
Monday, January 25, 2021

Gorge Winter Sunrise

My first week of retirement I dived right into doing the stuff I'd always wanted to do.  Such as capturing a winter sunrise over the Columbia River Gorge.  

The show was just getting started


My neighbor and photography mentor Cheri wanted to travel east to photograph eagles at the Dalles dam.  I wanted to photograph sunrise over the Gorge.  As a compromise, we left town early enough to catch sunrise at nearby Rowena Crest. 


Lots of color to the east


Our timing was perfect.  The sky began turning colors just as we pulled into the Rowena Crest parking area.  Looking east over the Columbia River, this viewpoint was a perfect place to capture the morning show.

Pink skies over Lyle, WA


And oh what a beautiful sunrise it was!  Brilliant oranges and yellows lit up the sky, reflecting in the river below.


Colorful reflections in the river


Then the light began to turn pink and blue.  Clouds formed ripples in the sky.


Loved the ripply clouds!


Although Cheri and I spent most of the time furiously trying to capture all the beauty, we did occasionally step back from our cameras to take it all in.  Such a privilege to witness this daily miracle!


Cheri in action!


There's something wonderfully peaceful about watching the day begin.  Witnessing the transition from total darkness to daylight.  From faint light in the east progressing to amazing colors illuminating the sky, to the brightness of full morning sun.  

I have a feeling I'll make time for many more of these in my future.



  1. How fortunate that this morning's sunrise was so spectacular and glorious!

  2. You found a great viewpoint to enjoy the sunrise. Enjoy your retirement!

  3. Wow, these are gorgeous photos. What a beautiful sunrise! It is great to be retired and able to take off and just go. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  4. worth getting up early.

  5. There is also something very peaceful about getting up and out before sunrise.

  6. What a fabulous sunrise. I have no doubt you will be enjoying your retirement.

  7. Congratulations on retirement, Linda! Already you're planning new adventures. Those skies are amazing. I loved my visit to the Gorge.

  8. Spectacular! Those are such special moments .

  9. I wish I had you along on my cabin trip for pictures!

  10. Isn't it great? I went on 3 hikes my first week.

  11. Funny I thought I would be out more with my camera now I retired, how wrong I was, there is always something to do. What stunning sunrises you captured

  12. Beautiful!! Hope you get lots of time doing just what you want to do!


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