
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Beauty Amidst Chaos

What a crazy, unsettling week it's been.  The coronavirus hit my state and life has changed.  Monday, my office abruptly announced it was closing, and all employees that could had to telework.  What followed was a mad scramble on my part to secure a laptop and learn how to log into my work's computer system remotely.  Friday, it was announced that two employees in my building were exhibiting coronavirus symptoms.  Luckily these folks were not from my floor, but still scary and upsetting all the same.

Thinking a hike would be a great stress reliever, I used my Friday off to explore one of the Columbia River Gorge trails.  Although I picked a less-traveled loop, I still encountered many more people than expected - and some weren't doing a good job of social distancing.

Not wanting to add to the crowds, and keep any germs I may have to myself, I made the decision to stay put at home for the entire weekend.

The weather was gorgeous - warm and sunny.  The flowers and trees here in Western Oregon are in full bloom.  With so much beauty nearby, it's easy to forget about the pandemic looming.

Since I wasn't hiking to any stunning places I instead decided to capture the spring blooms in my own backyard. 

Our plum tree is in full blossom mode, the tulips are just beginning to bloom, and there's still a few daffodils sporting cheerful yellow flowers.

Despite our governor's plea to stay home the Columbia River Gorge and Oregon coast were packed with people this weekend.  I fully expect a lockdown to be announced tomorrow in my metropolitan area, if not statewide.  If it slows the virus spread and saves lives, I'm all for it.

I hope the photos in this post will give my readers some happiness in these scary times.  Stay safe and healthy - but most important, stay home if you can!


  1. You have Spring! Such cheerful photos! Glad you are safe at home. We are too:)

  2. Pure joy to see Linda. Your story is being repeated around the world. If only people would realise how serious this is and that if we all act now, the consequences and time in isolation will be less. Stay healthy!

  3. The photos are gorgeous and the Spring sunshine here is inviting more people to leave their homes to go for a walk. London has now closed for business with just food stores and pharmacies open. I moved in with my daughter and family as soon as I returned from my trip as she has a chronic illness and needs to be protected. Life as we used to know it has changed completely for the foreseeable future.

  4. Gorgeous blooms! Here it seems that everybody decided to go hiking on Saturday, creating traffic jams at a couple of popular trail heads. (This also happens in autumn.) So today the sheriff's department had to turn people away, which is probably just as well because overcrowded trails are not a good thing.

    Stay well!

  5. Gorgeous pictures that really lift the spirits. We have much the same problems here; it must be tricky to "social distance" when passing someone on a mountain trail. One thing I have noticed is that people who, quite rightly, give you a wide berth when passing are a little embarrassed about it and are much more likely to give you a cheery Hello than they might normally. So I bid you a cheery Hello from the safe distance of half way around the world!

  6. It is snowing in Brasov. The snowman said: I'll be back! :)

  7. Hello, the flowers are all beautiful. Spring is a lovely time of the year, so colorful. Beautiful photos. Stay safe and be well. Wishing you a happy new week!

  8. Thank you, LInda, for the gorgeous photos. I know what you mean about popular hiking areas being overrun by people who are not honoring physical distance from one another. :-(

  9. ...nature has the ability to go on and hopefully we will be able to.

  10. Thank you for these photos of your blooms - they make me feel like spring even though it's still snowing here in Breckenridge. Our state is also having difficulty with people congregating even when they're out exercising alone. They can't distance enough because too many people are using the trails. Luckily, Bob and I back against wilderness, so we can exercise without meeting anyone. Stay safe and well, Linda.

  11. Beautiful! You're a month and a half ahead of us!

  12. Your flower photos are bright and cheerful ! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  13. Your tulips and fruit tree and a few weeks ahead of mine. They are beautiful!

  14. I just heard the gorge was closed. Not surprising. I wish people had done the right thing.

  15. We had the same problem here in the UK. People were using the restrictions as a reason to holiday and party in the parks prompting a UK wide lockdown. We are lucky that we live in a small village in the countryside so we are isolated already to some extent but for people in the cities it must be very difficult. Stay safe and well, all the best to you and the family.


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