
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2021 Hiking Challenge - Year End Recap (and Other Nerdy Hiking Stats!)

It's time once again to take a deep dive into my hiking numbers for the past year.  If you're not into geeky statistics, you might want to just scroll through the pretty pictures and move on to the next blog.  But - if you don't mind wading through a bunch of facts, figures, and opinions, then read on!  

Here we go......

Hike #50 - Boulder Lake, Bonney Meadows

From the spreadsheet created specifically to track my hikes in 2021, here are the results:

Total number of hikes completed:  65

Total number of miles hiked:  431 miles

Total elevation gain:  84,880 feet

Hike # 14 - the Labyrinth

Although I was able to complete the same number of hikes as in 2020, the mileage and elevation gain were down from the previous year.  This is due mostly to the two-month period where I did no hiking, thanks to June's emergency brain surgery and subsequent recovery period.  Even when I was deemed well enough to start hiking again, I had to begin with short mileage and low elevation gain while working myself back up to pre-surgery fitness.  Despite these health issues, the fact that I was still able to finish 65 hikes last year was somewhat of a miracle, and I'm proud of this accomplishment.

Hike # 13 - Edison Butte Snopark Snowshoe

Other interesting (to me anyway) stats:

58% of my hikes were solo.  The friends I hiked with most were Debbie and Barry (since they are retired too!) and I logged 7 hikes with them and one additional hike with just Debbie.

March and October were my busiest hiking months, tallying 9 each.  During July I completed a big fat zero hikes, due to recovering from brain surgery.

My longest hike was 12.5 miles (hike #34 Truman Trail), the most elevation gain in one hike was 3000 feet (hike #33 Nick Eaton Ridge), and my shortest hike was 1.5 miles (hike #65 Short Loop, Edison Butte Snopark).  

As per usual I didn't repeat many trails.  Hardy Ridge wins the prize for the most repeats at 5, but that was because I was trying to hike it every month of the year.

34% of my hikes were out of state.  However I only hiked in one other state last year, and that was neighboring Washington (so 34% of my hikes were in Washington!)

Hike #55 - Pinnacles Trail

So, how about my hiking goals for 2021?  How did I do?  As you may recall, these goals were:

  • 30 new PCT miles for 2021
  • 5 backpacking trips (a goal I didn't accomplish in 2020, I'm gonna try again)
  • 25% of my hikes must be on "new to me" trails
  • One hike must be a long (16+ mile) dayhike
  • One hike must be a high elevation gain (4000 feet plus) dayhike
  • Capture a creative selfie for each hike and post it on this page
  • And.....I'm gonna hike the Hardy Ridge trail once every month of 2021! 

Hike #34 - Truman Trail


Goal #1 - Not accomplished.  I only recorded a paltry 7 new PCT miles for 2021.

Goal #2 - Not accomplished....sigh, for a second straight year......

Goal #3 - Accomplished!  32% of my hikes were on "new to me" trails.

Goal #4 - Not accomplished.  My longest dayhike was 12.5 miles.

Goal #5 - Not accomplished.  My highest elevation gain on a hike was 3000 feet.

Goal #6 - Accomplished!  I was able to get selfies for all of my hikes.

Goal #7 - Not accomplished.  I hiked the Hardy Ridge Trail in January, February, April, May and November.  That's all.

Hike #57 - Eagle Creek Trail

As  you can see, 5 of these 7 hiking goals went uncompleted this year.  Most of the blame falls on my June surgery and recovery, but I did have 6 months of good health prior to everything going haywire.  Being busy with things other than hiking, the main two being photography and skiing, cut into some of my time, and the weather was also a factor.  With a full year of retirement now under my belt I've had a chance to see how this "not having a job thing" really works.  Armed with the knowledge of how I really spend my time will hopefully help me allot things differently next year.

Hike No. 37 - Multnomah-Wahkeena Loop

Let's move forward and focus on the positive - My top 10 favorite hikes for 2021, by date completed:

Hike # 9 - Mirror Lake Snowshoe, 2/24/21.

Hike #13 - Edison Butte Snopark Snowshoe, 3/7/21.

Hike # 14 - the Labyrinth, 3/12/21

Hike # 34 - Boundary Trail and Truman Trail, 5/29/21

Hike # 37 - Multnomah-Wahkeena Loop, 6/8/21

Hike # 42, PCT to Sawtooth Mountain, 9/11/21

Hike # 50 - Boulder Lake and Bonney Meadows, 10/7/21

Hike # 55 - Pinnacles Trail, 10/23/21

Hike # 57 - Eagle Creek Trail, 11/2/21

Hike # 62, Ape Canyon Trail, 11/21/21

Hike #62 - Ape Canyon Trail

Favorite New Trail:  It's a toss-up between the PCT to Sawtooth Mountain, in the Indian Heaven Wilderness (fantastic fall colors!) and the Labyrinth on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge.  Both trails will definitely be repeated in 2022.

