
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Turkeys and Deer in the Snow

My visits to see family in South Dakota have historically been confined to summer months, when the weather is good.  However, my parents aren't getting any younger, and now that I'm retired there's no excuse for me not visiting more frequently.  So I decided to do something I haven't done in nearly 30 years - go to South Dakota in the winter.

Three does checking me out

I planned my trip for the end of January.  Checking the local weather a few days before my departure, things didn't look too bad.  But after I arrived, the forecast changed dramatically.  A snowstorm dropped 12 inches one day, and the temperatures plunged below zero (Fahrenheit) for two straight days.

Another curious doe

What was I thinking?  The frigid weather had me realizing why I hadn't done a wintertime visit in many years.

Turkey in the snow

Despite the weather, I still had fun.  All that time spent indoors provided great opportunities to catch up with family members.

Turkeys huddled under the neighbor's bush

And I didn't have to travel far to photograph wildlife.  The resident deer and turkeys made daily visits to my parent's backyard.

Young buck

So enjoy these photos of the hardy animals who make South Dakota their home. (I think I took more critter photos than family pics!)

Snow on the pine trees

Lone turkey

Snow-covered turkey

Another trio of does

Huge turkey flock

My dad plowing the driveway

My dad is amazing.  Even though in his mid-80's, he still gets out to shovel and plow the driveway.

Time to shovel again!

One thing for sure, visiting an area that has real winters makes me appreciate the rainy, mild climate where I live.


  1. ...Linda, you captured some gorgeous images!

  2. Lovely photos of the wildlife in these harsh conditions. I'm not jealous of those who have this weather for weeks on end. Our usual ration of one snowy day per winter is sufficient for my present needs.

  3. It looks beautiful from afar. I don't think I would like to live through winters like that.

  4. Yes, your Dad is amazing! I checked google maps to see what your route would look like. That is quite the adventure to take on during winter. Oh the things we do in retirement when we have the time and can be spontaneous and flexible. Your photos are beautiful and I bet you had some beautiful sights during your drive there and back home again.

    1. Although I usually drive, this time I flew. That's just too long a drive to do in the winter.

  5. Winter must be particularly harsh for the elderly, but your Dad looks amazing. Love all the photos but I had a real giggle re your comment about more photos of wildlife than family!

  6. Your Dad needs a Ranger with an enclosed cab to snowplow! Snow removal is such hard work. Glad you had a good visit!

  7. Great post! I have never gotten such good pictures of turkeys!

  8. That is a big flock of turkeys! We see one or two now and then, but never as many as you saw. Deer in the snow are always beautiful to see. Bravo to your Dad! I like his sit on snow plow.


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