
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Post-Christmas Snowshoe

The day after Christmas, and I was getting a bit of cabin fever.  Cold weather and an ill husband meant I'd spent most of Christmas Eve and Day inside.  After journeying to Montana to spend the holidays with my son, I was more than ready to tromp around in the 12 inches of snow that had fallen.

Snowy woods

My poor hubby was sick with a bad cough, and we spent most of the day following Christmas getting him some medicine (a bit of advice - make sure the health insurance cards in your wallet are up to date before traveling!).  My son and I talked about taking a snowshoe hike, but it was mid afternoon before we finally had a chance to go.

Tree trunks provide the only color contrast

Luckily, trails abound on the outskirts of the town where he lives.  A short 15-minute drive took us to the nearest trailhead.  Although we saw mostly nordic skiers in the parking lot, my son discovered an entire system of trails just for snowshoers.

Love the snowy branch patterns

Oh, the trees with their snow-covered branches were so beautiful!  I'm sure I annoyed my son with all my frequent photo stops.  But he was a good sport and patiently waited for me.

Fluffy cotton snow

Some bare bushes, their limbs thin little sticks, had caught large clumps of the powdery snow.  Kind of looked like big cotton balls perched on top.

The woods were beautiful

The ponderosa pine trees with their reddish-brown patterned bark really stood out amongst the snow-covered forest.

My son allowed one photo

We hiked for a couple of miles in this white wonderland.  Although temperatures weren't much above ten degrees, plowing through the snow soon warmed us.  I was even lucky enough to have my camera-shy son agree to pose for a photo.  As all mothers know, you can never have enough photographs of your children!

Snow-laden branches

A rapidly sinking sun signaled it was time to turn around.  We could feel the temperature dropping.  Not wishing to be in the woods after dark, I quickened my pace.  Still, I did make time for a few final images, such as this one of some lovely snow-laden branches.

We barely beat darkness!

Darkness was already cloaking the forest as we rounded the final bend towards the parking lot.  But the silver lining was spotting the moon already rising over the trees.  One final photograph to remember a special winter's afternoon spent with my son.


  1. Simply amazing. I am planning a Pacific Northwest road trip in March and I will be looking back at your posts to get some inspiration. Winter there is beautiful!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. ...gorgeous, you would need your snowshoes here today!

  3. Hello, Sorry your hubby was sick. But, it was nice that you were able to get out and enjoy the outdoors with your son. The photos are beautiful. Great shot of your son. I love the ponderosa pines and the pretty capture of the moon. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

  4. Nothing like a fresh dump of snow to provide some great photo opportunities.

  5. Beautiful! As always, even the guy us beautiful. :-)

  6. It looks lovely. I keep meaning to try snowshoeing, but haven't yet.

  7. I've never tried snowshoes but they look good fun. Well used to camera shy people though... I'm another one... as my sister always tells me when I skillfully dodge out of any photos. Something special about woods in deep snow.

  8. Magical beauty. Special times with your son.

  9. So pretty! I hope to experience such a winter wonderland at some point in my life! Love the cotton balls!

  10. Beautiful! That last image is so magical.

  11. What a beautiful day in the woods! Those are glorious pines.

  12. Great pictures. I really want to take some snow pictures, but I'll have to wait until June!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  13. Darn, why is the snow avoiding Oregon? Looks like a great snowshoe!

  14. A great walk in the woods made better by your son's company. Those forests look a lot like ours here in Breckenridge.

  15. What a fun day for you in a Winter Wonderland! :)

  16. I bet I've been on those trails! Missoula has gotten a lot of snow this winter.

  17. Nothing better than a walk in the snow, reminds me of my own local snowy walks around my village a few weeks back

  18. Such a beautiful location. Great captures.. love the contrasts!
    You have a wonderful son, Linda.
    Sweet post.

  19. Hi! I hope your husband will recover soon. The scenery is very nice.Your son looks very cool and tender to you. Did your cabin fever cure?

  20. I hope your husband is feeling better, Linda, the flu has been horrible this year. I love walking in a forest full of snow! How nice to be able to sahre these special moments with your son.

  21. The snow capped trees are such a sight. Just beautiful!

  22. I'm visiting from 'Pretty Pix'

    Love your photo-eye. I'll be back. -Mac


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