
Friday, June 10, 2016

The Best Sunset

(Continuing the recap of my late April trip to Bandon and the Southern Oregon coast....) 

My three days in Bandon had been full ones.  After spending a spectacular morning at Shore Acres State Park, I was pooped.  Back at my yurt, the weekend crowd had cleared out. Finally enjoying some peace and quiet, I was sorely tempted to skip tonight's beach trip.

Wild iris in evening light

But I'd come here to photograph the coast!  And I wasn't about to give my camera the night off.  So when evening rolled around, I gathered my gear and headed once more to Coquille Point, my favorite Bandon beach.

Bandon homes near the jetty

Instead of going directly to the Wizard's Hat and other well-know sea stacks, this time I decided to explore the opposite direction.  I strolled across a high cliff until I came to a fantastic viewpoint.  The Coquille River and it's jetty stretched out into the sea.  A long string of colorful beach homes lined the shore.  Warm light bathed everything. 

Blue waves

Today had been a hot one (unusual for April on the Oregon coast), but with the coming nightfall, temps were much more pleasant.  I lingered on the clifftop, enjoying the cool breezes and great views.


Then I meandered down to beach level.  The setting sun cast a pleasant glow on the sand.

Birds looking for food

I watched shorebirds skitter along the waterline, looking for their dinner.

The vast beach

The sand seemed to stretch out forever.  I loved the vastness of it all.

Rope swing on driftwood

I came upon a piece of driftwood that had gotten embedded in on of the larger shoreline rocks.  Someone had tied a rope around one end, and rigged a crude swing.

Foggy pink light

Eventually I ended up back at my favorite sunset beach.  Spying the seastack group where I'd photographed for the last two nights, I began to walk that way.

The show begins...

But I'd misjudged the time - sunset was happening now!

Orange-hued beach

Positioning myself beside a lone seastack, I grabbed my camera and began to shoot.  The setting sun illuminated the beach a soft tangerine color.

Sun reflection on the water

I thought the night's clear skies would give an uninteresting sunset.  I couldn't have been more wrong!

Slowly sinking

The sun produced such a intense shade of orange, the sky practically glowed.  It reflected in the water like a bright blaze.


A little shorebird stationed himself right in front of my viewfinder.  At first I was annoyed the bird wouldn't move.  But then I realized he added something to the scene.


I stayed put, clicking away, as the sun slowly dropped into the horizon.

Warm afterglow

The sun's final rays gave off a vibrant peach color in the sky, that reflected onto the ocean waves.

The sky remained orange for a long time after

As I packed up and began walking back to my car, the sky continued to exhibit a soft orange glow.  It silhouetted the offshore rocks beautifully.  Arriving at the parking lot, this vibrant color was still lingering on the horizon.  People had stopped in their tracks and were gazing in awe.  I stood by my car for another five minutes enjoying the show.  Such a lovely sunset, even Mother Nature didn't want it to end.

Bandon saved the best for last!

Yes, Bandon had saved the best for last.  A fitting end to a wonderful weekend on the Southern Oregon coast.

Sharing with:  Scenic Weekends and Skywatch Friday


  1. As the evening wore on the colours intensified and each photo was more and more magnificent.

  2. spectacular images of a wonderful area Linda, thanks for taking me along!

  3. A very gorgeous and tranquil series, Linda!

  4. Beautiful photos. Easy to fall in love with the Oregon Coast.

  5. Words fail me, it's just too difficult to try to describe such beauty.

  6. From beginningtoend your photographs are ALL gorgeous. I did love seeing the sand and the sea and wondrful views and the sunset is spectactular Linda. I hope you have a wonderufl weekend.

  7. Wonderful captures.. loved the sunset and the foggy pink light.
    Such a beautiful area... I haven't been down there in years.
    Great post!

  8. Great sunset photos. I still find it hard to predict when good sunsets will occur in advance and they usually take you by surprise. A mysterious skill to learn. Had that feeling as well when the mind is energetic but the body is saying " leave me alone I want a rest."
    Normally these days the driving impulse is the thought of good photography so it is great motivation when other incentives fail to inspire the protesting arms and legs to do as their told and keep moving.

  9. Hello Linda, these are gorgeous images and views of the coast. The sunset and birds are beautiful. Have a happy weekend!

  10. More of these amazing shots! I just love these sea shots and your photography makes me want to head back to your part of the country and visit again, just viewing some of these amazing ocean views. i definitely want one of your shots, and have done a screen shot so I can remember which ones I especially liked. Am leaving on a trip on Monday and when I get back will email you. Would be honored to have "your work in my home". Best to you. I am now off to Bryce Canyon!

  11. Exquisite - there's nothing like a sunset over the Pacific!

  12. Great series! And a good reminder to me why it's always good to head back out on a trip like this, even though travel is tiring.

  13. Estão fantásticas estas belas fotografias minha amiga, gostei bastante.
    Um abraço e um bom fim de semana.

  14. Wow !! Those last few shots were something else! Well worth waiting for! :) Wouldn't you love to have one of those beach houses, I know I would:)

  15. Sensational colour. The seagull definitely adds to the beauty. Perfect end to the day and your visit.

  16. Hi! Nice collection of the beautiful seashore photos. I like the photo of foggy pink light. Thanks for sharing.

  17. You had such beautiful weather for your time beside the ocean! Gorgeous photos, as always.

  18. Terrific series!! My faves are The foggy pink light and The show begins images. While both are quite different in lighting,composition and mood, they are each superb. Kudos!!

  19. Beautiful - I need to get back to the coast soon.

  20. Great pictures - sometimes it does pay to walk in a different direction to everyone else!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  21. Lovely sunset shots! "Foggy pink light" is a masterpiece!

  22. Super beautiful post. The sunset was amazing and I loved the shore bird in the shots.

  23. Fantastic captures! I'm glad you didn't skip the evening trip to the beach. I love the sunset colours.

  24. Really enjoyed this series of posts, I'm a big fan coastal scenery like this. Thanks for sharing


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