
Friday, December 22, 2017

November Backyard Happenings

In November, with the weather turning colder, and food getting scarcer, my hubby always begins filling up the backyard bird feeders.  Our feathery friends are most grateful.  Of course, these feeders attract wildlife other than birds.....

Stealing an apple

A posse of squirrels also make regular visits to our backyard.  Not only do they too love the birdseed, these bushy-tailed rascals eat the apples off our tree.

Our strawberry leaves are colorful

Although the fall colors peak in early November, by mid-month there's still a few leaves hanging on.  Our strawberry plants turn an especially lovely shade of red-orange.

Our front yard tree has brilliant yellow leaves

And the big flowering pear tree in our front yard sports brilliant yellow leaves.

Squirrel on the fence

I caught this little thief perched on our fence, waiting for an opportunity to raid the bird feeder.

Perched in a tree

My hubby and I love to watch the birds.  Many different species drop by, but I don't know the names of hardly any.  Guess I'll need to read up and educate myself!

Dove under my window

I do know what doves look like.  There's a flock that make regular visits, and I love watching them.  This one was right underneath my window.

Little bird at our feeder

One of our feeders is right outside the dining room window.  Perfect for getting some close-up shots!

Colorful visitor

There's a pair of these birds that are regulars at the feeder.  I think they are woodpeckers?  Again, I really need to buy that bird identification book!

Caught in the act!

My favorite photo of all - I caught this furry bandit right below my window.  I love his expression.  Busted!

Photographing backyard wildlife - a good way to spend these chilly fall afternoons.


  1. ...look at those little beady eyes. Merry Christmas!

  2. You really need to start learning the names; it adds so much to the experience. I can't be much help I'm afraid, we have a completely different mix of species over here.

  3. Wonderful!
    I wish you all to be happy and Happy holidays!:)

  4. The critters are wonderfully clicked!

  5. Hello, your unknown bird is a Red-shafted Flicker. Love the squirrels and pretty birds. The last photo is adorable, great closeup. Happy weekend to you!

  6. Yes, you need a bird book! ;-)

    The little guy is a dark-headed Junco. The woodpecker-like bird is in the woodpecker family and is a Northern Flicker.

  7. It looks like you have a good variety of birds visiting your place. This is a different type of post for you! Just a hike to the backyard!

  8. Oh, how cute! That last one is especially sweet :)

  9. You've got some nice backyard wildlife. We've been overrun with rabbits this year.

  10. Delightful captures. I love the birds in our garden, but never manage to cpature perfect images like yours.
    I was on the phone yesterday, talking to my brother and he stopped mid sentence as a joey [baby kangaroo] was hopping across his garden.
    Your 'woodpecker' is a Northern Flicker. I had time to check it out for you.

  11. The black-headed bird is, I believe, a junco, and the other pretty one is a flicker! :-)

  12. Great photos Linda. If it's not too cheeky for an outsider I think that might be a male dark eyed Junko- not sure about what species the woodpecker is as the colours don't match up exactly.( try yellow bellied or northern Flicker) Good you have found a new photography subject while your toe is healing as I like birds and there's loads of USA ones I've not seen yet :o) I'm enjoying it anyway. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  13. Nice seeing your backyard critters, all happily content.
    Fun post!

  14. Oh how I miss Fall! Enjoyed your lovely post. - Wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas. Looking forward to blogging with you in 2018.
    God Bless.

  15. Nice photos of critters. I have 2 bird books and yep colorful bird is red shafted flicker which is in the woodpecker family. We've had the male here and at times the female shows up after he leaves. Sometimes I've seen him on the fence and calling his mate. The last squirrel photo is an excellent photo. Busted!! :-> Merry Christmas and God bless you!

  16. Yes Junco which we call snow birds as they usually herald a big snow here in the spring or fall. You have a beautiful Flicker...lucky you! I have never had one at my feeder but they are in our area:) Merry Christmas!

  17. Fun to see all the winter wildlife! And lucky you to have a flicker! That bird is very shy around my camera! Merry Christmas

  18. Lovely photos - and no damage to that toe to get them! :)


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