
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Every year my hubby grows pumpkins in our garden.  Some years, they prosper, other years, we're lucky to get one nice orange one for Halloween.  Many years ago, we grew giant pumpkins.  One of the vines traveled under our fence, into the neighbor's yard, and grew a humungous giant in his flower bed (which we let him keep and carve for his granddaughter).

2013 brought a crop of four nice sized jack-o-lantern sized punkins.  Roger picked them in mid-October, and they resided on our back patio.  Since our kid's haven't been home for Halloween in many years, we don't carve pumpkins anymore.  They just get set outside, as is, for the big night.

Tonight got me thinking of some of the great memories I have of Halloween's past.  When my kids were little, I used to love making their costumes.  Roger and I had a great time walking them around the neighborhood, and taking them to the local mall.

Here they are - my little punkins!  I'm not sure exactly what year this photo was taken, but I think Cody was in kindergarten or first grade, and Denise was probably 3 or 4 years old.  They used to get so excited for trick-or-treating.

Of course, Halloween is not just for kids.  My hubby, who has been told for years he bears a canny resemblance to the character Mario, of the Super Mario Brothers video game fame, finally decided to embrace his alter ego.

Roger assembled an awesome Mario costume.  This is what my hubby looked like when he left for work today.  Isn't he a dead ringer?  (Yes - my husband has been replaced by Super Mario!)

So there you have it - my Halloween punkins - past and present.

Happy Halloween to all my readers!


  1. Your husband does indeed resemble Mario, Linda! Great photos. Happy Halloween!

  2. Linda,
    I like pumpkins too. They're just fun. I would love to have a bunch of them to set on my deck. It's in the garden plans for next year.

    Fun Halloween memories and cute kiddo costumes! I have good Halloween memories too.

  3. Happy Halloween, Linda!

    We carved our pumpkins, but I actually prefer them un-carved.. then we can keep them around looking nice toward Thanksgiving, too.
    But the kids love carving, and so we did last night. These years are definitely about the kids. (just another day for the teenagers, however.. they aren't into it.)
    This was a rare year for us of not growing our own pumpkins. We had just one vine, and too late to bear fruit. Varies greatly year to year!
    Love the idea of your vine sneaking over & giving pumpkins to your neighbor. :) And your Mario is excellent!!

  4. It's Marrr-io! Did he save the princess? The one year we grew pumpkins out at the farm we had so many I had to leave them out on the picnic table in the yard with a FREE sign on it!

  5. You hubby looks like the real thing. :)

  6. Those costumes are so fun! Love the photos. It's so funny that a pumpkin grew in your neighbor's yard! That cracks me up. Those vines do have a mind of their own!

  7. Wonderful photos and memories. I miss my kids being little for Halloween.

  8. Your husband really does resemble Mario :) Lovely pictures Linda. So nice of you to let your neighbor keep the pumpkin to carve for his grand daughter :)

    Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Gorgeous pumpkins Linda--great photos of them! Love your kids photo too--I sure miss those days when mine were that little.
    And, yep, you are married to Mario-no doubt about it!
    PS: Did you hear the forecast for our beloved Cascades? YEA~

  10. Your hubby makes a wonderful Mario.

  11. Perfect pumpkins and I love your hubby's costume -- never too old to dress up! :)

  12. I like video games so this post gave me a chuckle. Your husband could certainly pass for Mario!

  13. Fantastic Super Mario!
    Amazing you can grow those pumpkins in your back yard!


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