
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pretty Duck

Every spring, we always get a few ducks visiting our backyard koi pond.  Usually just common mallards, the ducky couples are fun to watch.  My hubby always puts out cracked corn for our guests, and some of the ducks get so tame that they march up to our back door quacking if the bowl is empty.

But one early May evening, my hubby came rushing into the house telling me to grab my camera.  A brightly colored Mandarin Duck had landed in our backyard.  We'd never had a duck like this visit - ever!

So of course I charged out to the backyard and snuck up the pretty duck.  But it was so focused on helping himself to our corn bowl, he didn't mind the crazy camera lady following him around. 

I took dozens of shots, but these two turned out to be my favorite.  I'm posting them here for you to enjoy too.

Have a great weekend!

Sharing with:  Saturday's Critters and Our World Tuesday.


  1. What a beauty. I can imagine your excitement at seeing him in your own backyard!

  2. Linda, gorgeous captures of the Mandarin duck!

  3. how nice of him to visit your back yard. Some other ducks have been talking about your corn! Obviously a good spot to get food now! Thanks for sharing your photos. Hope you are enjoying your weekend as well!

  4. That is one gorgeous duck. Never saw one like that before.

  5. These are stunning images of a very beautiful duck. Mallard are great and would be appreciated more were they not so common.

  6. What a gorgeous duck. We've had the usual duck visitors, but none so beautiful as this one.
    I'd say that you
    were the lucky duck!

  7. I think this must be the most beautiful duck in the world and you were so fortunate that he visited your garden. Have a good week ahead.

  8. Such beautiful plumage. What a great addition to your garden during these months. Have a wonderful week xx

  9. Wow Linda, it is a beautiful duck. Lovely shots of the Mandarin Duck. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day!

  10. OMG such a fabulous creature! Look, how nature has mixed and matched the colors.

  11. WOW! This is an amazing looking bird and your shots are so perfect. Great clarity. So exciting that this bird was up for a photo shoot!

  12. What a neat looking's like a fancy version of a wood duck!

  13. Hi! The duck photos are very beautiful. It looks like a miracle visiting duck in your backyard. I think koi or carp is very cool fish too. Thanks for sharing.

  14. What an awesome duck - you caught some great shots of it.

  15. Wow! I can see why you'd get excited about a visitor like that one! :-)

  16. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of ducks waddling up to your door to complain about the empty bowl! The Mandarin obviously only read the good comments on trip advisor.

  17. ✿゚。ه
    Que plumagem impressionante!

    Ótimo domingo! Boa semana!
    ❤❤ه° ·.

  18. How cool is that, to have one in your yard. These ducks have gorgeous colors. You captured them beautifully!

  19. Oh wow! You got some great shots of this beautiful guy, and you didn't even have to leave your yard. Jealous. I think I need a koi pond.

  20. So glad your husband spotted him. Beautiful.

  21. Beautiful looking duck. We get small groups of them in the UK sometimes but I've never seen one this close. Great photos.

  22. Very beautiful shots! These animals are like works of art with their gorgeous colours.

  23. Beautiful, I'd say. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  24. Great shots of this handsome duck!

  25. What a beauty! We had a pond and I fed the ducks. They would eventually peck on the door for food. It was fun to see the many, many babies that came through.

  26. Beautiful Mandarin Duck and great shots!

    Happy week to you ~ Happy 4th of July in the USA
    artmusedog and carol

  27. Stunning images Linda - thank you for sharing this beautiful bird.

  28. Truly amazing--love these!
    Blessings, Aimee

  29. Nice companion for your koi's coming from the same region. Great bird shots.

  30. They are lovely looking ducks aren't they? So colourful.

  31. I've never seen this type of a duck in the wild. We have one in our local park aviary though and they are beautiful. How neat that this one flew into your yard.

  32. What a beautiful and unusual duck to see in your own backyard! I'm glad he cooperated with having his photos taken!

  33. WOW!!! That's a very handsome duck. I hope he comes back and have a family in your yard next spring.

  34. He's stunning! Almost doesn't look real. Great photos.

  35. Your images of this beautiful duck are wonderful. Nice that he was so cooperative for you.

  36. Thanks! These are brilliant photos of the handsome guy. Good for you and the Hubby for leaving out food for the ducks.
    Take 25 to Hollister


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