
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Weekend 2-fer

Woo-hoo!  I was lucky enough to ski two consecutive days last weekend.  Not only that, I visited two different ski resorts.  From one day to the next, the weather couldn't have been more different.
Size matters!  Click on any photo to enjoy a larger version.

First tracks

Friday, I left foggy, gray Portland bound for Mt. Hood Meadows.  The forecast called for a snowy day, so you can imagine my surprise when pulling into the parking lot, I was greeted with lovely blue skies.

Sunshine on Four Bowl

Not only blue skies, but an inch or so of new snow to boot!

Love the blue skies!

I had a most excellent morning, reacquainting my legs with the mechanics of tele-turns.

Looking down the Face of HRM

And making some tracks through the lovely new snow.

Snowy bushes

Of course, being by myself, I had lots of time to stop and take photos whenever the mood struck me.  Like when I saw this bare bush with snow clinging to its branches.

Sun above clouds

Or when I traveled to the very top of the resort, and spied this wonderful sunburst hovering above the clouds.

Fantastic views from on high

The very top of Hood rose up from the slopes like a great white sentinel.

Afternoon light

Some lunch and a short nap in my car recharged me for the afternoon's session.  The lowering sun provided interesting light on the forest....

I never tire of this view

And on the mountain.  I love this view of Hood in the late afternoon.  One of the great things about skiing Meadows on a sunny day.

Stormy day on Mt. Bachelor

After skiing all day, I packed up and drove two hours to my brother's house in Bend.  Saturday was going to be another ski day.  My first trip to Mt. Bachelor for the season.

The next day dawned, cloudy and windy.  A storm was blowing in.  Arriving at Mt. Bachelor, the first flakes started falling.  Although there would be no blue skies, the prospect of new snow made me giddy.

Trying out some fatty skis

Mt. Bachelor was having free demos that day.  In the market for some new alpine skis, I eagerly stood in line for a chance to try out the latest equipment.  The Salomon folks found me a pair of wide, fat powder boards.  Although a little apprehensive to ride on something that more closely resembled water skis, I agreed to give them a try.

Cold, snowy lift ride

It was love at first turn!  I couldn't believe how well those fatties sliced through the snow.  I took them on the crustiest, most cut up off piste slopes I could find.  And they busted the crud like a hot knife through butter.  Pure magic!  The skis were so much fun, I didn't want to give 'em back.

Lots of snow in Bend!

But after skiing through lunch and half the afternoon, my tired legs and rumbling tummy forced me to take a break.  By then the snowfall that had been falling all day started cranking up the volume.  Driving back into Bend I encountered snowy and slick roads all the way into town.  It dumped snow all night, and we woke Sunday morning to three inches on the ground.

Snow-capped ornaments

The light, fluffy snow was so beautiful.  It sparkled on the trees, and provided the finishing touch to these Christmas ornaments in my brother's yard.  Mt. Bachelor was reporting nine inches of fresh new powder.  Sadly, my legs were too pooped to even consider skiing a third straight day. 

Although not easy to squeeze in, I was glad I carved out time for this quick ski trip.  It was a nice early season break before the holiday madness descends upon my life.

Linking with: This or That Thursday.


  1. What great photos. I love those snow scenes and envy your skiing ability to be able to enjoy them to the full.

  2. Nice shots- beautiful country you have there

  3. Every time I read your skiing posts they make me want to get back out and ski!

  4. Fun times! I love that sun above the clouds photo. Gorgeous!

  5. Looks like so much fun!

  6. Wow, beautiful snow pictures. Looking forward to many more this season!

  7. Gorgeous Linda! Love the pic with the sun shining through. That's how it is here in UT. It will snow, but the sun usually always shines. You amaze me. I haven't skied since college. Probably couldn't even stand up. Hubby and I have plans to go snowshoeing during the holidays.

  8. Thank YOU so much for putting a smile on my face today! Your photos were just what I needed today...LOVED them! :)

  9. Beautiful pictures. I know snow makes you happy !!!!

  10. I love these snow photos! I've never been skiing- and these kind of make me want to try! :)


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