
Friday, February 27, 2015

Making the Best of a Crummy Winter

For us Pacific NW skiers, it's been a horrible winter.  With the exception of Christmas week, and a small MLK weekend dusting, there's been NO SNOWFALL in our mountains.  The weather's been an endless string of unseasonably warm days.  And things are looking mighty bare.

I know all you folks back east are cursing the tons of snow and cold temps, and wishing for some of this warm weather.  But out here, we depend upon mountain snowpack for our summer water supply.  No snow = water shortages and forest fires.  It's not just crazy skiers like me that are lamenting the lack of winter.  (Wish we could trade weather!)

But, each Thursday, my ski bus has been faithfully making the trip up Mt. Hood, giving us diehard skiers our weekly fix.

We ski on whatever meager snow there is.  And no matter the conditions, we're thankful for it.

So today's post is a salute to all my ski bus friends who've embraced this crummy winter and are having a good time anyway.

Like this lady, all decked out in pink for Valentine's Day!

I tell myself these sunny days mean amazing views of my favorite mountain.  And dodging all these rocks is making me a better slalom skier!

Warm temps mean no windy, cold chairlift rides.

Endless solar energy turns icy slopes into nice, soft corn snow - perfect for making turns (until it gets too soft and tranforms into mashed potatoes....)

Endless blue skies......usually a PNW winter rarity!  We've had to stock up on sunscreen and locate missing sunglasses (items that normally aren't needed around here

Springlike weather means enjoying a beer on the lodge patio.


My fellow bus-mates are a celebrating bunch.  Not only do we observe Valentine's Day, we also hand out special awards.  Here's to my buddy Dave, an avid skier and bus rider, this year's proud recipient of the "Purple PECR" award!  Congrats!

And here's to all my friends in the "Back of the Bus" Gang.  Rides home are never boring!

Lastly, clear, sunny skies make great conditions for recording with the GoPro.  Enjoy my latest video offering.

The lesson is, even if Mother Nature is stingy in the snow dept, get out there anyway!  At least my bus buddies and I do.  We're making the best of this crummy winter.

(Hey, it's still better than going to work!)

Sharing with:  Our World Tuesday.


  1. Linda, I like the one-arm poling! Can you mount your GoPro? What would you do if you got a foot of pow and wanted to film yourself on the steep and deep? I like your snow bus companions - they look like a fun bunch. Snowing here again - I'll try to send you a little (sorry, I have to be a little stingy - we still have the month of March and part of April to ski)...

  2. Glad to see you're enjoying the crummy weather anyway! And you're right, "Get out there anyway"! I think it was just taking me some time to get used to the extra cold temps this year. And now I think we're going to get a break with temps closer to -10 instead of -25 or -30! So I'm going to enjoy what's left of winter. Been to three waterfalls in three days! Enjoyed your video; you hold that camera stick really steady. Never heard snow described as mashed potatoes before.

  3. We finally got a little snow! Did you? Not enough for the ski area to open but the backcountry is pretty good.

  4. Your friends look like fun. I especially love that your bus buddy's tutu matches the little puffs of pink on her boots.

  5. Linda, this is such a fun post!!! I love to see you all celebrating winter like this, it really makes my day. :) Your photos are gorgeous, as always.

  6. You are doing great with that go pro camera. Show us the ski lift going up sometime if your snow hasn't all melted! You are a great skier! :)

  7. Well, snow or no snow you seem to be enjoying life to the full.

  8. Linda, I wish I could send you some of our snow.. It is so cold it is not melting.. Your bus buddies look like a fun group of people.. Great photos. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. We who live up here near Mt. Baker have been lamenting the lack of snow, but we do go walking and hiking around town. Now we have the road closed up to the ski area because of erosion. It should be done by April, though, and even though it's been so dry, it's managed to rain every Thursday (my hiking day). :-)

  10. So happy that you enjoying the snow skiing. I could never imagine myself intentionally sliding down a hill on ice and snow with no way of stopping! ;-)

  11. You certainly did make the best of a bad situation. Looks like you had a lot of fun. We got tons of snow and if there had been a way to send you some, I would have! I totally agree that the snow is beneficial in so many ways; even a good gardening season requires it.

