
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Soggy Day in the Canyon

(Continuing the recap of my mid-October trip to southern Utah and Northern Arizona...)

Well, the sunrise didn't happen.  Our fist night at the North Rim was a cold one.  I don't know exactly how low the temps dropped, but I do know they were below freezing.  I huddled in my sleeping bag, pulling it entirely over my head (a cold nose in the middle of the night is no fun!)  Smart enough to stash my down jacket inside the bag (thought it would keep my feet warm) I gratefully ended up draping it around my chilly shoulders sometime before dawn.

Foggy views

There was no way I was leaving the warmth of my sleeping bag to catch the sun coming up.  Besides, I awoke to the sound of rain pattering on our tent.  Cloudy, wet skies equaled no views.  Ugh....not again!  Why was it every time my hubby and I visited a National Park it had to rain?

Golden aspens frame vacant cabins

A full bladder finally roused me from my cozy cocoon, and I ventured out into a freezing wet morning.  Over breakfast, Roger and I discussed the day's plans in light of this new (albeit now becoming commonplace) wet weather.  We decided to drive up to the lodge area and see if there were any views to be had.

An especially bright tree

Although the canyon was cloaked in a thick foggy mist, I did enjoy exploring around the shuttered summer cabins.  A few aspen trees still sported bright, golden leaves and the muted light made their colors pop.

Standing on the lodge's wet patio

We walked around the North Rim lodge, all closed up for the winter.  Roger stood on the expansive patio trying to catch a glimpse of some scenery through the clouds.

Brief peek-a-boo canyon view

We did get lucky a couple of times when the clouds parted long enough to produce a teaser glimpse of the colorful canyon below.

These cabins had the best locations of all!

A few of the cabins were perched right on the canyon's rim.  Although we couldn't tell today, I'm sure they had some killer views.  I told Roger next time we visit the North Rim I want to stay in one of these.  (I'm sure renting one costs a fortune, but I think it would be worth the extra money)

Another misty glimpse

As we strolled along the paved rim trail, our friend the rain returned in full force.  Tucking away my camera, we beat a hasty retreat to the gift shop, where we killed time waiting for the showers to stop.  But the drops kept falling....and falling.....and falling.

The shuttered lodge building

My hubby and I had a decision to make.  We'd planned to hike down into the canyon today.  But this rainy weather wasn't exactly primo hiking conditions.  On the other hand, we'd driven all the way to visit the North Rim and didn't want a little wet weather to stop us from seeing the sights.  (We were from Oregon after all!) 

In the end, Roger and I grabbed our rain gear and headed to the North Kaibab Trailhead.  We decided no matter what happened, we were guaranteed to have an adventure. 

I'll recap our soggy hike in my next post!


  1. I know how bad weather can get in the way of photography, but I think that you enjoyed yourselves despite of it and managed to capture the essence of the Canyon.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. I hate rain if I'm ina tent, luck I use a caravan. Sound like yo need a camper van to go in. Go get a Veedub best of both worlds

  3. Bummer about the weather, however the brief clearings made for some great captures.
    Besides, cloudless skies are boring!

  4. Hello, I am sorry the weather was not cooperating with your Grand Canyon visit. The aspens are pretty and I like the cute cabins. You were able to get some pretty shots of the Canyon. I hope your hike on the trail was good. Great post! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  5. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying your posts. You and Roger have followed one of our Summer Adventures almost precisely and seeing it through your eyes has brought back some sweet memories. We loved visiting the North Rim and just as you did, wandered through those cabins thinking how cool it would be to stay there. We were there in late May and the views were incredible. I'm waiting with great anticipation to see if you ever got to experience them out of the rain!!

  6. You're adventurous, hiking the Grand Canyon on wet, slippery trails!

  7. Glad you braved the rain, afraid you might wimp-out! Looking forward to the story.

  8. I'd love to stay in one of those cabins too! I think the peekaboo views are gorgeous little teasers.

    You certainly are no stranger to wet weather hiking! I bet this will be one muddy hike!

  9. I feel so sorry for you both having the disappointment of so much wet weather.

  10. I wonder how often it rans this much in the Grand Canyon. Have you been super unlucky or just unlucky? So frustrating. I hope all went well on trail.

  11. Your sogginess is looking pretty nice to me! I am thinking one would have to book about a year in advance to stay in one of those cabins. Looking forward to reading about your hike down into the canyon, please don't make us wait long to find out how it went.

  12. Looks like 90 percent of the days in Scotland all winter. Glad to see Utah and Arizona get rubbish conditions as well. Can't have green trees and lush vegetation without water. I have to admit camping when it's cold and wet is the same the world over. Pretty grim :o)

  13. You Oregonians are a tough crew! Good photos even in the rain. Have fun this weekend!

  14. This is such a wonderful series of posts. And the images you are sharing are beautiful. Too bad about the wet weather. And the cold. Wet and cold; not a fun combination. But you still managed to explore and take such nice shots. Looking forward to hearing more!

  15. I was curious about the cottage too, the ones with a view are 181 a night and booked solid in Sept and Oct. They made mention of a Motel at 130 a night. I Looked at a menu too:) Too bad it rained...but you still got some great photos:)

  16. I love these misty, atmospheric scenes, Linda. You got to see a different side of the canyon and the North Rim than most visitors, and have truly unique photographs as a reward. I look forward to reading about your hike down into the canyon.

  17. I'm going to check into those cabins for sure. Can't wait to read your next post.

  18. Fotografias fantásticas desta bela montanha.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  19. You still got some very nice colors

  20. Some great shots anyway. I have hiked the Kaibab and I think I'd prefer rain to heat! :-)

  21. You are way braver than I am! I'd be so afraid of a slippery hike won into the canyon! You still took some wonderful photos in spite of the weather.

  22. What a bummer the weather was so soggy and rainy. Still you captured some lovely images. Those cabins look like great places to stay.

  23. We stayed in a cabin on the north rim...but didn't get one with a view. But, we were just steps off the path that could get us there. I liked the small cabins. And the lodge too...some cool little corners to sit in. Some of my favorite views of the canyon come when the facebook page posts ones with cool clouds...too bad they were not a little more fanciful the day you were there.

  24. Key camping tip: always know where an extra jacket is! Seems we come from the same school of camping!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  25. I admire your determination. It seems like rain always spoils my vacation too. :-(

  26. Seeing your wonderful aspen photos made this gal very, very happy tonight! I adore those beautiful trees--no matter the season, but especially in the autumn :)
    Thank you for posting them!

  27. I had missed this installment. Those cabins on the rim are fantastic! I agree, we are mostly frugal travelers, but I think they might be worth the extra money.
    I was feeling for you in the cold.. Tenting it in freezing temps takes a brave soul!

  28. El Nino brought an unusual weather pattern this year. I'm glad you were brave and prepared enough to venture out along the trails even in heavy rain!

  29. Amazed you went ahead with your hike after a freezing night in the tent. Have had to get out of the tent before and sleep in the car. You are BRAVE. Glad you went ahead though and did your hike as i have already enjoyed seeing your photos. Makes me consider a GO PRO my self


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