
Friday, November 9, 2018

Tam McArthur Rim

Having family members living in Central Oregon means I'll always have an excuse to travel to this scenic area of my state.  Of course, it's awesome scenery and hiking trails are reason enough!  One mid-August weekend I convinced my hubby to join me for a hiking, family-visiting, beer drinking extravaganza.

Tam McArthur Rim above Three Creek Lake

Saturday morning, my brother joined the hubby and I for a jaunt up Tam McArthur Rim.  A scenic tableland surrounded by sheer cliffs, this trail had been on my hiking wish list for some time.  After traveling down a long, dusty gravel road south of the touristy town of Sisters, we arrived at lovely Three Creek Lake, the start of our day's journey.  Before hitting the trail, I wandered the lakeshore, snapping a few images of our day's destination reflected in it's calm waters.

Three Creek Lake surrounded by Cascade peaks

From the parking area, the men and I ascended rapidly uphill.  In no time at all, we found ourselves at the first overlook, a wonderful view of Three Creek Lake surrounded by numerous Cascade Peaks (from right to left, Mts Jefferson, Three Fingered Jack, Washington, and the Three Sisters).

Wilderness sign photo op!

And of course I couldn't pass the wilderness boundary sign without getting a goofy pic with my brother!

Better views the higher we climb

The higher we climbed, the better the views.  Central Oregon's foothills and mountainous core spread out below.  I even got a glimpse of Broken Top Mountain through the trees.

Broken Top through the trees

My hubby and I had a leisurely start to our day, so it was mid-morning by the time we hit the trail.  And it being August meant temps were already climbing into the 90s by then.  I enjoyed the first mile of the trail as it wound through shady forest.  But after that, the forest gave way to an open, sandy plateau.

The forest is clearing

Boy was it hot!  The sun's rays seemed to reflect off of the light-colored ground.  The trail climbed steeply up a slope of loose sand.  It was a tough climb, sliding down 1 step for every two uphill.

Ready to climb a steep hill

But finally I caught up to my hubby and brother, taking a quick breather in the shade of a lone bush.

Smoke is starting to creep in

Onward we pushed, following the edge of a steep cliff.  Numerous forest fires had been burning nearby, and my brother said today was the first clear day he'd seen in several weeks.  Lucky for us, we'd picked this day for our hike as the marvelous views were the centerpiece of this trail.

Admiring the view

However, as we reached a rocky outcrop just below our destination, looking eastward we could see the smoke beginning to creep back towards us.

Time to move on!

Time to hustle and get to the rim, before that smoke obscured all the views!

In case you wondered where the trail ended...

Another short climb brought me to the top of a wide plateau.  Although it appeared a worn boot path extended further westward along the rim, an "end of trail" sign planted in the dirt seemed to warn hikers not to continue.

Taking in views from the plateau

That was okay with hubby and I.  It was blazing hot by now, and we were ready for a little break.

Little Three Creek Lake far below

My hubby, brother and I wandered across the plateau.  Bounded on three sides by steep cliffs, views were outstanding.  I spotted Little Three Creek Lake surrounded by gray, burned trees, remnants of the previous year's devastating forest fire.

The Three Sisters front and center

Triple peaks of the Three Sisters filled the western skyline.

Heading back down

After drinking most of our water supply, and enjoying a quick snack, we agreed it was time to head back to Bend for some post-hike refreshment at one of their excellent brewpubs.

Mt Bachelor on the skyline

Even though it was blazing hot, at least the way was all downhill.  In no time at all we were back at the hubby's truck.  A short trek, we'd packed lots of scenery into a 4-mile roundtrip with 1200 feet of elevation gain.

Visiting Jack, my grandpuppy

Not only does my brother live in Central Oregon, my daughter has settled there too.  After some liquid post-hike libations, my hubby and I went to check out her new house - and her new puppy.

Fluffy cuteness

My daughter and her fiancee adopted a golden retriever puppy named Jack.  At the time, he was a four-month-old bundle of puppy energy.  The joke is he's my "grandpuppy."

Tired pup

As with grandchildren, the good thing about grandpuppies is I can have fun with them, but don't have to deal with the hard stuff - the potty training, chewing, or discipline.  I had a good time roughhousing around with Jack, until he laid down on the floor for a puppy nap.

Enjoying the Brewfest

Besides hiking, the main reason for traveling to Central Oregon that weekend was to take part in the Bend Brewfest.  I love me a good dark microbrew and with most of the surrounding breweries represented, there was plenty to choose from!  Forgive the crappy cell phone photo, but as you can see, the hubby and I were in beer lover's paradise.

Great hiking, family, cute grandpuppy, and beer - what's not to like about Central Oregon?


  1. Well what wonderful scenery and that lake is so blue. Lovely that you had time to spend with both families and the puppy is gorgeous. I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. looks high and dry, but then a brew!

  3. E é uma bela desculpa pois estas serras são magnificas para se fazer caminhadas.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  4. I've never hiked the Rim, looks like a winner...but those summer time temps would have scared me off!

    Your grandpuppy is a cutie!Cheers!

  5. Hi! Nice hiking with your husband. Three Creek Lake photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hello, fabulous views during your hike. The lake and mountain scenes are beautiful. I love your grandpuppy, he is adorable. Great photos. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. What a wonderful weekend with family, grandpuppy, hiking and some 'cold ones'. Love the t-shirt.

  8. Such beautiful views from this hike, another great thing about Central Oregon! We used to come down every September for mountain biking, and Mt. Bachelor was my favorite place to ski. Now we come for geocaching and the Bend Ale Trail... how nice you have family there!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful time! And that puppy is adorable.

  10. Beautiful views! Your grandpuppy is as cute as can be! :)

  11. Tam McArthur Rim is awesome. When I went, I did go past the end of the trail sign and enjoyed great views of Broken Hand before the trail became sketchy and dangerous. Put Park Meadows on your list for your next visit, it's below Tam McArthur Rim (sort of) and makes for a great weekend backpack or a long day hike.


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