  12. I have not yet been ski-ing this season, lovely to see you having fun on the slopes which makes me think now maybe I should find time!

  13. Beautiful shots , and although it may not look like much snow to you,.... to me.... in Texas, it looks like a lot of snow. Really laughed at the Valentines day lady dressed in her pink tutu. Too bad the Boston snow didn't come your way. anyway, it is nice that you are still able to go somewhere that there still is some skiing, and so glad that you are back on your feet for this love of yours.

  14. That's some serious skiing!! Love the shots, looks like lots of fun!

  15. Definitely 100% better than being at work. Wonderful sunny blue skies, Mt Hood, friends and laughter. Wonderful post Linda.

  16. It looks like you have so much fun, that I might want to take up skiing. The pictures are awesome. I love the deep blue skies. Can I ride on your bus sometime?? :)

  17. Way too many rocks up there right now, but I LOVE your positive attitude :) Even with the rocks Mt. Hood is always a beauty!!
    Blessings, Aimee

  18. Well, you are not the only one to have a strange season. We have just had a summer where average temperatures were up, but we have had no days over 40 degrees. Which is a strange combination.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  19. When I look at all the snow we have here I think of the PNW and wish we could share some of it with you. ;)

  20. If only we could send snow your way! Too bad it doesn't work like that ;) It's great that you guys still go out there and enjoy even if it's not optimal conditions. I love the woman dressed up on pink! Such a fun bunch!

  21. Oh I can see there isn't really much snow. That woman in pink seem to have the ride of her life in a V-day :)

    You do have great buddies out there.

  22. I'd say you're still making the best of it. And maybe its for the best so you don't over do it on that foot yet. xo

  23. Dearest Linda; How WONDERFUL to be able to enjoy outing anyway and Great photographs, wish you coud have more☃ ; I've heard of the uncommon weather in America. Fun group, aren't they♡♡♡

    I hope you will have a wonderful new week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  24. Hi, I did not know that it was very warm weather in Oregon state. Mt.Hood is very nice mountan to se and go skiing. I hope you would enjoy skiing in the mountai side.

  25. Lovely shots! Mother Nature has been mean with the winter here too, so it's been very boring this year.

  26. There's no way you can beat winter. Might as well enjoy it, right? Great shots. Must be one unforgettable experience.

  27. That's what I like - a positive, "can do" attitude; always looking for the bright side of a not-so-bright situation. Looks like you have some fun companions there Linda.

  28. It looks like fun. We've been getting winter for the last couple of weeks - your normal grey skies, snow, and cold!

  29. cool! send it here, we're over summer

  30. Loving the lady in the pink tutu!

  31. Sounds like your winter has been much like ours. The week after Christmas was very cold, but after that it's been mostly grey and wet. I know I should go out anyway, but when the weather's terrible I'd rather sit on the couch under my blanket enjoying a cup of tea and a good book.

  32. Sure wish we could transport all this cold and moisture back West! But it looks as if y'all are making the best of it!

  33. Fun time and great photography! Plenty of snow on Cape Ann MA in New England ~ got over 100 inches and more to come supposedly!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  34. Not a skier any more, but I hear ya about the weather. We finally got some needed snow today. Our youngest daughter was in OR a couple weekends ago and skied Mt. Hood. She said the snow wasn't great, but she loved it. Glad that you have so many fun friends!

  35. Looks like a fun group! Gorgeous scenery. :)

  36. Looks like an awesome time on the slopes! Wish we could send you are snow!

  37. The snow[ack in Colorado has been lower than last year, too, but hopefully will pick up soon as March is traditionally our snowiest month! Love all your skiing photos--makes me smile!

  38. Oh what fun! The sun does look a little bright..against that brilliant white snow I would need some extra dark sunshades. It looks like you have a super crew of good friends to enjoy life with. Love your photos of the slopes- I agree with others above- get a shot while on the ski lift- that must look fantastic!


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