
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Morning at Fernhill

Time for another photography outing with my neighbor Cheri!  After tagging along with her for a couple of trips, and learning about photographing birds, I got the bug.   After convincing my hubby (aka "Santa") to let me purchase a huge zoom lens for Christmas and acquiring a beefed-up tripod head, I was ready for more avian action.

Great Blue Heron on a post

I had the Friday before Christmas off, and suggested to Cheri that we go out and try to find some birds to shoot (with our cameras of course).

A heron standing guard

Having just received my new lens in the mail, I was itching to give it a test drive.  Cheri suggested checking out a "new to me" wildlife viewing area, the Fernhill Wetlands just outside of Forest Grove.

Cheri looking for eagles

Located near the confluence to two rivers, this low-lying plain was the perfect habitat for migratory birds (and a few locals ones too).  The town of Forest Grove constructed several wetlands for storm water treatment and also added walking trails, parking lots, picnic areas, and a restroom.

We spotted one egret

Cheri and I arrived early on a chilly, foggy, December morning.  At first, we were afraid the fog would hinder our efforts to capture bird images.  But the landscape photographer in me loved the dreamy scenes it created.

Foggy hills

We needn't have worried about seeing birds.  Right off the bat, Cheri spotted a Great Blue Heron perched on top of an old dead tree.  He (or she?) seemed to be standing watch over the adjacent pond.

Artsy fog photo

Cheri, having visited Fernhill multiple times, took off on a path the circled one of the ponds.  She was on a mission - searching for the Bald Eagles that often nested here.

Northern shoveler

Dragging my tripod and heavy lens, I trooped after her.  We saw lots of ducks floating in the ponds and several flocks of Canadian Geese.  But no eagles.  Then Cheri spotted an egret perched on one leg at the edge of a wetland.  We shot a few images of the egret - and then when we weren't looking, it flew away.

Lots of Canadian geese

But Cheri did spot a couple of eagles far, far away on the opposite end of the wetland.  Although we could see them through our big lenses, they still weren't close enough for a good photo.

Close encounter with a heron

As we headed back towards the parking area, Cheri spotted another heron very close to the pathway.  Slowly, she crept closer to the bird.  The heron, of course, wanted nothing to do with the paparazzi and started to walk away.

Walking away from our cameras

A large puddle of water flooded this path.  Being a smart bird, the heron walked to the other side of the puddle (knowing we couldn't follow) and then relaxed next to some bushes.  But Mr Heron was still close enough that we could get some great shots with our big zoom lenses.  And we did.

Geese in flight

This photo below was my favorite of the heron.

Hooray for zoom lenses!

There were many flocks of Canadian Geese hanging out at the wetlands.  I tried my hand at capturing them in flight, but only got one shot that was decent.

More geese hanging out

It had been a great morning, and Cheri and I were ready to head back to her car, when we spotted a bush full of bright yellow birds.

While walking back, we spotted this bush full of birds

So colorful!  We couldn't pass up a chance to grab some images of these beautiful feathered friends.

Cute yellow birdie

My new lens performed well.  I managed to get a couple good images of birds and learned a bit more about the art of capturing moving subjects.  And got more much-needed practice. 

Another fun morning with my photographer buddy!


  1. By the look of the stance of those herons they do not like that weather

  2. You got some really good shots there, good landscape shots (which I would expect on this blog) and also some brilliant close ups of the birds. Now all you have to do is learn all the birds - "cute yellow birdie" just will not do! :)

  3. Gostei bastante de ver estes trabalhos fotográficos, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  4. Hello, beautiful captures of all the birds. I love the foggy scenes too. You did great with the new lens. Have a happy day!

  5. That new lens sounds mighty heavy...being a photographer sure seems like a good workout! Love the shots of the Great Blue Heron!

  6. ...fabulous, I want to take pictures like you when I grow up!

  7. Goldfinches either don't molt there or are returning to the gold. The iowa state bird. They lose their color for the winter here, a sure sign winter is close. That lens makes the difference. I like how you said"shoot with a camera". I showed a group of kids a series of my photos and talked how I had shot pelicans all weekend. A kid asked, "Are they good eating?" obvious wasn't listening to the rest of my pics about shooting.LOL

  8. I've never seen a goldfinch in December... what a great find! But the Great Blue Heron pics are the stars. Always wonderful photos, Linda.

  9. Love those heron shots. The misty landscape is wonderful. That must be some big lens!

  10. Nice shots - it looks like you've got your new lens figured out.

  11. Beautiful shots! I can see why you like that new lens :) That first shot of the Great Blue Heron is my favourite.

  12. Always adds an extra level to walking when you also have an interest in capturing the wildlife and plants. Identification can be the hard part- especially with insects. 1000s of beetles and fungi. Even in different countries continents apart birds doing certain jobs to catch food look similar- just the colours change. Nice photos.

  13. Wonderful shots! You caught on quickly!

  14. Just love your new passion and these 'dreamy' images.

  15. That's nice that you were able to get a new zoom lens! I have one that I enjoy as well. Nice photos of the birds especially the egrets! There was a perigrin falcon on our bird bath last week. Megan said it was really clenching it's feet on the bath rim. I missed it as I was at work. I enjoy reading your blog even though I don't always comment on it. Have a blessed weekend my friend!

  16. Hooray for zoom lens indeed!! You have captured some stunning photos there. Well done!

  17. Beautiful photos ! I can see you live in a magical place!
    Happy weekend !

  18. Some great shots of the heron there. I don’t use my DSLR and zoom lens much these days, too heavy to cart around

  19. Great shots! You are getting to be a birder! I thought of you several times when we were on the Big Island. I know we didn't see everything but we sure enjoyed our time there:)

  20. I am jealous of your new zoom lens, Linda! I have to show my Santa Claus this post for next I'm sure you are enjoying taking photos of the birds there--they are fascinating to watch and I'll be your soon begin a :life list" as other birders do. Enjoy!


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