
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Green Lakes Trail

After spending a splendid (albeit soggy) Friday exploring the amazing fall colors around Clear Lake and the McKenzie River (if you missed it, see that post here), I met up with my brother in Bend.  I had big plans to go on a hike the following day.  However, we woke up that morning to more rain.

Fall Creek lined in gold

The forecast didn't look very promising, calling for a cloudy, drizzly day.  We lingered around my brother's house until way past mid-morning, hoping things would clear.  Finally, getting a bit stir crazy, I suggested we pack our raingear and just go for it.  So we'd get a little bit big deal.

One of the lovely waterfalls on Fall Creek

I'd always wanted to hike the Green Lakes trail all the way to the Green Lakes.  Having only traversed a little over halfway to the famed lakes, this goal was high on my list.  My brother also was interested in exploring more of this trail, so he didn't take much convincing.

More autumn finery

We drove the Cascade Lakes highway to our trailhead in a pouring rainstorm.  A dry hike wasn't looking too promising.  But passing by Mt Bachelor a funny thing happened.  The sky began to clear.  By the time we reached the Green Lakes Trailhead, not only had the rain completely stopped, a tiny bit of blue sky was visible through the clouds.

Walking beside an old lava flow

Completely unexpected, but certainly appreciated, my brother and I hastily grabbed backpacks and started out on the trail before the weather changed it's mind.

Stormy weather to the south

The first part of the Green Lakes Trail (that I'd hiked twice before) follows Fall Creek.  Although gorgeous year-round, autumn colors put on a spectacular show, with golden bushes lining the creek's banks.  A few small waterfalls also added to the beauty.

Ultra-blue water

Two miles in we passed a junction with the Moraine Lake Trail.  After this, the forest thinned out a tiny bit and views opened up.  We got our first glimpse of South Sister through a clearing, and then began a short climb.

This path along the creek was the most beautiful of all

Emerging from the forest into another clearing, my brother and I came upon the most scenic portion of the hike.  Fall Creek wound through a wide plain lined with golden grasses and yellow bushes.  A huge lava flow rose up on one side of the creek, glittering with black obsidian.  Sunshine streamed down from the sky, illuminating everything in perfect light.

More golden bushes

As I looked back toward the direction we'd come, I noticed dark clouds hovering above the adjacent hills.  It looked as though rain might come at any minute.  But where we were standing it was nothing but sunshine!

South Sister

Normally an insanely popular trail, we'd seen maybe a dozen people thus far.  And most of those were heading back to the parking area.  It appeared that the inclement weather (or threat of) had scared most folks away.

Admiring South Sister from Green Lake

Climbing up to another wide-open plain, we were hit by strong wind gusts.  South Sister rose grandly from one direction, while Broken Top Mountain's craggy tip could be seen from the other.  Before us was the blue-gray waters of the largest Green Lake.  We'd made it! 

Beautiful place for a break

There are three Green Lakes in the area, all popular backpacking destinations.  But today we didn't see any tents, or for that matter, any people.  My brother and I followed a side trail to the shoreline of the largest Green Lake and ducked behind a stand of trees to escape the wind.  We had a killer view of South Sister - perfect place for a snack break.

Broken Top Mountain

After inhaling a couple of Cliff bars and some really good trail mix from my brother's backpack, I decided we'd better head back before our good weather window ran out.  So retracing our steps, we trekked back past the amazing lava flow and beautiful creek (with more photo ops).

The water sparkled in the sun

Although I was worried about rain returning, the skies remained sunny and dry the entire trip back.  As a matter of fact, sunshine and blue skies greeted us at the trailhead, illuminating the colorful autumn hues. 

Fall colors back at the trailhead

And Broken Top Mountain looked especially stunning with a dusting of snow.

Broken Top with a dusting of snow

My weekend ended with a trip to my daughter's home and another visit with her cute puppy, who was growing by leaps and bounds.

Cute grand-puppy pic!

Although the day started out wet, a surprise change in the weather made for a memorable trip along the Green Lakes Trail.  Gotta love Central Oregon!

Stats:  9 miles round-trip, 1150 feet elevation gain.


  1. WOW! The scenery is spectacular Linda so thanks for sharing as I know now I will never bee on those beautiful walks

  2. You often get the best conditions for photography just when the rain is clearing - and if you want to be there you just have to start out in the rain. You got so many great photos. "Growing by leaps and bounds" is exactly what young dogs do!

  3. ...I'm glad that you went for it, what a great group of images.

  4. Hello, gorgeous views of the trail. The colors are just lovely and I always enjoy the mountain views. Love your grand-pup! Great hike and photos. Enjoy your day and have a happy weekend.

  5. I've never hiked to any of the Green Lakes, beautiful! You two really lucked out with the weather.

  6. Nothing better than an unexpected and positive turn in the weather when you’ve taken a chance on heading out.

  7. Great scenery there, where is the lava flow from?

    1. All the mountains in the Cascade Range are dormant volcanoes. This lava flow is from an eruption hundreds of years ago.

  8. Totally lovely selection, loved joining your hike.I have been caught in a micro climate out there where it really turns rough.

  9. Luck was with you. The photos are stunning. Glad you and your brother stayed dry.

  10. Beautiful as always. I love how clear the snow line is on the South Sister, it's like somebody drew it.

  11. Beautiful hike. Some of the first mirrors, primitive daggers and cutting tools came from obsidian shards. Still the sharpest natural material on earth and still used today in certain specialist scalpels. A real find to see so much of it.

  12. Hi! You were very lucky that the weather became fine. Hiking with your brother is very cool.

    The South sister photos are very beautiful.

  13. What a cute grandpuppy! You captured the lovely gold colors perfectly!

  14. WOW Linda this turned into an amazing day! I agree so what if you get a little wet, you just have to go because you never know! You took a chance and look at your reward!

  15. Excellent! Glad the rain stopped for you.

  16. Lovely hike, which reminds me, shoot me an email or a text when you get a chance...I'm thinking of coming for a visit!!

  17. Wow, what sensational colours and beauty. A magnificent reward for ceasing the day, plus the company of your brother.


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