
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Kim Visits South Dakota (Part 1)

(These next few posts will recap a trip from last May-June when I took my buddy Kim with me to visit family in South Dakota.)

Long time readers of my blog know I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and travel here annually to see family.  My good friend Kim had never visited the Black Hills and she'd always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore.  So when I asked Kim if she wanted to join me on my next family visit, the answer was a resounding yes!

Kim made it to Mt. Rushmore!

The first couple days of our S. Dakota visit were spent at my sister's cabin, deep in the Black Hills.  It rained a lot, so we spent most of our time watching the thunderstorms roll through.  But the third day dawned sunny and clear.  Perfect for our planned trip to Mt. Rushmore!

The four faces

Having grown up 20 miles away from the famous faces, I've seen Mt. Rushmore countless times.  But I have to admit it was special to be with my friend for her first visit.  Kim was as impressed as I thought she'd be.  

My parents were here too

Carved between 1927 and 1941, Mt. Rushmore was the creation of sculptor Gutzon Borglum.  The faces of four prominent US presidents were blasted onto a large, granite mountain - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.  Mt. Rushmore is now a US National Memorial.

Rushmore selfie

After roaming around the memorial, oohing and aahing at the faces, and taking copious photos, Kim and I took my parents to lunch nearby at our family's favorite Black Hills restaurant - the Alpine Inn.

Lunch at Alpine Inn

Located in the cute town of Hill City, not far from Mt. Rushmore, this Bavarian-themed restaurant is a favorite of locals and tourists alike.  As a matter of fact, the place fills up so fast my family usually tries  to be there right when they open at 11 am to ensure we get a table.  The food is great, but my favorite is choosing a decadent dessert from their extensive menu.  This time Kim and I split a chocolate parfait.


Walk around Sylvan Lake

After all that food and chocolate, it was time for some exercise to burn it off.  I drove over to scenic Sylvan Lake in Custer State Park.  There's no better place in the Black Hills for a beautiful stroll.

Kim walks through the narrow chasm

My parents opted to stay near the parking lot, but encouraged Kim and I to walk the path around the lake.  So I led my friend across a bridge, through a narrow chasm and up the side of a large granite boulder.  

Climbing up the granite

The skies were blue and full of fantastic puffy clouds.

Beautiful day!

To finish off our first day in the Black Hills, I drove Kim through a portion of the famous Needles Highway in Custer State Park.  This road winds around tall granite pinnacles, occasionally ducking through narrow tunnels.  Super scenic, it's my most favorite drive in the Black Hills.

Needles Highway

The following day, I took Kim to another of my favorite South Dakota places, Badlands National Park.

The next day - Badlands!

The Badlands is comprised of sedimentary rocks that have eroded into spectacular shapes - sharp pinnacles, rounded mounds, and jagged hills.  Uncovered rock layers provide colorful stripes on the hills.  Numerous fossils have been found here and it's considered one of the world's richest fossil beds.  The mixed-grass prairie is home to lots of wildlife - bison, bighorn sheep, black-footed ferret and prairie dogs.

We saw one bighorn sheep

Although the scenery is spectacular, the main reason I keep visiting the Badlands is for the wildlife.

I love this overview

We spotted a huge buffalo right by the entrance booth.  Not far into the park, I also stopped to photograph a lone bighorn sheep.  But other than those (and hundreds of prairie dogs, which to me don't count) there wasn't much going on that day in the wild animal department.

There was lots of green in between the rock formations

However, it was another beautiful day and the bountiful rainfall that the area had been getting made everything super green.

Taking a hike

Stopping to take a hike on a nearby boardwalk, Kim and I noticed the trailhead kiosk was full of cliff swallow nests.  These birds were building their mud abodes underneath the kiosk's eaves.  Finally more wildlife to photograph!  I may have taken a few images of these cute, colorful birds.

I found a bunch of cliff swallows making nests

While driving to the Badlands, Kim had noticed several signs for Wall Drug along the highway.  She asked what it was.  When we finished our Badlands tour, I swung by the nearby tiny town of Wall so Kim could find out.

Of course we had to stop by Wall Drug!

Wall Drug was the brainchild of the Hustead family.  During the depression, they were struggling to keep their drugstore open.  In order to lure in business, the Husteads created signs advertising "free ice water" and "5 cent coffee."  They placed signs along all the popular roadways leading into Wall.  Their advertising worked, and the business prospered.

Ride 'em cowgirl!

Wall Drug has evolved into a major tourist attraction.  These days, it's a huge complex featuring a restaurant, several gift shops, a Western art gallery, and the famous backyard, full of animatronic scenes and photo op props such as a giant jackalope.  When I was a kid, stopping at Wall Drug was a big deal (at least for South Dakota!)

Jackalopes are a thing here

And speaking of can even buy your very own jackalope head to hang on your wall!

Playin' cards with Poker Alice

We had lunch, walked around the numerous gift shops, and posed for goofy photos whenever possible.  I think Kim had a good time.  I know I did!  

Stay tuned for Part two of Kim's South Dakota adventure!


  1. Always good to get shown around by someone with local knowledge - and I know from the time I spent as a hiking guide that it's also fun to see the reactions of people to scenes which may be familiar to you but are new to them.

  2. Love the scenery from South Dakota, wonderful collection of photos. Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...a place that I would like to visit.

  4. What a fun time you both had. I never seen Mt. Rushmore so thanks for showing the sights. Looking forward to seeing more of your travels. Have a great week.

  5. Believe it or not, we've been to Wall Drug! It was in 1990, taking our kids to the west coast, camping along the way. Our boys got a helicopter ride over the badlands, but we skipped Mt. Rushmore.

  6. What a fun time. This is an area my wife and I have always wanted to visit, but never have. Perhaps one of these days. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

  7. I'm sure Kim had the best time. You are fantastic travelling buddies. Where to next?
    So lovely to see a photo of your Mum and Dad.

  8. A fun post! I haven’t been to those places, but I’ve seen pictures of many of them.

  9. Your parents are looking good! You gals are having a good time!


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