
Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 in Photos

One of the things I love about blogging is looking back on the past year's posts.  Memories flood through my mind as I remember those beautiful hikes, fun ski days, or the sense of discovery from trips to new places.  It's like a visual scrapbook of my life. 

So once again, I'm featuring a representative photo from each month of blog posts from 2015.  Although some are favorite images, a few photos were chosen because they portrayed a significant moment from the past year.  Because I'm always terminally behind, some of these photographs weren't actually shot in the month they were posted.  But no matter, your job is to merely sit back and enjoy this visual recap of Linda's Lens 2015.

New Year's Day at the Coast

Finally recovered enough from my bunion surgery to drive again, I took my dog Bear on a New Year's Day excursion to the Oregon coast.  Although chilly, the skies were wonderfully sunny, and I got some outstanding photographs.  This image is bittersweet as it was Bear's last trip to the beach.  Now nearly 14 years of age, he's unable to walk more than two blocks due to ailing hips. 

Smith Rock in Winter

A calendar photo of snow-covered Smith Rock State Park inspired me to rise early one morning and make a 3-hour drive to catch the sunrise here.  Although last year's mild winter meant no snow, I did capture some wonderful early morning fog rising from the valley.

Mt. Washington

The snow gods aligned during a February trip to Bend with a much-needed snowstorm giving the Cascade Mountains a lovely white coat.  I captured this stunning image of Mt. Washington from Santiam Pass.



A bucket list item finally fulfilled, I visited the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn, Oregon during peak bloom.  Thanks to fellow blogger Becky for being a such wonderful tour guide!  We had fun capturing tons of colorful tulip images with our cameras. 


End of the Season

Okay, so this photo actually happened in April, but didn't get posted until May.... Although 2015 was a dismal snow year for the Cascades, I did manage a dozen days on the slopes.  Santa brought me a GoPro camera, and I had fun recording images in a new way.  Loved its wide angle lens - perfect for capturing chairlift photos with my favorite ski buddy!


Seaside Sunset

A solo trip to the central Oregon coast gave me the freedom to stay up late and capture this stunning image of a sunset over the Pacific Ocean.  2015 was definitely the year of the coast - I logged more trips here than the previous five years combined.


Panther Creek Falls

A jaw-dropping magazine image prompted me to find SW Washington's elusive Panther Creek Falls.  Not easy to reach, but certainly worth the struggle.  As I exclaimed in my post "I've found the most beautiful waterfall in the world!"


A Deacon in the Family

Another event I was late in posting, my son Cody's deaconite ordination took place in June.  My family traveled to Helena, Montana to witness this special ceremony.  Naturally, I took copious photos, but my favorite was this candid moment between Cody and his bishop.


Vista Ridge

My foot finally healed, I filled the late summer months with hikes in the mountains.  It was so hard to pick a favorite from September's many great treks, but this image of fireweed flowers from Mt. Hood's Vista Ridge Trail won out.


Where the Buffalo Roam

During my annual family visit to South Dakota, I played tourist, taking in the various attractions from around the Black Hills.  Although there were many great images to choose from, this buffalo in a unusual position (I referred to it as "buffalo yoga") was my favorite.


Lassen National Park

In mid-September, I made a solo trip to Lassen Volcanic National Park (but *ahem* didn't blog about it until November).  A place I'd wanted to visit for many years, this little-known National Park didn't disappoint.  Truly one of this country's hidden gems, I'm already scheming to get back there again.


Angels Landing, Zion National Park

2015 was the year of the National Parks.  Not only did I make it to Lassen, in October my hubby and I made a grand three-park tour of the southwest, hitting Zion, Bryce and the Grand Canyon's North Rim.  Although I've only begun recapping this amazing trip, there will be lots more good stuff to come!  In the meantime, enjoy this image of Angels Landing, one of my favorite hikes in Zion National Park.

Bonus Image!

Fall Colors, Indian Heaven Wilderness

Of course, because I'm unable to narrow my photos down to only 12, I always like to include one bonus image for my "year in review" post.  Seeing as I didn't post any fall color pics (and believe me, there are many!) I'm including this shot of vivid huckleberry leaves from SW Washington's Indian Heaven Wilderness.

Thanks to all my readers for your visits, follows, and comments.  This blog is merely a happy hobby to record my passions.  I'm flattered so many of you are willing to view my photos and read my attempts at writing.  I truly appreciate the support!

Looking to the year ahead, I'm already planning more adventures.  Stick around and see where the road leads me and my camera in 2016.

Happy New Year!

Sharing with:  Through My Lens and Our World Tuesday


  1. Awesome year in review Linda! I think my favorite is the Mt. Washington one! It is amazing! Best wishes to you and your family in 2016!

