
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Scenes From Montana

Time for something different - a post in real time (instead of three months ago!)  My hubby and I traveled to Montana this week to celebrate Christmas with our son.

Wintry reflections

 My son currently resides in a tiny western Montana town, right next door to one of his parishes.  I thought I might miss the conveniences of the larger city where he lived last year.  However, I've been pleasantly surprised by the beautiful scenery right outside his front door.

Tumble-down fence

While my son was busy Christmas Eve and day, I took walks around the neighborhood with my camera.

Red berries (perfect for Christmas!)

Snow began falling Christmas Eve day, coating everything in a fluffy blanket.  I was happy to see we'd have a white Christmas.

Frosty tree

My gift to you - snowy Montana scenes to enjoy.

Abandoned barn

Snowy road

The scenery here is fabulous

Next door photo ops

Scenic creek

The parish next door to my son's house has a wonderful tradition.  They light fireworks after Christmas Eve mass.  This year I was ready with camera and tripod, and managed to capture some of the show.

Fireworks after Christmas Eve mass

The church itself is over 100 years old.  It's a lovely little chapel, complete with colorful stained glass windows.

Lovely country church

Wishing all my readers a wonderful Christmas and holiday season! 

(Fall hike catch-up will resume after the new year.)


  1. ...Linda, wherever you go you find beauty. Gorgeous images!

  2. Well thats me jelous of you having such a wonderful place to stay and haveing snow for Christmas. Glad you had a good one. Happy Holidays

  3. PS have a look at my Church Exporer Blog

  4. What a gorgeous place to be for Christmas! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!

  5. As usual some great photos. They are very seasonal. I hope you had a very happy Christmas.

  6. What a beautiful place! I'm glad you had the chance to spend Christmas with your son, and that it snowed. Thank you for sharing your pictures; they are lovely as always.

  7. Hello, Montana is a beautiful state. Your son is lucky to live in a lovely area too. Beautiful snowy scenes and photos. Happy belated Christmas and I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  8. Wow, how stunning! What beautiful scenery. A very lovely way to spend Christmas. It's so magical! Wishing you all a very happy 2019.

  9. What a beautiful place to celebrate Christmas. Lovely photos.

  10. Soon after Christmas, Japanese people start preparing for the year-end and New Year’s events.
    Compared to Christmas, many of these events are based on Japanese tradition and are deeply related to religion.
    The end-of-year party is called “bonenkai” in Japanese. “Bonen” means to forget (the worries of) the past year.
    People are busy with events on New Year’s Eve.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous photos! I think the abandoned barn and snowy road are my favs. Have a Happy New Year!

  12. Nice photos from Montana where you stayed over Christmas. Yes, the old barn photo is nice in the snow ❄! Glad you had a white Christmas....rare here in Oregon! Happy New Year!

  13. I shivered just looking at the snow pics!!! Beautiful!!!

  14. A white Christmas! A very grey one in the UK although we are in Lisbon now heading to the Canary Islands for some winter sun and hiking. All the best. Andy

  15. Looks a great place to visit. Snow always adds something extra to a landscape.

  16. Totally magical! You must have been filled to overflowing with happiness - time with your son at this special time of year and the bonus of a fresh wintery world. Wonderful images - the berries and fireworks my favourites if I had to choose. Happy New Year.

  17. Linda, these chilly photos are wonderful. I love the little church. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  18. We were wondering if we would have a white Christmas here.

  19. Very beautiful countryside. Glad you could spend Christmas with your son, and that you got a white Christmas too!

  20. Wow - Those are gorgeous scenes! Glad you were able to be with your son too! Enjoy!


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