
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Spring Bird Extravaganza

 Yes, I'm still in South Dakota recovering from my surgery.  Every day I'm feeling better, so fingers crossed I'll be able to end my treatment soon and go home.  To pass the time, I've been busying myself taking lots of photos - from last week's family reunion, to the deer and birds in my parent's backyard, to a early morning trip to Custer State Park where we saw TONS of wildlife!  (Blog post coming soon)

Regal Great Blue Heron posing for me

In the meantime, I've dug up some bird photos from last April.  These images were taken within a week's timeframe, at a park near my house.  It's affectionately referred to by the locals as the "duck pond."  In the spring a wide variety of feathered friends call this place home.

Great Blue Heron being harassed by a red-winged blackbird

There's a very tame Great Blue Heron that hangs around the pond.  The first morning I arrived early and was able to capture an amazing image of the big guy posing on a partially submerged tree branch.  He even flapped his wings for me and I was able to capture the action!  

After that, I walked around the inlet creek/swamp on the west end of the pond and came across another GBH.  This one was being harassed by a red-winged blackbird.  I think the heron was too close to the blackbird's nest and the blackbird was defending it's young.  Whatever the reason it was sure fun to watch (and photograph!)

Bushtit with nesting material

There are a couple of nice wooden fishing docks that provide lake access to local fisherman.  These docks are also great for viewing wildlife.  I caught a bushtit perched on the wire netting at one of the docks, it's mouth full of nesting material.  These birds are one of my favorites - so tiny, nearly round-shaped, with the most expressive faces!

Surprise osprey sighting!

Later that morning I met up with my neighbor Cheri and her friend Dotty.  These ladies had brought out their cameras in hopes of getting some great bird shots.  Cheri knew the lake had recently been stocked with trout.  Not only for fisherman, the recently-added trout also attracted osprey and eagles.  Both ladies hoped to capture one of these birds in mid-catch.

So we sat on a nearby bench and waited.  No action.  Half an hour passed, and Cheri said she had some things to get done, so packed up her camera and left.  Dotty and I continued to sit and chat.  Then, not five minutes later, Dotty noticed a shadow overhead.  Out of nowhere, an osprey flew into the lake, grabbed a fat trout and began to fly away.  It happened so fast Dotty and  I barely had a chance to focus our cameras on the retreating bird.  I did happen to capture one image that was actually in focus (but overexposed so some creative editing was employed).  Dotty, who's a much better photographer than I, got a few great shots.  We both commented that it was a shame Cheri left so early - she missed all the action!  (But never fear, Cheri returned the following morning and got some good pics of a bald eagle grabbing a fish.)


The following day, Cheri and I ran down to the park to see what we could photograph.  I was still getting used to my new Canon R6 camera, and it was good practice for me to capture some of the shorebirds.  The focusing system on this camera is much different than anything I've used before and it's been a steep learning curve.

GBH in excellent morning light

Good thing the "duck pond" provides lots of subjects!  Cheri and I caught this GBH illuminated by wonderful morning light.  

Successful capture of GBH in flight

When the GBH had enough of us, he spread his wings and flew away.  But not before I managed to get one good pic of him in flight.

Two woodpeckers in one tree!

In addition to photographers, a lot of local birders visit the "duck pond."  While walking by a huge dead tree, a man pointed out to Cheri and I that two different woodpeckers had made their home in the tree's upper reaches.  It's not everyday you see two different species of woodpeckers in the same place!  The one on the left is a Red-breasted Sapsucker, while the one on the right is a Northern Flicker.


Although not as photogenic, this Cormorant was in such good light Cheri and I couldn't resist shooting a few images.

Fluffy new gosling

The other wonderful thing about the "duck pond" in spring - baby ducks and geese!  However for the first two days, both were elusive.  Other birders and photographers tried to point me in the right direction but I always just missed seeing the young 'uns.

Gosling nap time

Then on the third day I hit the jackpot.  Arriving about an hour before sunset, two groups of goslings were out with their parents.  There's nothing quite as precious as seeing newborn baby goslings tucked under their mother's wings, deep in slumber.

Snacking on fresh greens

Later, the parents roused the goslings and they waddled over to a small creek to begin feeding.  The babies were so close I was able to get some great images with the zoom lens.

Someone isn't happy!

I even captured a squabble between the youngsters!

Mother goose taking her goslings and leaving

But after awhile the parents grew tired of being the subject of my camera.  Gathering the brood, they swam away to an inaccessible area of the park.  By that time I'd filled my memory card with tons of images so it was okay.

I hope you've enjoyed some of my favorite bird images from this spring,  With all this downtime, I'm hoping to keep busy posting more stuff from April and May's adventures - with a few more recent South Dakota stuff thrown in.  Heck, maybe I'll even get caught up!  (Wishful thinking)


  1. ...beautiful Linda, your camera was able to pull them in!

  2. I've definitely enjoyed these special images. I think the woodpeckers in the tree would be my favourite but they all delight.

  3. These are beautiful. Oh those little adorable! 💖

  4. You got the hang of great bird photos in a hurry.

  5. Keep on posting, I am enjoying these excellent photos. Good to hear that you are making progress in the recovery phase.

  6. It's good to hear that you're doing so well and keeping yourself entertained. You've got some beautiful photos there, especially the bushtit, a species that I'd never heard of before.

  7. Hello,
    Beautiful variety of birds and photos. I love the Heron, Osprey, the cute Bushtit and the woodpeckers. The goslings are adorable. Take care, enjoy your week!

  8. Love this! You got some awesome photos, those goslings are adorable! Bushtit's are one of my faves too. I get flocks of them flying through often, sometimes there'll be a dozen on the suet feeder at once!

  9. Great photo of the osprey. Glad your recovery is progressing well.

  10. Good to see a post from you! Wow your bird photos are great! Hope you are feeling good enough to go home soon!

  11. Glad you're recovering well. Great heron and gosling pictures! Were there actually any ducks or ducklings in the duck pond?

  12. Stunning photo's of the birds, you are putting that big lens to good use

  13. These bird photos are mesmerizing. The shots are so focused - love seeing the gosling sticking out its tongue. The Bushtit photo is fantastic, Linda.


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