  2. Wonderful highlights from 2015 - I've enjoyed all your travels this past year.

  3. What an incredibly selection of photos. Well done Linda, you have travelled to some amazing places during 2015 and photographed them beautifully. Happy New Year.

  4. I enjoyed your review! So sorry to hear about Bear's ailing hips, hard to keep a Border Collie down:(

  5. What an incredible year you've had, Linda. I especially love the image of your son. It's so touching. Happy New Year!

  6. Linda, these beautiful photos would make a great calendar! So sorry about Bear's health. Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2016. Thank you so much for all you share, and mostly, for your friendship!

  7. You were quite the traveler in's to another adventurous year ahead!

    I love reading your blog and seeing your lovely photos...keep up the good work! I sure hope we have an opportunity to meet someday, we seem to have quite a lot in common. I'd hoped to be touring OR in 2016 but our plans have changed due to a house sitting gig in San Diego...thus our visit to OR will be very brief. Perhaps in 2017!

    Happy New Year!

  8. Love your blog. Your awesome pictures reflect your spectacular adventures! That is one incredible waterfall. Like the way you're prepared to go off on adventures to find these places. And hope your son is doing well in his chosen life.

  9. Happy New Year. Your photos are much appreciated.

  10. 'Stick around and see where the road leads me and my camera in 2016.' I'll definitely be sticking around and totally enjoying where the road leads you. Happy New Year, happy hiking, snapping and writing.

  11. This is one of almost a dozen year in review posts I'm reading tonight, but I always love these posts. Gorgeous shots! I especially love the fireweed one. I hope you make it to Lassen again, it's one of my favorite places in California.

  12. Fabulous shots Linda!!! Happy New Year!!!

  13. 2015 was a great make 2016 a super one.

  14. Hello, what a great year you had. Lovely photos! It is always a treat to visit your blog, I look forward to your new year and post. I wish you all the best in 2016! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  15. Wonderful pictures, Linda! I enjoy them every time. Breathtaking year you had, girl! :-)

  16. Belas imagens de 2015 e desejo um espectacular e magnifico ano 2016.
    Um abraço.

  17. Nicely done - March is my favorite though hard to choose. Happy New Year

  18. Fabulous year in review! Happy New Yar!

  19. A great set of varied photographs and memories. Lovely captures.

  20. You had such a great year with your family and camera! I wish you all the best in 2016, Linda!

  21. You've had a great year. Happy new year!

  22. Thats a great year! Wonderful pictures.

    Hope the New Year is starting well.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Following your posts and admiring your photographs throughout the year, I am sure it was a challenge to pick a favourite few. You have opened my eyes to areas that I did not know existed, thank you for taking me there. I look forward to more opportunities to express ooohs & aaaahs over your adventures. Happy New Year Linda!

  24. What year you have had in photos.. I hope to travel around to capture better shot each time I adventure out and about.. Thanks for your inspiring photos images.. I look forwards to seeing more..

  25. Absolutely impossible to choose a favourite. With all those views I don't think I would want to spend a minute longer indoors than necessary.

  26. A great selection - you've seen lots of great things this year. Have a great 2016!

  27. Creative and spectacular photography year in review! Love the doggie, of course!

    Wishing you a happy week ~ ^_^

  28. Such beautiful memories… happy New Year!

  29. Wow, you had an awesome year in photography. Such a fun revamp for us all to share in. Congrats on your son! Happy New Year to you.

    ~Lisa from Life Thru the Lens (

  30. Aw, I've wondered how Bear is these days. I'm glad you've got photos of that beach trip. I remember the post well! Love the idea of choosing a photo a month in review of a year. Your photos are always a treat, Linda!

  31. I love your images so much and all of the journeys you take us with. Bear steals the show of course, no matter where he goes along. :) Thanks for linking in with "Through my Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

  32. I enjoyed your year in pictures. I used to take solo trips during Easter break. They were very special times for me to camp and visit places I remembered from the past. - Margy

  33. A stunning Calendar in the making Linda! Beautiful images xx

  34. I am looking forward to our move to Bend! I always revel in the NW photos I see. Congratulations to your son Cody, also!

  35. What a year! Wish you a new year full of travels, health and adventures.

  36. These are great shots! Happy new year, Linda!

  37. You got out of Oregon quite a bit this year! Keep sharing your adventures, I know I always enjoy them.

  38. Wonderful year in photos Linda! Loved the look back and it evokes so many wonderful memories for you. Thanks for sharing it!

  39. Hi! Very beautiful collection of every month's photo.I like Mt Washington and Lassen National Park photos especially. Thanks for sharing.


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