
Thursday, April 2, 2015

March (Floral) Madness

"April showers bring May flowers."

Not this year.......

Our little rhodie bush has bloomed!

How about "January and February's non-winter brings March flowers?"  Here in Portland, I actually saw trees starting to bloom in late February.  And it was barely March when the daffodils began unfurling their petals.  Crazy early!

Dew-spangled flowers

This year, everything seems to be flowering a month ahead of schedule.

Peek-a-boo petal

Usually our small rhododendron bush doesn't blossom until mid-April.  But on March 18th, I caught it in full-on bloom.

One yet to bloom

 It  just doesn't seem right to be photographing rhodies in March!

Two-color daffodil

By mid-March most of our daffodils were nearly done.  I happened to catch the last couple stragglers in our front yard mere days before they wilted.

Droplets on daffodil

Although I appreciated the early color, somehow it just felt wrong to be seeing so many flowers in March.

Neighbor's flowering tree

Last week, our neighbor's lovely flowering tree (sorry, not sure exactly what it is) burst into a riot of pink petals.  I snuck a few shots over the fence.

I stole a shot over the fence

Not to be left out, our Asian Pear tree also decided to display it's frilly blossoms prematurely.

Our pear tree is blooming

Right now, our backyard and the neighbor's are a kaleidoscope of white, pink, and electric-green new leaves.

Backyard floral bounty

Since we never got a real winter, I'm not mentally prepared for all this floral madness.  But this year, spring isn't waiting for anyone.  It's already arrived - ready or not!

Sharing with:  Floral Friday Fotos and Weekly Top Shot


  1. I had to giggle when I read your post because I have tried to figure out when things 'should' be blooming, too, but never can tell! I love the colors you have already. Look forward to lots of color in your spring and summer.

  2. Stunning flower images, that really show the beauty of spring.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. I love your rhodie blooms, such a pretty color. Lovely flowers and photos.. Happy Easter, have a great weekend!

  4. Lovely spring colors! I expect our spring will be a little late this year, if it comes at all. We might end up going straight to summer. Nothing is blooming in CT right now, but I'll keep my eyes out looking for the first hints of spring.

  5. Dearest Linda; Wow, 'Floral Madness' might be the word for these GORGEOUS flowers and pictures♡♡♡ With your great captures of their BEAUTY, flowers must be happy(*^_^*) I must pick, my favorite is your white flower of pear! :-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  6. That's re-assuring 'cause I thought we were just late. Maybe we're normal and your spring is early. Or then again, maybe your spring is early AND ours is late! Regardless, it's still 90% snow-covered here. Beautiful picture of the Magnolia tree.

  7. So beautiful! I am also seeing the rhodies come out here in Bellingham. They've got a few days before they will be at their peak, though. :-)

  8. Linda, your photos are awesome, some lovely colors for a Friday of Easter weekend.

  9. Gorgeous photos. And wow, that is early! We still have snow around here.

  10. Beautiful blooms! It must be fun to look outside at blooms already! :)

  11. I'm entranced by your wonderful spring colour and awesomeness of nature. Living in the tropics it is so wonderful to experience spring through your camera lens and your garden.

  12. I love the magnolia tree in your neighbor's yard. When I was young, there was a tree planted next to the family church, and we always loved the years the tree bloomed for Easter. Sometimes it was early, sometimes, it was late, but it always bloomed and was beautiful. We called it the tulip tree, for obvious reasons! I love images of flowers in the spring, After a winter of starving for flowers in bloom, I love every photograph. Thanks for sharing yours with us!

  13. Every one of these shots is just incredibly gorgeous! Especially love the ones with the water droplets. Great job!

  14. A great collection Linda, your neighbor has a fabulous magnolia. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  15. Gorgeous blossoms! I love the rhodies and the magnolias. We started out with warmer than normal weather, but then it got colder again and we got more snow. Spring isn't as early here as we thought it would be. Happy Easter!

  16. Wow! We are ahead of things in northern MN this spring, too.. while we still have nothing but brown, I'm wondering if we'll be a month ahead of our usual too.. could be possible that we'll see green and buds and maybe even a few blooms in April instead of our usual May.
    Bewildering as it is, your blooming shots are all incredibly beautiful, Linda.
    Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  17. A superb floral series Linda - thank you for sharing. Happy Easter!

  18. Amazing photos--I especially loved the magnolia and the flowers that have water droplets on them! I am beginning to wonder when our lavender will start blooming. Some of our roses are blooming already--of course some never took more than a brief break this winter:)

  19. Hi! Very beautiful collection of flowers. I like the magnolia photos very much. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your former posts too.

  20. Beautiful! So what do April snow-showers bring?

  21. My daffodils have their stalks up and little buds are forming at the top so I'll finally see something bloom soon!

  22. So many beautiful shots, love the rain droplets :)

    Stopping by from weekly top shot ..

  23. Absolutely stunning!
    Please come share your breathtaking photography at

  24. Yes flowering trees in our neihborhood just recently. Thanks for sharing your lovely flower photos. I love the raindrops.

  25. Since everything is blooming so early I wonder if they will bloom again in the fall. Hmmm.

  26. Nice set of photos. Sign of a warming world as our spring here has advanced almost a full month earlier in the last 30 years.

  27. Nice shots - although the seasons seem messed up at both ends of the globe.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  28. I've noticed so many magnolia trees out at the moment, I just hope all the frost is now over! Your signs of spring are just perfection, especially with the rain droplets! Have a wonderful Easter x

  29. Those flowers are so blissful. In my place, it snowed yesterdsy and today's raining. No greens, no flowers yet but easter is surely happening :) Happy Easter to you.

  30. Yup. With spring arriving early, so have my allergies. Bah humbug! It's all so pretty, though!

  31. Gorgeous looking forward to spring here in Chicagoland♪

  32. Wow - so gorgeous!

  33. Beautiful - it's all-out Spring with you already.

  34. How beautiful! Spring in all it's glory, and so early!

  35. Lovely flowers! Looks like you are ahead of us.

  36. What a wonderful selection of flowers! Looks like Spring has sprung magnificently in your part of the world.
    Thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.

  37. Here in Connecticut the daffodils haven't bloomed yet, which is crazy late.


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