
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Father Cody

It's been a long 6-year journey for my son, but in late June the of years of seminary study, ministry assignments, and spiritual preparation culminated in Cody's ordination to the priesthood.

Newly-ordained Father Cody and Bishop Thomas

In a solemn mass my son pledged his vows to the diocese of Helena, Montana.

Taking his vows (photo by Father Jeff)

The ordination took place in the beautiful cathedral of St Helena in Helena Montana.  The pews were packed with people, not only family, but many of Cody's friends from both seminary, college, and parishes he'd been assigned during his time as a seminarian.

Anointed by the bishop (photo by Jen)

Although my family and I had a front row seat for this special event, I opted not to take photos and just enjoy the ceremony.  A huge thanks to Cody's friends, Jen and Father Jeff, for sharing some of their images.

Newly ordained, Father Cody sits with the other priests (photo by Jen)

Although Cody was the only young man ordained to the priesthood that day, two other men were ordained transitional deacons.  In another year, they will become the next new priests in the Helena diocese.

Two other men were ordained deacons

Of course my husband and I were extremely proud of our son.  We know how hard he's worked and how much it means to him. 

A proud moment!

After the mass was finished, I had Cody pose for photos with Bishop Thomas, who is a wonderful man and a good friend of Cody's.

The family (photo by my dad, I think)

Can you believe I didn't get any family photos with my camera?  Well, there was a lot going on!  Luckily my dad snapped a few shots.

Blessing his fellow priest

I learned that the blessing from a newly-ordained priest is very special.  After mass, many people lined up to receive a blessing from Father Cody.

Blessing his sister

It kept him busy for quite some time!

Cody and some of his friends from seminary

Afterwards, we had a reception for Cody at a local restaurant.  I got to meet many of Cody's friends.  A large group from his seminary journeyed to Montana to witness the ordination.

Father Cody's first mass

The next day, Cody held his very first mass.  A newly-ordained priest's first mass is a very big deal.  He invited all his family and friends, and many people stayed the extra day to be a part of it.

Preaching the homily

The mass was held at St. Cyril and Methodius parish in East Helena, MT.  Cody had been assigned there the previous summer.  The parishioners were wonderful - they took him in and made him feel welcome.  To repay their kindness, Cody chose their parish for his first mass.

Cody's first mass

Again, I opted not to take photos and just observe.  A big thank you to Mike, a parishioner of St. Cyril's for sharing his images from the mass.

It was weird to see my son as the presiding priest, up on the altar running things, and preaching the homily.  But he did a fabulous job.

After mass, Cody looked relieved!

Afterwards, the people of the parish held a potluck reception for Cody.  Everyone pitched in and brought salads, main dishes, and desserts.  Such wonderful people to do this for Cody!  They even supplied this yummy cake.

The parish put on a nice reception

My son will now live permanently in Western Montana.  He's currently assigned to a parish with his old friend Father Jeff.  He'll work under this experienced priest for a year or two before getting his own parish.

Although it's bittersweet that my son now lives a day's drive away, I know he is doing what he loves.  I'm extremely proud of what Cody has accomplished and know this kind, caring young man will do much good in this world.


  1. What a wonderful moment to remember. I can't say that I personally know of any young men who are led into Service.

  2. Add my congratulations as well I hope he works well and gets his own parish. I know here priests are hard pressed having to cope with a few churches in their parish may God look after him

  3. Hello Linda, congrats to your son! It is great that he is doing what he loves and will be at a parish with his friend. I wish him much happiness. Good condition.

  4. You should be proud. It is a BIG DEAL! He's going to make a great parish priest and anyone will be lucky to have him!

  5. A special time, thanks for sharing.

  6. Congratulations to Cody. You all look pretty good dressed up in your best duds for him!

  7. Linda, I am sure you are very proud...and rightly so! I love this series, beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this moment.

  8. This whole post brought tears to my eyes. I know you must be vey proud. He ushers in a new generation of priests. Yay for Cody! :-)

  9. What a very special weekend. Quite an achievement for your son to be able to follow his calling. So pleased you have photos of the event.

  10. What a wonderful post. Congratulations to your son. Of course you are proud...there is so much to be proud of!

  11. Wonderful that these moments were taken for you. I'm sure some of his strength has come from his proud loving parents.

  12. Touchingly beautiful... Warms my heart.
    Thank you so much for sharing this solemn occasion.

  13. Congratulations. You almost made me cry - that was such a special day.

  14. Congratulations to you and your family. At least he's a day's drive to meet up again and he might get nearer. Most of my family are over in Australia so it's half a dozen times in 40 years that we manage to get together. Best of luck with his posting out there and there's always the airlines... unless you don't like flying.

  15. You must be so proud! Congratulations to Cody, and to his wonderful parents. You are all truly blessed.

  16. I can tell that you're a very proud Mom and so you should be. He certainly has the support of his family. Congratulations to your son.

  17. Congratulations to your son, Cody. Glad he had such a good support system of his friends to show up at his ordination and first mass. I'm sure you and your husband are quite proud of his accomplishments. I pray Cody continues to serve God in his parish and in the community! Hugs and prayers for you as well, my friend! :-}

  18. Congratulations to your son and your family - it must be a very exciting time.

  19. Congratulations! What a special time in your lives, you must be so proud!! A days drive just means you will stay longer when you visit! :)

  20. Awesome, congratulations to everybody!

  21. Congratulations - a happy family

  22. Lindas e belas fotografias, gostei destes momentos de fé.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  23. Congratulations to Cody and you and your husband and daughter and your entire extended family! What a blessing to have a priest in the family. You must be so very proud of him and of all the good works he will do in his lifetime. As a fellow Catholic I am so happy to see that his vocation has come true and that he will lead many to the faith. May God bless him and his family always.

  24. PS: We are headed up to Glacier this month--wish I had time to visit Father Cody on our way up!

  25. Hi! Congratulations to your son,you and your family.

  26. Congratulations to your son Cody! May God bless him as he blesses others :)
    Blessings, Aimee


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