
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Giveaway!

One of the best things about having a blog is hearing from so many interesting, wonderful people.  When I first started blogging, I didn't expect many readers.  (After all, I'm just a nerdy engineer who likes to take photographs)  Then, every once and awhile I'd get a comment.  Total validation - someone out there liked my post enough to say something.  It really made my day!

My readership has really taken off this year.  Just this month, I reached the 40,000 pageviews mark.  I consistently get comments on most every post (there are some really wonderful people who always leave a comment!  I love it!)  Linda's Lens has grown to 50 followers on Google Friend Connect, and 36 on my new Facebook page.  Small potatoes compared to some blogs, but I'm absolutely thrilled!

To thank all you readers who faithfully follow and comment, I'm sponsoring my first-ever giveaway.  For family Christmas presents this year, I printed up calendars featuring my favorite photographs from my blog over the past year.  I happen to have an extra calendar, that I'd like to give to one lucky reader.

To be eligible to win this fine calendar, you must do the following:

1.  If you don't already, sign up to follow my blog, either on Google Friend Connect or Facebook.  There are buttons my blog's sidebar to assist you with this process.

2.  Leave a comment on this post or the Linda's Lens Facebook page.  What's your favorite Linda's Lens photo/blog post from 2012?

All comments must be received by 5 pm PST Sunday, December 30th, 2012.  The winner will be determined by random drawing.  I'll announce the lucky person's name on December 31st.

Due to large amounts of spam I kept getting this past fall, I've changed my blog settings so that only registered users can comment.   Hopefully this won't hinder anyone, but if you have troubles commenting or getting registered, please email me at:

Again, thanks so much to all of you for reading, commenting, and taking interest in my stories.  Merry Christmas to you all!  And stay tuned for my annual year-end recap "2012 in Photos" post coming your way on December 31st.


  1. Hi Linda, just popping in to say Merry Christmas and thank you for leaving comments on my blog ;-)

  2. Now that the post is up I can leave an official, "enter me in the contest" post! :-) I'm already a follower and my favorite post was the one you did on the hike to the Lewis and Clark spot. I so want to come out there and do that hike with you someday.

    Congrats on your numbers - It's always a thrill for me when I get new followers as well.

  3. I would love to have the calendar. I am already a follower, but I couldn't even remotely begin to pick a favorite post. ANY of the hiking reports would do as I've loved them all. They've certainly motivated me to want to head westward to do some hiking of my own!

  4. already a follow. and it is no wonder you have grown between the running the hiking and all the beautiful scenery that you show it is always fun to peek in at your spot.

    thanks for a wonderful year and adding to my list of places to go. can't really pick a favorite but love any of the trail hikes you do and really like the series on the hood to river post as well.

  5. You are an awesome photographer! I follow :) I always love seeing where you've been. Your hikes are always so beautiful.

  6. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy 2013 :)

  7. Oh Linda. Too late as always! I ....wait a minute...what's the time in your neck of the woods?! I just love all your photos. I so wish I could take them like you! I would to own one of your calendars! Perhaps you don't post to the UK though?
    I can only seem to get wifi in the middle of the night in this hospital so I have been trying hard to send a Christmas post. It's taken forever as I've kept losing the wifi and then he post. Oh I wish I'd visited before trying o post. It's 3.42 here....just the right time to post....concha think?
    Whether I'm lucky or not I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas. Joan

  8. Joan - you are not too late. You have until next Sunday, 12/30. And if I draw your name, I'll mail to the UK. Hope you are feeling better!

  9. ...a cute idea! But no calendars are needed for I did the same thing with our photographs thanks to the ease of shutterfly!

    Also, our humane society did a fundraiser where all pictures submitted with a check made it into the their calendar. They sold so many...and there are so many rescues in it...such a good idea for them.

  10. Looks like a nice calendar. I remember getting my first comment on my blog, and I still enjoy getting them today.

  11. Pleased to hear it's going well


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