
Friday, January 13, 2023

2022 Hiking Challenge Recap (Warning - Nerdy Post Ahead!)

It's time for my annual facts and figures hiking post.  I create this post for my own benefit - to memorialize my hiking year and provide accountability on reaching goals.  If you don't want to wade through a bunch of nerdy statistics, feel free to just breeze through the pretty photos.  But if perusing a bunch of data is your jam, then by all means, read on!

To say this was a frustrating year for hiking is an understatement.  I was powering along, getting in lots of hikes, even making it up Hardy Ridge every month, when in late April things came to a screeching halt.  Out of nowhere, my left heel started hurting after every hike.  Soon, even short walks made it ache.  In denial for a couple of months, I tried to keep hiking, thinking it would eventually get better,  But by mid-June I realized I had a full-blown case of plantar fasciitis and if I didn't let my foot rest it would never heal.  So all my ambitious hiking goals I'd set in January went flying out the window.

Hike #25 - Amanda's Trail

However, despite being laid up for most of the summer I was still able to complete 62 hikes this year.  Specifically here are the numbers:

Total number of hikes in 2022:  62

Total number of miles hiked:  364 miles

Total elevation gain:  65,555 feet

(Just a reminder, all these hikes have been recorded on a separate blog page titled "2022 Hiking Challenge" accessed via a tab directly below my blog header.)

Hike #52 - Black Butte from upper trailhead

As far as meeting the goals laid out at year's beginning, I did meet two.  34% of my hikes were on "new to me" trails, surpassing the requirement that 25% of my hikes be on new trails.  And I did capture a creative selfie on all of my hikes.  As far as the other goals go, well......I'd just as soon forget I ever made them.  

Hike #40 - Glacier Bay National Park

So let's move on!  In other stats:

50% of my hikes were solo.  I really enjoy company as I did more hikes with friends this year.  The people I hiked most with were Debbie and Barry (13 hikes!) but also my Hubby, Catherine, Kim, and Young and John accompanied me on a few.

My busiest hiking months - a 5-way tie between January, March, April, May, and October with 7 each.  My slowest months were June and December with 1 each.

My longest hike was the February edition of my Hardy Ridge attempt at 9.5 miles at 2650 feet of elevation gain.

Hike #10 - Moulton Falls Loop

Hardy Ridge wins the prize with the most repeats at 5.  But I made 5 visits to Stub Stewart State Park (although hiking mostly different trails) so it deserves an honorable mention. 

35% of my hikes were out of state, with 21 of the 22 being in Washington, and the other lone hike in Alaska.

I visited a total of 21 new trails in 2022.  For someone who's been hiking in the area for nearly 30 years, I'm really proud of myself for discovering new places.  High gas prices forced me to look for hiking trails closer to home.  Never discount the nearby state parks and natural areas, I found some really great trails that I'll be returning to in 2023.

Hike #28 - Triple Falls Trail

My top ten favorite hikes of 2022 (in calendar order):

Hike # 2 - Gnat Creek Trail, 1/9/22

Hike # 10, Moulton Falls Loop, 2/7/22

Hike # 17, Labyrinth to Catherine Creek, 3/16/22

Hike # 20, Trail of Ten Falls, 3/23/22

Hike # 25, Amanda's Trail, 4/24/22

Hike #28, Triple Falls Trail, 5/3/22

Hike # 40, various trails in Glacier Bay National Park, 8/10/22

Hike # 43, Skyline and Golden Gate Trails, Mt. Rainer NP, 8/25/22

Hike # 52, Black Butte from Upper Trailhead, 10/20/22

Hike # 60, PCT from Bonneville Trailhead to Greenleaf overlook, 11/13/22

Hike #17 - Labyrinth to Catherine Creek

And, of course, my personal awards for hikes this year:

Hike #2 - Gnat Creek Trail

Favorite New Trail:  The Gnat Creek Trail in the Oregon Coast Range.  This one was a hidden gem, mossy green and beautiful, following two lovely creeks.  I'll definitely be returning!

Hike #29 - Mosier Plateau

Best Spring Wildflowers:  There's so many great places in the Columbia River Gorge to see fields of colorful wildflowers, however this year the nod goes to the Mosier Plateau.

Hike #43 - Skyline Trail, MRNP

Best Sumer Wildflowers:  No contest here, again it's the beautiful Skyline Trail in Mt. Rainier National Park.

Hike #60 - PCT from Bonneville TH to Greenleaf Overlook

Best Fall Colors:  There are many great places throughout Oregon and Washington, but this year my award goes to the Pacific Crest Trail between the Bonneville Trailhead and Greenleaf Overlook.  Thanks to my friends Young and John for showing me this lovely fall paradise.

Hike #1 - Dry Creek Falls

Best Winter Hike:  The 2022 best winter hike was a New Year's Day trek to Dry Creek Falls in the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge.  Frozen waterfalls for the win!

Hike #7 (and 13, 19, 27, 33) - Hardy Ridge

Most Challenging Hike:  My five attempts to climb Hardy Ridge from January to May.  I endured deep snow, icy tread, strong winds, and on the last two tries, a throbbing left foot that had me limping the final mile.

Hike #20 - Trail of Ten Falls

Best Waterfall Hike:  Silver Falls State Park's Trail of Ten Falls is always a winner.  This time I hiked it in late March and was mesmerized by all the full, gushing cascades. 

Hike #42 - Timberline Trail to Zigzag Canyon

Best Selfie:  Only the photos that I took by balancing my camera on my backpack, or other device count in this category.  This year the photo I took of myself and Kim and the edge of Mt. Hood's Zigzag Canyon is the winner.  Kim had her doubts when I propped my camera on top of my backpack and set the timer.  But I managed to not only get us both smiling, I also got Mt Hood in the frame.  I was pleased that the image turned out so well. 

Hike # 43 - Skyline Trail, MRNP

And my Favorite Hike of 2022:  Gotta go with the Skyline Trail at Mt. Rainier NP.  Fields of wildflowers coupled with fantastic mountain views, throw in a few wildlife sightings, and we have a winner!

So......what's in store for 2023's hiking challenge?  A big, fat nothing!  After setting ambitious goals for the past two years only to have them foiled by health issues, I've decided to take a year off.  I'll continue to record my hikes under a new "2023 Hikes" page on my blog, but that's it.  So follow along if you'd like and see where this year takes me.


  1. ...the most beautiful nerdy post that I've seen in years.

  2. So many lovely hikes despite your plantar issues! I am currently dealing with some knee I definitely understand and "feel" your pain! Perhaps not setting goals will trick this year into being a really good hiking year!

  3. Wow, 62 hikes, that's impressive! I can't get even close to that. I manage a desert hike every 2-3 weeks.

  4. Quite an achievement. Beautiful photos with which to dilute the statistics.

  5. You did good, a sore foot and still managed some great hikes. The photos are beautiful.
    Happy Sunday, have a great new week!

  6. Details and numbers are my kind of "jam"! Being an adventurer at heart with a hiccup or two veering you off track, you still found ways to have an amazing journey through 2022!

  7. You are amazing, Linda! I loved every photo,and the record keeping of all your accomplishments. Keep up the good work in 2023!

  8. You hiked a lot under the circumstances. I wish I could hike but I now have a bad ankle and a problem with the other hip. Please consider avoiding solo hikes in places where you do not have cell phone coverage because if you get injured far from the trail head, you will have a serious problem.

  9. I loved reading all stats. Well done to you, given the plantar fasciitis. Exceptionally beautiful, image choices.

  10. Loved the recap and the photos! Hope you get to do some great hikes this year:)


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