
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Last of the Bus Days

Normally my winter ski bus runs Thursdays in January and February.  But this year's wacky weather caused many cancellations (two rain-outs, one day of high winds, and one due to too much snow in the city).  When a bus gets cancelled, another week is added to the end of the session.  All those make-up days extended our season well into March. 

Skis, beads, and crown

Of course I had no objection!  March is usually the best month to ski in the Cascades anyway.  Not only that, it also meant we could celebrate a few more holidays usually missed.  Our bus has a party every Valentine's day, but this year, a lady on my bus and I decided it would also be fun to celebrate Mardi Gras.

Enjoying Heather Canyon

So I ran to my local Dollar Tree and picked up a bunch of beads, masks, and decorations.  And I couldn't pass up a Mardi Gras-themed tiara (only a dollar!).  With the help of some well-placed duct tape it fit perfectly on my helmet.

Great views of Hood abound

My Vancouver ski buddies were more than happy to don the colorful beads I offered them.  Glen brought his daughter Annie and she was a great addition to our group.  We had a perfect blue sky day full of great skiing, culminating in three amazing runs down Heather Canyon (the snow was like velvet!)

Our great Mardi Gras decorations

For the ride home, we decorated the bus in festive gold, green, and purple.  I made special sandwiches, and my bus friend whipped up a batch of Mardi Gras-colored jello shots.  The jello shots were a huge hit, so popular they were all consumed before I could get a photo!

Sunshine and smiles

A couple weeks later, we had a more subdued celebration of St Patrick's Day (planning Mardi Gras had worn me out) with a only bottle of Guinness and Irish whiskey making the apres-skiing rounds.

Hello from the bottom of Heather!

A week after that was our final bus Thursday of the year.  To end things on a high note, the weather gods cooperated with a lovely clear day.

Me 'n the guys in Heather Canyon

My Vancouver "Men in Red" ski buddies and I went everywhere!  We took multiple long runs from the highest lift at the resort.  I was finally able to try out a new GoPro gadget that attached the camera directly to my ski pole.  I'm happy to report it worked splendidly - way better than my old selfie stick.  Take a look at the video below for proof:

My friends and I had lots of fun that day.  Brian had the idea to take some silly photos of  us pretending to crash into trees.  I think Glen had the best one of all - I call it his "Sonny Bono impression."

Glen does his best Sonny Bono impression

Waiting to load the chairlift, someone was playing a loud upbeat song, and my friends and I broke into spontaneous dance moves (much to the delight of the liftie!)

Ready to rip down Stadium run

I kept forgetting to bring a few "sacrifices" for the poor, empty bra tree.  To liven it up, my buddies hung a few leftover Mardi Gras beads high on its branches.

Hanging Mardi Gras beads on a tree

You never know what you're going to see at your local ski area....  (I came upon this snow imprint at the top of the chairlift, and have no idea how it was created!)

The crazy things you see at the local ski area....

Of all the activities I do, skiing is hands-down the one that brings me the most joy.  It's a time to play in the beautiful winter outdoors.   A time to fly down the slope as fast as my skis (and my nerve) allow.  A time to be silly with my friends.  A break from my humdrum working and life routines.  That's why I love these midweek ski days.

I'm gonna miss my ski bus buddies!

Throughout my life, there's very few places I really felt as though I fit in.  On the ski bus I've met a great group of like-minded people who share my obsession with sliding on snow.  We all get together for 8 short weeks to play on the slopes, laugh, be a little crazy, and enjoy the company of fellow winter enthusiasts.  These folks are my peeps!

Here's to my bus buddies - thanks for another wonderful ski season.  Seeya next winter!


  1. I am glad you had a fun time with your fellow winter enthusiasts. The images are as always great!

  2. You still have snow. looks like a great time was being had there

  3. Really cool images.. fun on the slopes.
    I can feel your obsession, and applaud it!
    Great post, Linda!

  4. Hello, you and your ski buddies do have a fun time on the slopes and the bus. I enjoyed the fun photos and the beautiful views. Great post. Have a happy day!

  5. What a fantastic time, Linda! I am so enjoying your celebration of winter! Thank you so much for sharing, your photos are so beautiful and fun!

  6. I heard on the radio today snow above 4500 ft! A long season for you this year. I am planning to visit Dalles Mountain Ranch on Friday (after seeing your post last year). Hope it will be a pretty day!

  7. That looks like a perfect day.

  8. What fun! Everyone looks very happy.

  9. Aownderul ski trip. Loved the video and that ski i,print is amazing

  10. It's sad to see the winter fun end, isn't it? I've loved following along on your awesome 2016-2017 winter on skis... looking forward to next winter already!

  11. Fabulous post Linda. What a magnificent ski run. I loved the sound of the skis on the snow. Thanks for sharing the footage.

  12. Always good to be in a group you really gel with and it is very precious as it doesn't happen that often.

  13. So much fun! And the scenery is just spectacular. Loved the GoPro footage.

  14. Your ski bus looks to be much more fun than mine! It's still snowing, but my ski area has been closed since April 9 (for the bears).

  15. Wow! You had a wonderful ski season this year Linda! I enjoyed watching your go pro video-what fun!

  16. I was parked at the top (I think). A gravel lot with bathroom. There was a guy with a bunch of photo gear in blue car, and a gray minivan but I didn't see anyone else. Was that your van? I absolutely froze! Not prepared for that wind at that early hour. I went back today with my kids. Just as windy but much warmer and prettier because of beautiful high clouds. I got some good photos today. I really should have slept in on Friday. is my email. We should exchange phone info and do a better job of meeting up next time!

  17. Great video, really missing the snow!

  18. What fun for you! It is always fun to see your views! Your red jacket buddies are a real hoot! :)


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