
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I'm soooo behind on this blog.  There's at least a month's worth of photos from hikes and other adventures stacked up on my hard drive, just waiting for me to sort, edit, and turn into posts.  Life has been a whirlwind lately, which meant photography and blogging took a back seat.

Iris twins

But this morning, sitting in the kitchen sipping my tea, I noticed the early light was quite lovely.  It softly illuminated the flowers in our backyard.  Such a perfect photo op, I hemmed and hawed about taking the time to capture a few images.  Then I thought to myself  "Hey, it's Mother's Day.  I can do whatever I want!" and grabbed my camera.

Pretty in purple

During the past week, our backyard has burst into color.  Several hues of iris have unfurled their gorgeous petals.

Tiny pink blossom

Tiny pink flowers popped open their delicate blossoms.

Pond lily

And golden yellow lilies rose from the waters of our koi pond.

Interesting iris view

Mother's Day to me is taking the time to do the things you love.  Capturing images of these dazzling flowers always makes me smile.

Happiness is.....having your kids come home!

Mother's Day means also spending time with the ones you love.  Nothing makes me happier than having my kids come home to visit.  It was the best part of my Mother's Day 2015.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.  And special wishes to my own mother, battling an unexpected winter storm back in South Dakota.  Stay warm, Mom!

Sharing with:  Our World Tuesday


  1. Linda, your photos are gorgeous! Happy Mother's Day to you! :)

  2. Those irises are absolutely gorgeous. I can think of no better way to spend Mother's Day than with your children.

  3. Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Linda! These photos are gorgeous. And good for you for taking the time to enjoy photographing them. I did the same thing yesterday morning when I got up with the same thought that it's my day!

    I love that photo of you with your children. You have such a lovely family.

  4. Happy Mother's Day, Linda. I love all your beautiful blooms and the great shot of you and your kids! Have a happy day and week ahead!

  5. Such beautiful photos! You have some beautiful/handsome kids! Happy Mother's Day! :)

  6. Linda, such beautiful flowers! Glad you had a lovely day. My hubby is from South Dakota, and he still has some cousins living there. I understand they really need the rain!

  7. Happy Mother's Day! You just radiate happiness at having your children home to celebrate. It doesn't matter how grown-up they are, there's still the same joy, isn't there?!

  8. Happy Mother's Day to you too. Your photography of your flowers certainly makes me smile. Such a special shot of you, your children and the rhododendrons. Sadly they don't grow here.

  9. Wow, beautiful shots. I like taking photos of flowers but there is always a teeny tiny current of air that gives them a blur. Sigh. But your pictures are beautiful, and it's fun to see you with your kids, too.

  10. What beautiful blooms you have in your garden... good for you, taking the time to do what you love, especially on Mother's Day. I hope you had a wonderful day!

  11. You look so happy with your adult children ~ great photo and wonderful macro shots of gorgeous flowers!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  12. A belated Happy Mother's Day. Very nice shots!

  13. Happy belated Mother's Day to you. I love these pictures and am glad I got to see them myself. Beautiful iris and really fine looking kids, too! :-)

  14. Happy Mothers Day Linda. Hope you had a super day.

    Love the flower close ups!

  15. Such gorgeous flower shots.

  16. The irises are gorgeous! I spent Mother's Day editing photos from the last weeks. :-)

  17. Good for you for taking time for youself on Mother's Day. Your photos are GREAT!

  18. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. So did I. Love all your beautiful flowers.

  19. Wow Linda, gorgeous images! My Iris are just starting to bloom and I love them. They hold a special place in my heart because they were one of my sweet mothers favorites. Glad you had a Happy Mother's Day. The photo of you and your kids is priceless!

  20. What a great looking family you have! You remind me SO much of a nurse I used to work with Linda. She was a lot like you in that she loved hiking the mountains and took great photos too:) I am SO glad you had a great Mom's Day -- love your flower photos!
    Blessings, Aimee

  21. Cant beat a good close up to show the fine detail of flowers. Even everyday weeds in the garden are stunning and complex in their design and construction. Happy Mother's Day.

  22. You sure look like a happy mom and I can see why! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  23. Linda, your flower photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing and hope you had a nice mother's day with your family!! My peony plant is near bloom stage. I should check it out this evening. Take care!

  24. Those close up shots are awesome! I love small details especially that of flowers.
    Belated Happy Mother's Day. My greeting are far behind too. It's a lovely picture of you and your kids.

  25. Fabulous shots of the stunning Irises - they are such vibrantly coloured blooms. Thanks for sharing Linda

  26. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day including all those blooms in your yard. Lucky you! It hailed and snowed here today!


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