
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Autumn Wonderland at Mt. Rainier

In trying to catch up from a very busy photographic autumn, I thought I'd share another of my more memorable experiences.  This post features a late September visit I made to Mt. Rainier National Park.

Mt. Rainier rises above the Wonderland Trail

This park is beautiful in August, when wildflowers carpet the mountain's upper slopes.  I try to get to the mountain annually for the flower show, but this year it didn't happen.  However autumn is also spectacular.  Due to the high elevation, this seasonal change happens early, so come September you don't want to dawdle for fear of missing the entire thing.  Knowing that time was running out, I hightailed it up there for two days last September.

Marmot at attention

Not only wildflowers and fall colors, Mt. Rainier NP is also the place to see wildlife.  Marmots are plentiful on the high tundra surrounding the mountain.  As a matter of fact, on this day I started my hike from the Sunrise Visitor Center and took the Wonderland Trail all the way to Skyscraper Point.  As I began to climb the final mile to my turnaround goal, a baby marmot popped out of a hole right next to the trail!

The little guy popped out of a hole right next to the trail!

Upon seeing me standing right beside him, the little guy quickly disappeared down his hole.  But I backed off and waited, and sure enough the marmot reappeared.  As long as I kept my distance, I was able to watch this marmot and his parent ramble around the grassy area above the trail.

I spied a large mountain goat herd

One of my hopes for this trip was to see some mountain goats.  They are plentiful here at Mt. Rainier NP, but on past visits I've always missed seeing the resident herd.  But on this day, while climbing up to Skyscraper pass, a hiker heading in the opposite direction pointed out a group of these fluffy white creatures on top of a nearby ridge.

Goats on the move

Although the goats were a fair distance away, I'd carried a zoom lens just for this purpose.  The extra magnification enabled me to get some decent photos.  And it was fun to watch the herd's antics through the lens.

Grazing in the shadow of the mountain

On my trip back down from the pass, I noticed the mountain goats still atop the ridge.  Pausing to watch them for a second time, I was delighted when the herd rose and began walking downhill towards the trail.  Although the goats eventually turned and wandered farther away from where I stood, I was able to get more photos from a closer distance.  I watched the goats for quite a long time and then, deciding it was time to move on, continued my hike.

During my descent, I kept looking back at the herd.  When I was a good half mile away, all the goats began to move again.  This time they traveled back towards where I'd been standing and walked right across the trail!  Darn!  I kicked myself for not staying longer.  However, wild animals are not predictable.  I consoled myself with the thought that I couldn't have anticipated their movements.

Golden-mantled ground squirrel posing for me

Back down the Wonderland Trail I hiked.  In addition to marmots, the alpine tundra here was home to dozens of golden-mantled ground squirrels.  I kept seeing these chipmunk-like animals darting between the boulders.  One little guy posed atop a large rock and didn't move, even when I got fairly close.

Adorable pika!

Back at my car, it was still midafternoon, so I decided to hike another trail.  A short distance down the road from the Sunrise visitor center was Sunrise Point.  Located at a hairpin bend in the road, it's a popular place for tourists to take in great views of Mt. Rainier.  It's also a trailhead for the Palisades Lake Trail.  Having never before hiked this trail, I thought today was a good time to check things out.

Pike giving its special call

From the parking area, this trail plummeted steeply downhill for the first mile.  But passing by a talus slope I head the faint "meep" of a pika call.  Zoom lens came back on my camera and I positioned myself at the foot of the slope, hoping to get a glimpse of this shy little creature.

Luckily, my wait was short.  A pika poked its head out, and then to my delight, climbed atop a rock and sat.  Slowly I walked towards the little creature, snapping images as I went.  The pika let me get rather close before diving back into the boulder field.  But he remerged several feet up hill, long enough to give out his distinctive "meep" warning noise before disappearing once again.  

I was so happy to see one of these adorable little rock-rabbits and get a bunch of great photos too.  Along with the mountain goat sighting, one of my trip highlights!

Rainier at sunrise

The following morning I rose early to capture sunrise from the Sunrise Visitor Center (sunrise at Sunrise, ha-ha!)  I walked a short distance up the main path and stood with my camera at the ready.  A young couple hiked up and stopped nearby.  Busy photographing the morning light on Mt. Rainier, I didn't pay attention to what the couple was doing.  It wasn't until a passing hiker exclaimed "congratulations" did I discover the man had just proposed to his girlfriend.  Apparently he'd traveled all the way from Texas to pop the question here at Mt. Rainier NP.

Mountain reflections in Upper Tipsoo Lake

With the sun now rising in the sky, I left the happy couple and returned to my car.  I had one more stop for the day - nearby Tipsoo Lake and the Naches Peak Loop.

Mt. Rainier view from the Naches Peak Trail

It had been several years since I'd hiked this amazing short trail that loops through some of the best scenery in the park.  The last time here was during peak wildflower bloom and it was nothing short of incredible.  But I'd yet to see the trail decked out in fall colors.  Today was the day!

Outstanding fall colors!

I decided to start my hike from Tipsoo Lake and go counterclockwise.  I remembered there were some great Rainier views from this first portion of the trail.  

More blazing red huckleberry leaves

Oh my were the fall leaves spectacular!  The trail was lined with huckleberry bushes that had turned the most dazzling shades of red, orange and yellow.  

Grand view near a small tarn

And the views of Mt. Rainier were amazing too.  It was a good thing I started the trail where I did, as I got some clear views of the mountain.  About halfway through my hike I noticed the mountain starting to be obscured by clouds and by the time I finished, it was totally covered.

Looking towards Dewey Lake

About halfway into my loop I intersected with the Pacific Crest Trail.  I ran into a couple of people who were through hiking the entire trail.  Always fun to chat with these determined hikers.

Another small tarn with a jaw-dropping view

Although for the first couple of miles I had the trail nearly to myself, by the time I started down the PCT, the masses were out.  This loop is wildly popular and always brings out the crowds.  Of course, I totally see why.

Golden meadows

The last mile was probably my favorite.  The forest cleared and the trail routed through several golden meadows.  The clearings were dotted with colorful huckleberry bushes.  The gold and red hues made for some amazing photo subjects.

A huge patch of red-leaved goodness

I thought the Naches Peak Loop was amazing during the summer wildflower bloom, but now I think it's even better with peak autumn colors.  Definitely a must-do next year!

A very popular trail for good reason!

Glad I made the trip up north to get my yearly Mt. Rainer fix.  Critters and fall colors....what more could I ask for?  


  1. Absolutely beautiful images--- I confess that we can't quite get around like we used to, so I'm doubly glad to see these.

  2. ...thanks for taking me along to see these gorgeous scenes, Merry Christmas.

  3. Absolutely spectacular! You were so fortunate to see all the wildlife AND have some gorgeous fall colors AND the always awesome views!

  4. Awesome photos built around Mt Rainier. Autumn colors show well.

  5. Such awesome photos, love them all. Merry Christmas.

  6. The sunrise photos are stunning! I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  7. Really outstanding images. Smart of you to take a zoom lens. That's an area I would really like to hike someday. Have a Happy New Year!

  8. Soooooo totally worth this visit for you and definitely for us. Absoultely stunning scenery and creature images! Oh, I wish!

  9. I love Mt. Rainier. We have never seen the goats. You scored on the lake and tarn scenery! Wow!


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