
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

If You Take a Photographer Snowshoeing....

If you take a photographer friend snowshoeing.....they just might want to capture sunrise on Mt Hood.  Meaning you'll probably rise at some ungodly early hour and end up shivering in predawn light, patiently waiting for the sun to show itself.

Mt Hood before sunrise

You'll likely gape in wonder watching the sky turn soft shades of pink.

The sky begins to turn pink...

And push the shutter like a woman possessed when light finally touches the very top of the mountain.

First light on the mountain

And you might even be too busy photographing Hood to look at the sky behind you.  Until a chance glimpse that direction makes you realize what you're missing.

The sky behind us

You might even be tempted to zoom way in on your favorite mountain - and capture some fantastic morning light on Hood's creamy white snowfields.

Golden hues light the snow

Once the sunrise show is over, your photographer friend might suggest snowshoeing two miles in to nearby Trillium Lake.  Because it's a bluebird day and there's a killer view of Mt Hood from there.

Light through the trees looks like stained glass

From the trailhead you and your photographer friend won't get far before you're blown away by the fantastic light creating patterns in the forest.  Much clicking of cameras will commence.


If you take your photographer friend snowshoeing.......due to numerous photo breaks, it might take twice as long to reach your destination .

Tiny moon in blue sky

But neither of you will mind in the least.  Because she's your photographer friend, she'll understand completely.

Say cheese!

You might even get some really good images of yourself (normally being the one behind the camera, that never happens).

Mt Hood from Trillium Lake

Upon finally reaching Trillium Lake, you and your photographer friend will probably ooh and aah over the stunning Mt Hood views.

Snowy lakeshore scenes

Then you'll both get busy trying to capture countless images of the sparkly, new-fallen snow coating everything.

Flocked tree

Snow-covered branches

So many photo subjects!

No picnics today

Snowy lake

The snow seemed to sparkle

Frosty trees

After a good hour of camera-clicking fun, you and your friend will finally decide it's time to trek back to the car.

The return trail

Of course, the return trip is just as magical.

Lots of hikers at midday

By now the rest of the world has arrived on the mountain, and you encounter several groups of skiers and snowshoers heading to the lake.  But being early birds has it's advantages - you and your friend had the lake all to yourselves nearly the entire time.

The final climb

The last half mile requires a grueling climb up a fairly steep hill.  But if you take your photographer friend snowshoeing, she rises to the challenge.

Trail for another day?

She might even point out trails for future outings.

A happy snowshoer

If you take a photographer friend snowshoeing on a magical blue-sky winter's just might have yourself a new adventure buddy!

(A great way to spend the final day of 2018 - thanks Cheri for being my photo buddy!)


  1. ...with sights like these it would take me forever to go somewhere.

  2. Gorgeous photos! That's some deep and fluffy snow!

  3. Fantastec photos and very welcome as here in Australia it is so hot I can't even put my hand under the cold water tap! I am looking forward to winter now. I didn't think I would ever say that.

  4. I've been gaping in wonder at every single image. A truly magnificent, magical morning.

  5. Linda - This Is why I love winter so much! You said good-bye to 2018 in style!

  6. Fabulous winter scenes, Linda. I love them all! :-)

  7. Reminds me of our snowshoe adventures around Lovely Ouray...except for all the trees :)
    Box Canyon, now warming our buns in Arid-zona...except it's cold and rainy :).

  8. Thanks for getting up early and getting awesome sunrise photos.

  9. What a beautiful hike, I enjoyed going along. Nice to have caught a good sunrise, that magic hour of the morning.

  10. That was a joy looking at the photos. I don't envy you getting up in the middle of the night and freezing waiting for the sun to rise but thank you.

  11. It was a pleasure to see your beautiful and stunning photos. Such a stunning landscape!

  12. Such winter wonderland photos, Linda! That sunrise was spectacular from every direction. Glad you didn’t freeze waiting for it.

  13. So beautiful! It is visually stunning and seems like a very serene place to be in.

  14. Really liked your photos but I think I liked that sunburst the one the most.

  15. Ah. Beautiful photos of my mother's mountain.

  16. What a fantastic day and set of photos. I'd love to try snowshoeing one day.

  17. Just stunning, Linda. What a perfect composition for first light on Mt. Hood!

  18. Yes, sunburst photo is pretty as well as the first sunrise shot! Glad you had fun and many lovely photos and shared them with your friends who read your blog!! Good way to end the year!!!!

  19. Hello, your photos are all just gorgeous. The sunrise was beautiful. Awesome captures of Mt Hood and all the snow. Looks like a lovely day. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  20. Wow! Amazing images well worth an early start!

  21. Breathtaking, and certainly worth it so early in the morning. Wow.

  22. Glorious! My camera often takes charge and leads me into all sorts of places that I hadn't intended. Long may our cameras and camera-toting friends lead us onwards!

  23. Fun! You got a beautiful sunrise. (I was wondering what time you got up!)

  24. A magical winter, I like it so much. The pictures are wonderful and especially illuminated by the sun :)

  25. Beautiful! It is always fun to spend some time with someone who likes to take photos as much as you!

  26. That Starburst photo is just awesome! One of my favorites!

  27. I love the beautiful photos of alpenglow on Mt Hood and all those snow laden pine trees!


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