
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Those Pesky Pins....

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball.....

Part of last October's bunion surgery on my right foot involved an osteotomy.  An osteotomy is when a bone is cut to shorten or change its alignment.  Because bunions often change the angle of toes, as part of a bunionectomy, the bone sometimes must be realigned.  In my case, the doc removed a tiny sliver of bone from my first metatarsal, rearranged the toe so it was straight again, and pinned the bones back together.  The pins were only temporary, and removal would occur after the bone had completely healed.

X-ray of my right foot

Eight years ago, I had the same surgery on my left foot.  After everything had healed, I asked my doc to postpone pin removal surgery until after ski season.  Well, the pins had other plans, and started to work their way out way earlier than desired, poking up into the skin.  My doc hurriedly fit me into her schedule, extracted the pins, and I ended up missing a month of the season.

This time around, I was paranoid of a repeat.  But after several months, many hikes on the foot, and some short runs, it appeared the pins were behaving.  Not wanting to waste the nice days of summer laid up again, I asked my doc to wait until fall to take them out.  Then I made plans for the summer - lots of  hikes, some backpacking trips, and joining my Monkey Butter Express teammates for another running relay.

Side view

But two weekends ago, things started to go south.  After running 4.5 miles on Saturday, and hiking 5 on Sunday, my foot was swollen and sore.  A tender, tiny bump appeared over my big toe joint.  Was that the head of a pin?

In denial, I took things easy that entire week, thinking it would go away.  But the soreness and bump persisted, and on Friday I finally visited my doctor.  She confirmed my worst fear - one of the pins was moving.  Since I had plans for the next couple weeks (including that relay), we discussed padding the affected area, and scheduling removal surgery for mid-July. 

Tiny troublemakers

Of course, what did I do?  I went hiking later that Friday, and ran 4 miles on Saturday.  I woke up Sunday morning to a swollen, sore foot, forcing me to cancel a hike with a friend.  Monday morning, walking from my car to into work, I felt a stabbing pain.  It was as if the pin was trying to poke through the top of my foot.  I knew right then there was no way I'd be able to run next weekend's relay.  I called my doctor's office the minute it opened, and told her those pins needed to come out - now.

My doc is wonderful.  She worked me in to her surgery schedule right away.  After last Thursday those pesky pins were history.

Back in the boot....again

So....I'm on injured reserve for next couple weeks while the incision heals.  At first I was devastated, forced to drop out of my relay (which I was really looking forward to) and miss hiking during peak wildflower season.

But...on the bright side, I've been home from work all week, allowing me to start catching up on this blog - I'm only a month and half behind!  (You may have noticed the posts have been a bit more frequent lately.)  I've got enough material to cover things while I'm out of action, so no worries - the show will go on!

And after my foot heals this time I'm DONE.  For good.


  1. Well at least it's over and done with! Wishing you a smooth recovery and quick return to what you like doing best!

  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Linda!

  3. I am sorry that pin just couldn't hold in there a little longer for you. I wish you a speedy recovery and take care.

  4. Poor you. Lucky readers. A real shame to miss the wildflowers and the relay. I assume it is the one you dress up in and take turns through the night. Keep smiling and heal well.

  5. So sorry about that Linda! That is no fun. I am afraid I am going to be in the same boat as you are soon, as I have a rotator cuff surgery on my dominant arm, and then two hip replacements. UGH! Not looking forward to that either. All that hiking, biking, and running in my past has caught up with me. Be well and hopefully you will be back to "normal" soon

  6. The main thing is you will be back to normal hopefully. Everyone healthy tends to take it for granted, including me, but its only when things go wrong you realize what a precious gift it is. I had a year out after an accident but managed to bounce back eventually.

  7. You have a good immune just rejects that foreign material from your body! I bet you could go for a drive and catch some wonderful photos:)

  8. Hope you recover well so nothing happens again!

  9. Thankfully it's all over and done with. I hope you recovery well - and quickly!

  10. Linda, I hope you have a quick and thorough recovery. I cannot relate to bunions, but I know about gout. Sending you a hug.

  11. Oh, sorry! Hopefully it will soon be over and you will be back on the trails.

  12. Oh ouch. You would have had to slow down for this heat wave, though, right?

  13. Glad you decided to get help and now you are on the mend. Be patient and take care. It's been fun looking at all your photos and places you've been. I have a line up of my activities as well. Hugs and prayers!

  14. Sorry the pins didn't want to behave. I hope your foot heals quickly.

  15. Broken bones in my foot but lucky I have never had to have pins like that.

  16. Well, as you said the good part is that once it's healed up, it's over! Sometimes we just gotta bite the bullet (or pull the pin) or... :-)

  17. Good luck with your recovery. Take it easy!

  18. Oh poor you! Still, a week off work is a bit of a bonus. Best wishes for your recovery.

  19. EW! So sorry tis is happening to you! I hope you heal quickly and that that's there no need for any more surgery!

  20. Oh my, it is so hard to be out of commission when you are active and want to be out doing stuff. Here's hoping you mend very quickly!

  21. Yikes - that sounds painful! Hope the healing is fast and you're back hiking and running in no time.

  22. Not a good thought to have things moving around in your body. Glad it got taken care of and you won't be out of action for too long. Thanks for commenting on my flying camping trip post. - Margy

  23. Hope you heal quick. It must be making you nuts to have to be missing the hiking.

  24. Ouch! Glad this is all behind you!

  25. Take care of yourself. Don't rush into things

  26. I'm glad you've found ways to keep yourself occupied while being laid up. Hopefully this will be the last time you're out of commission for a while!

  27. Hi! So sorry about your osteotomy. But you are lucky to have a good doctor. I hope you will recover soon.

  28. Hope your recovery is smooth and you find other pursuits to keep you busy. You'll be tearing up the mountains in no time, I'm sure!

  29. Hope you heal quickly, Linda! It is amazing that you were able to do so much when those pins had moved around in your foot. Rest now and get better!

  30. The thought of pins moving around in my bones is a bit creepy... glad they're out, and you won't have to worry about them again. Wishing you a speedy return to the trails!


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