
Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Bus is Back!

One of my favorite winter activities is riding the midweek ski bus.  Not only do I love the empty slopes, I've met and skied with some fantastic people.  When the bus program resumed for the season in mid-January, I happily reunited with my "men in red" ski posse.

To another great ski season!

Per tradition, Glen brought out his flask of cinnamon whiskey and we all had a toast before hitting the lifts.

Glen passes pat the flask to Pat

Pat, our power-skier eager to rack up the runs, was already on the slopes and missed our toast.  So when we finally caught up, Glen made sure he was included.

Chairlift selfie attempt

The running joke is you have to wear a red jacket if you want to ski with me.  (I really gotta work on my chairlift selfies.....)

What a motley crew!

And what's this?  Rounding a corner I discovered our ski area's legendary bra tree is back!  Not only was it adorned with new female undergarments, someone had added a pair of men's tighty whiteys. (Equal gender representation, right?)  My group may or may not have possessed knowledge of recent sacrifices made to said hallowed tree......(what happens on the bus, stays on the bus!)

The bra tree is back!

I've sure missed my midweek ski buddies.  We laugh, joke, share nips of adult beverages, and rip down snowy slopes.  I'm so glad ski bus Thursdays are back for the season.


  1. Hello, I like your selfies and your bus groups. They sound like a fun group of people.
    The bra tree is funny. Happy weekend, enjoy your day!

  2. It's nice to go out in a group like that... something I miss now I'm getting older. Golden years you can look back on though. Looks a nice bunch of folk.

  3. Looks like you all had a great day. Love your selfies!

  4. Looks like fun - I wish I could ski away from the weekend crowds but don't have any choice.

  5. Finally! That's fantastic that the snow cover has improved so much. Ciinamon whiskey sounds delicious to warm the inner core.

  6. It looks like such a fun group and beautiful day for skiing!

  7. Oh how I wish we had a bus. Not enough demand I guess, but I was whiteknuckling it today on the unplowed road with zero visibility. We all finally got snow!

  8. I love our ski bus! it's free (funded by local merchants), runs every day and every hour, and cuts down on parking problems!

  9. WOW! That looks like a lot of fun. Grgeous snow shots. Have a good week ahead.

  10. Looks like you're having way too much fun. Please continue, Linda. :-)

  11. It must be fun to have such lively ski buddies! A ski bus is also a treat, as you cab chat to and from your destination. I'd love a nip of that cinnamon whiskey--sounds like just the thing to warm one up!

  12. You should buy a red coat, I am glad your pals are back:)

  13. Looks like great fun!


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