Hike #42 - PCT to Sawtooth Mtn

Most Challenging Trail:  This year the nod goes to the Truman Trail on Mt St Helens' north side, which I hiked towards the end of May.  It was a long, hot 12.5-mile trek through barren wasteland, leveled by the 1980 blast.  But, oh the views!

Best Spring Wildflowers:  Definitely the Dalles Mountain Ranch.  This place always puts on a good flower show.  After being closed in 2020 due to COVID, it was nice to return to one of my favorite spring wildflower spots.

Hike #23 - the Dalles Mtn Ranch

Best Fall Colors:  Again, a tie between PCT to Sawtooth Mountain (the huckleberry bush colors were incredible!) and my old favorite, Central Oregon's Clear Lake.

Best Winter Hike:   Definitely the magical morning I spent snowshoeing to Mt Hood's Mirror Lake.  Fresh snowfall, no people, and clear skies made this the obvious winner.

Hike #9 - Mirror Lake Snowshoe

Best Selfie Award: This goes to an image I snapped of myself last spring while hiking the Swale Canyon portion of Central Washington's Klickitat Rail Trail.  I didn't even use my phone - instead I turned my camera around on myself, and well, the results were pretty darned good!

Hike #20 - Swale Canyon

And finally my number one favorite hike of 2021 is none other than the PCT to Sawtooth Mountain.  The fall colors, incredible views, and the great company I had made this my absolute favorite hike of the year.

Now, what will my hiking goals be for 2022?  I've been kicking around a few ideas.  Do I want to go big and totally challenge myself, or create more modest hiking goals for the coming year?  I'm still mulling things over.  One thing for sure, I enjoy logging my hikes on a separate blog page and plan to continue that tradition, along with a selfie for each hike.  So be on the lookout for a new "2022 hiking challenge" page coming soon to this blog.  Along with more photos and hike descriptions I'll also unveil my goals for the coming year.  Something to look forward to!  

You can review all my 2021 hikes by clicking on the tab "2021 Hiking Challenge" located just underneath the blog header.


  1. hiking through the beautiful Northwest and continue to take me along.

  2. Good luck in the year ahead. I look forward to enjoying the beautiful images you will share from these hikes.

  3. So glad I was able to accompany you on some of these hikes! Looking forward to more good hikes in 2022.

  4. I'm amazed! Recovering from brain surgery is a HUGE undertaking on its own. Doing all that as well is fantastic!

  5. I love that you are such a hiking geek that you have a spreadsheet and stats!!! I hope to be able to join you on a hike or two in the coming year...We shall see if the travel gods allow a trip to OR!

  6. Hello,
    I think you did great considering you had to recover from your brain surgery. I enjoy reading about your hikes and your photos are awesome. I love the beautiful views. Take care and good luck with your 2022 goals. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. From one statistics geek to another...Congratulations on your accomplishments in 2021! In a year when a major health issue, smoke, covid and rain were all thrown your way, you found a way to outshine them all!

  8. I have friends who keep their numbers. I have no idea of mine! Good photos, though. By the way my blog is back!

  9. Impressive numbers, though the pictures make it all worthwhile. My goal for the coming year will be the same as ever: See what turns up and enjoy it as best I can.

  10. You may not have completed all your goals but your hiking has again been impressive, especially given your medical issues.
    I look forward to more awesome photography and posts in 2022.

  11. You did great! Didn't you hike at all in South Dakota? This next year will be better for you as long as you stay out of the hospital!

  12. Oh I love reading this post! And your selfie is very cute...and very happy! We hike, mostly here in Florida though. So we do a lot of hikes but they are easy peasy! LOVE reading your accomplishments this past year. I'll be anxious to see more posts! Hiking posts...I love them! Happy new year!

  13. You are such an accomplished hiker, Linda, and should be very proud of all your accomplishments even if you did not complete all your goals. Having had serious surgery as you did certainly did not slow you down very much asdn I'm sure that was because of the healthy physical shape you are in. Just be certain to take good care of yourself and don't hurt your self trying to achieve goals--just enjoy all the beauty of nature! Happy and Healthy 2022!


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