
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Local Color

I've spent a lot of time this past month traveling to far-away trailheads, in search of fall color. 

But last weekend, I realized there's a lot of leaves turning right here in my own neighborhood.  And things were at their peak.

Such as this lovely maple tree in my backyard.  Wonderful brilliant red leaves!

So I grabbed my camera and decided to document our neighborhood in its full fall glory.

Roger had left his ladder nearby, so I used it to get up close and personal with the tree.

Our neighbor's trees were fast losing leaves.  They made a lovely yellow carpet on the ground.

Just around the corner from my house is the most wonderful bush.  During the year it's just another green spot in the yard.  But come fall, it erupts in several different shades of yellow, orange and red.

It's like looking inside a kaleidoscope.  Photo subjects abound!

Look at this - red, orange and yellow - all in the same branch.

And finally, a photo of my most favorite fall tree of all.  The neighbor lady across the street has this huge tree that turns a mixture of hues in autumn.  When the sun hits its leaves, the tree blazes with color.

This weekend I've noticed already the colors are beginning to fade.  A rainy and windy weather pattern has blown many of the trees bare.  The autumn color show here is a quick but glorious flash in the pan.  Catch it while you can!

Sharing with:  Weekly Top Shot. and I Heart Macro.


  1. The trees photos are beautiful!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  2. Such splendid fall colors :) loved the pictures . Have a good weekend .

  3. Fall is my favourite time of year and your have done a great job photographing it's beauty.

  4. so beautiful. I love fall the colors and the smells are so amazing.

  5. With Bill feeling better, we've tried to do just that this weekend. Just like you, our leaves at home are brilliant and at peak. So gorgeous, but loved seeing some different things through your eyes. Pam (Nomadic Newfies) and I talked about you while we hiked last Monday. Were your ears burning all the way across the country? It was so nice meeting her.

  6. Sharon and I only said nice things, like how you inspire us to take that drive to get a hike in! I don't like driving myself, that's the problem. I'm retraining myself to think of the "reward" for putting up with the drive. I'm dreading this winter already. Great shots, I've been having trouble capturing it the way I want to, but I got a few good ones yesterday here in Indiana.

  7. We've been driving around, too, in the last couple of weeks looking at the leaves. Then we get frost and our own leaves are turning the most glorious colors!
    Your photos are so beautiful!
    I love them!

  8. This week has been gorgeous colors in the Midwest too. That bushy one was my favorite.

  9. Absolutely beautiful!!! I invite you to share this with I Heart Macro this week, and also to participate in the 5th Annual Gratitude (word) Quilt. Instructions and a link that explains the origins of this project can be found at the top of my blog. In past years there have been participants from every continent except for Antarctica. I hope you’ll join us:-)

  10. We had the same idea this week. :)
    Lovely fall color you've captured!
    I believe your neighbor's tree is a sweet gum. They are my favorite as well with all the colors on one tree.

  11. How wonderful you found all of this beauty so close to home -- love the macros and your perspective Linda.

  12. Gorgeous colors Linda ,love those up close and personal shots. I will never tire of seeing the beauty of Fall .
    I do get tired of raking those beautiful leaves though . lol

  13. Linda, I'm so happy you shared with I Heart Macro:-)

  14. Glorious Autumn captures, Linda!

  15. I love Autumn and you've captured it so magnificently :-)

    I'm here from I Heart Macro.

  16. My favorites are the leaves with 2 colors! We don't see that very often. What beauty in your own backyard. Sometimes, that is the most obvious place to look and the last place we see. Thanks for sharing autumn from your yard and lens, Linda.

  17. Gorgeous photos of the leaves. I love autumn colours.

  18. So beautiful! Love all these colours!

  19. Wow, gorgeous color... fall is a photographer's delight! Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #107!

  20. So beautiful! I love the red maple leaves. I see more yellow out here at my place, but I really do love the red!

  21. Beautiful photographs Linda! I adore the yellow, red and orange leaves. I just wish this time would go on and on--well until we get snow that is:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  22. Wow, gorgeous shots Linda. Nothing quite like the brilliant colors of Autumn! Reminds me, I wanted to pick a few leaves to dry. Heading out to do that now.

  23. Lovely - I think that bush is my favorite. The leaves are long-gone in my part of the world.

  24. Really nice series- too many good ones to pick a favorite- you really did a good job with the composition

  25. Wonderful photos and superb colours. Thanks for following me, I've just joined your site too.

  26. Oh you are so fortunate to have all of this beauty in your own backyard!! I just sat back on my sofa and enjoyed it every photo!

  27. You've certainly captured gorgeous colours to enjoy once everything is bare and dull in the winter.

  28. Hi Linda--
    Apparently your parents and mine are neighbors in west Rapid City. My dad sent me the link to this post after your dad mentioned your blog. You inspired me to create my first photo blog post at
    My husband and I live just down I-5 from you in Albany.
    Love your photos!
    Heather M.


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