
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New Years Day Neighborhood Stroll

Yeah, I know.  It's nearly the end of January and I'm posting about New Years Day.  Yup - that's my MO - terminally behind on blog posts (I'm sure you'll all be shocked if I ever catch up!)

Partially frozen pond

New Years Day dawned in my neighborhood, sunny but cold.  I have a tradition of spending NYD on the ski slopes, but this year opted to stay home.  (Thin snowpack and the fact I'd just returned from Montana and didn't relish another drive on slippery roads were deciding factors.)

Red berries

I thought about driving somewhere for a quick hike, but it was too soon after my trip.  I wasn't ready to sit in the car for an hour or two.

Artsy fence

Not wanting to waste this wonderful sunny winters day (a rarity in western Oregon!) I decided to grab my camera for an impromptu stroll around the neighborhood.  Since we no longer have a dog, and I haven't been running, I realized how much I missed my daily trips around the block.  Time to reacquaint myself with the 'hood!

Bare trees

I feel fortunate to live where I do.  A mere half mile from home sits a wonderful recreation complex.  This large facility boasts numerous soccer and baseball fields, a huge gym, an Olympic size pool, and - best of all - a wonderful network of walking trails.

Wonderful light streaming through the woods

The local park district has left small pockets of wooded areas intact, and walking trails run right through them.

Moss adds color

Sunlight filtering through the trees created lovely patterns on bare branches.  It also lit up a patch of fuzzy green moss brilliantly.

Loved the sunshine

A few hardy blackberry leaves still clung to their vines, backlit by the bright sunshine.

Backlit leaf

A tiny duck pond sits near the soccer fields.  The previous night's chilly temperatures had created a thin skin of ice across it's surface. 

More pond pics

The partially frozen water created many interesting patterns.


I especially liked the above image.  Fuzzy reflections in the icy surface make for a wonderfully abstract photograph.

Everything is brown and dry

Even dried, brown weeds gone to seed were photogenic (at least I thought so!)

Except these bright blackberry leaves

No, it wasn't an epic hike to some jaw-dropping location.  But my home turf provided a good hour's ramble and enough interesting photo subjects to keep my shutter finger busy.

Who knew on this cold January day I'd find such beauty in my own neighborhood?


  1. Which New Year are we talking about? :)
    I always find it interesting how familiar country makes you focus in on the details. Love that fence - picturesque if not exactly functional.

  2. Some great captures, Linda.
    Sometimes beauty is right in front of us, if we just look.
    Nice post!

  3. Nothing wrong in walking around your own 'hood' I do it quite offten and am surprised at what changes

  4. ...thanks for taking me along.

  5. Hello, Linda! I enjoyed the walk around your neighborhood. It is nice having the sport complex and the park trails so close to home. Lovely collection of photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. There's beauty everywhere if we just take the time to look closely!

  7. A good walk like a hike presents many opportunities for photos.

  8. Such pretty sights! There are lovely things to photograph near home.

  9. Nice to see your local area and trails.

  10. Very nice - enjoy that winter sun while you can!

  11. I'll just think of you as TB Linda! Nice walk though, even if it was a month ago.

  12. You have a beautiful neighborhood! Love the moss:)

  13. A very relaxed way to start the New Year. Such lovely wintry scenes and a great capture of the fence.

  14. Belated Happy New Year! Stunning photos. I know what you mean about being behind with the blog. I've just reached that rare moment when I'm up to date!

  15. Haha you and me both but I'm finding no one is reading the blog anyway so decided I'm going to use it to journal (and for my Mom to read) and get over it! LOL

  16. You live close to Nature. I think having green space and trails to use near your home is such a bonus. Sometimes walking near home opens our eyes to everyday beauty. Love your photos.

  17. So nice that you have local trails too! Maybe another dog is in your future?

  18. Nice! I love the paths, the moss and the abstract reflection.

  19. Hi! The reflection of parcially frozen pond looks very beautiful.It is nice you have beautiful nature and a wonderful recreation complex in your neighbor. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Nice! I dont suppose you would be surprised to find out that I saw no ice at all on my NYD!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - (back in) Melbourne

  21. I forgive you for being late. Just keep bringing us shots of lovely trees.


  22. It's a treat to have those sunny winter days, and even better to have nearby trails for a walk with the camera. Beautiful!

  23. Even in your own neighborhood you find the beauty of nature.


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