
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Neighborhood Walks

Thanks to COVID-19, my hikes have been confined to the surrounding neighborhood these past few weeks.  Although I'm sorely missing my Gorge wildflower jaunts, I have found a few silver linings.


For one, I'm getting reacquainted with my neighborhood streets.  Discovering new walking routes, some that lead past interesting homes, or beautiful flowering landscaping.

Trillium No. 2

I'm fortunate to live within walking distance of two local parks.  In late March, one of the natural areas had loads of trilliums blooming deep in the woods, just beyond the path.

Pink dogwood blossoms

Another positive - the quarantine began during spring, which in the Pacific NW is prime blooming season.  Over the past several weeks I've watched different trees, shrubs, and flowers bloom in turn.  Gives me lots of pretty things to look at while I'm trekking around the 'hood.


During late April, another nearby park had fields of lovely purple camas blooming.  Perfect for an after work photo session.


Right now the rhododendrons are in bloom.  They come in many colors, but the reds and pinks seem seem to be the most popular.

White rhodies

These lovely ivory-colored rhodies were my favorite.  After walking by this bush for several days, I finally thought to grab my camera and capture some images for myself.

Pink rhodies

Pale pink rhodies with darker pink spots - ah, so lovely!


When the lilacs bloom, who can resist taking a whiff of their heavenly scent?  Or, if you're me, you can't resist taking some photos.

Cherry tree

Even when the blossoms begin to fall off the trees, they create beauty.

Fallen blossoms

Bluebells, I think

My favorite spring blooms are the dogwoods.  I so enjoy seeing all the trees erupt in color - especially the pink dogwoods.

White dogwood

More cheery cherry blossoms

One of the nearby homes has a little free library.  I've often admired the colorful, well-built box that resembled a little house.  However, the virus put a stop to this neighborhood book exchange.  The people who owned the library removed all the books and put a note outside informing everyone of the closure.

Little neighborhood library - now shuttered

After a couple of days, I noticed the note had been changed.  The closure notice had been replaced by an inspirational quote.  I really liked the quote - it's a good bit of motivation to get us through these crazy times.

Hang in there, everyone!

Hope you've enjoyed this sample of flowers from the past few weeks of neighborhood walks.  Stay busy, stay positive, stay healthy, and we'll all get through this.

AND....stay tuned for my next post when I finally get to go hiking!


  1. Beautiful post, just what appeals to me. I love all the flowers. I don’t think I could pick a favourite , but then I don't have to.

  2. ...of course the flowers are wonderful, but the little library and its sign steal the show for me!

  3. You still manage to get the best images out of your walks. I hope you are back in the mountains soon.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I love the flowers, so pretty and nice to see on your walk around the neighbourhood.

  5. Hello, gorgeous variety of blooms, lovely photos. The library and quote are cute.
    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead!

  6. Beautiful blossoms, captured perfectly. Such a joy to walk in your neighbourhood.

  7. Gorgeous! I think the pink dogwoods are my favorite too. I sure feel for you being in such a large city with such a tight lockdown...

  8. Your flower photos are lovely, thanks for sharing them. I also look forward to being able to get out in my favorite places once things begin to open up again. I just heard that the King County Library System may open up again in mid-June... I haven't had anything new to read for weeks!

  9. Nice flower photos. I enjoyed my lilac bush when it was blooming. Enjoyed the aroma of it. Found out that Hood River county is open. Megan is looking forward to going there in the fall as McMenamins will be open. Finally able to do what she wanted to do in the spring when everything had to close temporarily.
    Have a good weekend!!

  10. I love that quote - just perfect. :)

  11. beautiful flowers in your part of the world! Those are some very frilly bluebells!! Fun to see!

  12. Lovely blossoms. Our little libraries are still open but I've noticed that few books are being taken.


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