beyond words. What a wonderful keepsake of that day :)

  6. What a cute photo - it's a keeper! I love snow pictures, especially of our kids when they made snowmen.

  7. What a fun photo - kids and snow go so well together!


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