
Friday, September 7, 2018

Flower Time on MSH

In mid June I did a smart thing.  I convinced my supervisor to let me have every Friday off.  Although this meant a little less money in my paycheck, it opened up another day for hiking.  In my mind, that's worth much more than a few extra dollars.

Indian Paintbrush

So what did I do on my very first Friday off?  Naturally, I headed to Mt St Helens to hike the Boundary trail and take in it's annual wildflower show.  (Blogging buddy Helen, this post is for you!)

Fog and color

Of course when planning hikes, one can never predict the weather.  So I wasn't surprised to pull into Johnston Ridge Observatory's parking lot that morning and discover heavy clouds obscuring the mountain.

Raindrop-spangled penstemon

Although I'd miss the sweeping panoramas of MSH and her barren plains, foggy weather did mean I'd be able to photograph wildflowers shadow-free. 

Furry friend

So I happily wandered amongst the flower field for the first two miles, snapping pics as I went.  The trail to Devils Elbow was still closed (it appeared permanently) so I trudged up and over via the new "alternate" route.  I came upon a friendly ground squirrel and the little guy was nice enough to pose for me.

Spirit Lake and foggy hills

Near the Truman Trail junction, low clouds obscured adjacent hills, barely giving up a glimpse of Spirit Lake's southern end.

Wild raspberry flower

Upward I ambled, through a small canyon, full of trees and brush reestablished since Mt St Helen's 1980 eruption.  Every year I hike this trail I've noticed the trees slowly getting taller, with some of them now nearly eight feet in height.  Positive signs of this area's recovery.

Spirit Lake emerging from the fog

I climbed up to a saddle overlooking Spirit Lake.  Usually boasting outstanding vistas of the lake and surrounding mountains, today everything was covered in white.  Nothing to see here, I continued upwards.

The rock arch

The ridge above Spirit Lake is one of my favorite stretches of trail.  As one climbs slowly through a barren slope of fallen gray tree trunks (casualties of the eruption) Spirit Lake, Mt St Helens, and the adjacent foothills anchor the skyline.  But not today.  The best I got was a few peek-a-boo glimpses of Spirit Lake through breaks in the fog.

St Helens Lake

From the ridge's very top I looked down into a bowl that held the tiny circular St Helens Lake.  It too wandered in and out of clouds, but I got lucky with a few short views.

Mt St Helens slowly emerging from the fog

The trail continued through a famous natural rock arch.  Beyond this arch, the it circled the ridgetop crossing the Coldwater Trail.  Although the day's initial destination was to summit nearby Coldwater Peak, from the trail junction I could barely make out the peak's cloud-choked top.  Deciding that the uphill slog wasn't worth a viewless summit, I made the Coldwater Trail my turn-around point.

Volcano sighting!

It was a cold lunch break, hunkered down against the frigid wind, in a foggy cloud.  I was disappointed not to have seen any of the fantastic views, but consoled myself with the promise of another trek through the flower fields on my return trip.


Then a wonderful thing happened.......

As I was packing up my lunch, the clouds began to lift.

Spirit Lake now completely clear

Retracing my steps back across the ridge, the skies were nearly clear by the time I returned to the arch.

Barren hills

What a quick turnaround!  I couldn't believe my luck.  Descending back to the Spirit Lake saddle, I soaked in the views I'd missed.

Better views on the return trip

Although cloudy skies are great for photographing vivid colors and even light, I was happy for the clear skies and sunshine.  Spirit Lake sparkled blue in the sunlight as I passed back by.

Crater and wildflowers

And the flower fields were just as wonderful the second time around.  I may or may not have spent way too much time capturing all the beauty.

Colorful hillside

But now all you readers will be able to enjoy the flower show too.  (Photo overload ahead!)

The show continues

Progress was slowed....

Paintbrush stole the show

Another colorful meadow

Mountain and flowers

Favorite shot of the day

Another fave vantage point

More paintbrush

And more paintbrush

Parting mountain view

What a great use of a day off!  Here's to more amazing Friday hikes.


  1. Belas montanhas e quando estão floridas têm outra beleza.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  2. AWESOME!! Looks like a good bloom this year...and you sure were fortunate to see the mountain after that cloudy start!

  3. The desolation of Mt St Helens has it's own beauty

  4. Most people have never visited the high country to see the flowers. Thanks for showing the flowers. There always seems to be quite a bit of bird life in the meadows.

  5. These are just so beautiful. Loved them all. So many flowers and awesome views.

  6. Wow, what a beautiful hike. The wildflowers are stunning. Lovely views of the lakes. Beautiful post and photos. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. Funnily enough, although the day started out dull for you the drifting mist has really added extra sparkle to the photographs. Very impressed. Love the ground squirrel.

  8. Hi! You have every friday off! It means you have 3 concecutive holidays every week! It's very nice. The photo of Crater and wildflowers is very very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  9. The wildflowers were sure spectacular this year!

  10. What an amazing hike, such lovely photos.

  11. Agreed... wonderful use of your day off! The display of wildflowers is jaw dropping. So much beauty along the trail!

  12. Those clouds against the mountain background is almost surreal!

  13. Beautiful! And fun to see the weather change as your hike progressed.

  14. Blogging Buddy Helen is extremely grateful for the overload of photos and that you were surprised by sunshine on your return journey. The vistas and flowers are stunning. I've so enjoyed returning with you!
    Fantastic news that Fridays are free to be out and about and hopefully with fewer people on the trails. Whoopee!

  15. What gorgeous scenery! You will look back and be glad that you did this.

  16. What a nice hike. Paintbrush and crater photo so pretty! Glad the fog clouds lifted for you! Hurrah for Friday's off!

  17. Fridays off! I can do that if I work ten hour days. Totally worth it. Hope you can keep it up during winter so you can have skiing fun!

  18. Such a profusion of gorgeous wildflowers! It is so inspiring to see how nature recovers and come sback stronger. I agree that having more time is worth more than having more money. You are collecting a wealth of memories and staying healthy by hiking.


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