
Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year's Day at the Coast

I think I'm starting a new tradition.

New Year's Day is usually spent on the mountain skiing.  But last year's skimpy snowpack kept me away.  Not wanting to waste the day off, I loaded up my dog and camera and headed to the coast.  It ended up being a great trip, and I came home with a memory card full of gorgeous photos.

Blue skies for a new year

Fast forward to NYD 2015.  Although I wanted to hit the slopes, I couldn't.  My foot still out of commission from October's surgery, skiing wasn't yet an option.  But, I'd finally been given the okay to drive.  After sitting home for over two months, I was chomping at the bit to go somewhere.  Why not visit the beach?

Tracks in the sand

So I once again packed up camera and dog and pointed my car west.  Although I experienced some swelling, my foot did good during the hour's drive.  Looking for a nice, flat walk (both for my foot and Bear's ailing hips) I decided to park at Tolovana Beach, located on the south end of Cannon Beach.

Some horses enjoying the day

New Year's Day 2015 weather was a polar opposite of the previous year.  Instead of clouds and rain, I was greeted with gorgeous blue skies.  Although temps were a wee bit chilly, I didn't mind in the least.  I was just happy to finally go someplace!

Perfect sea stack reflections

Bear and I gimped out of the car and headed towards the water.  The beach was nothing short of spectacular.  Waves sparkled in the sunshine.  Sea stacks reflected in the wet sand.  A retreating tide created a nice wide beach, perfect for walking.  Glimpsing Haystack Rock, a large sea stack, in the distance, I decided to amble towards it.

Good doggie reflections too!

The beach was a busy place.  There were lots of families with kids, couples strolling hand in hand, dogs running and sniffing - even a group of horseback riders!

Trying out my new selfie pole

One of my after-Christmas purchases was a selfie pole.  Mainly to use with my new GoPro camera, I discovered my point and shoot also fit it's mounts.  Walking towards Haystack Rock, I amused myself with self portrait attempts.  I'm sure I looked totally goofy to the other folks (see that wacky lady trying to take pictures of herself?)   But I had fun trying to capture the perfect selfie.  Yeah, this was my best one.  As you can tell, I need a bit more practice!

Haystack Rock

After passing the crowds near the parking lot, I let Bear off leash so he could run.  In the past, he's been real good about staying close.  But old age must be working on my dog's brain, (he just turned 13) because Bear wandered far ahead of me.

Wave action

I hollered for Bear to come back, but between the wave noise, and my dog being hard of hearing, he didn't respond.  Although fairly mobile by then, I still walked with a limp, and wasn't very fast.  Great!  If Bear got into mischief, I couldn't go running after him.

Lots of wave action!

I was almost to Haystack Rock, when I finally caught up with my doggie.  A popular place, it attracted lots of beach walkers.  Due to the large number of people here, I decided it would be best to put Bear back on his leash.

Silhouettes on the beach

Of course, Bear was less than thrilled to be tethered again.  And for me, it was kind of a pain to take photos with a dog pulling at my arm.  But at least I'd keep him out of trouble.

Happy 2015 from Bear!

Around the base of Haystack Rock photo subjects abounded.  Waves crashed into the rocks, and rushed onto the beach.  I spent half my time trying to capture a good splash.  A few nearby tidepools held spiky anemones.  Nearby sea stacks reflected in the wet sand.  And of course, people watching was first rate.

Peaceful beach scene

Haystack Rock is the largest of Cannon Beach's sea stacks.  Measuring 235 feet above the sand, this giant basalt monolith is a local landmark.  Many varieties of birds nest in it's crevices, and tidepools at it's base teem with interesting sea creatures. 

Love the sand patterns

I was happy I'd made it all the way to the big rock, a half mile in distance.  But all this walking came at a price.  My foot was starting to swell quite alarmingly.  This wasn't good - I still had to walk the same distance back.

Bear takes a breather

Realizing I'd probably already overdone it, I tore myself away from Haystack Rock and it's many photo subjects, and began a slow slog to the car.

Can you spot the surfers?

Of course, the return trip wasn't delayed solely by an angry foot.  Lots of great subjects caught my eye on the way back too.

Seagulls looking for food

There were seagulls looking for food at water's edge.  Interesting sand patterns.  Fading afternoon light casting unusual shadows.  A group of surfers walking along the crashing waves.  Footprints in the beach leading somewhere. 

Hoofprints in the sand

And of course, lots of sweeping vistas.

Heading back to the car

Late afternoon light illuminated the wet sand to a lovely shade of blue.

Looking back at where we'd been

Although the gorgeous photo ops were a good distraction from an aching foot, I was relieved when the parking lot, and my car, finally came into view.  After all that walking, my foot felt the size of a watermelon.  Wanting to calm things down before the long ride home, I elevated it by propping my leg on a car door.  I sat in position for a long time.

The sun is starting to go down

But nature started to call, and I decided a potty break would be a good idea before heading home.  So I lowered my still-angry foot, and limped over to the ladies room.

Haystack Rock engulfed in golden light

The restrooms were conveniently located right next to the beach.  Exiting the building, I noticed the sinking sun was bathing everything in a lovely golden glow.  Oh wow!  Sore foot or not, I had to get my camera!

Waiting for sunset

I hastily hobbled back to the car.  While retrieving my camera, Bear gave me a funny look, as if to say "aren't we leaving now?"  I left him in the car, and took off for the beach as fast as my aching foot would let me.

Great way to start 2015!

In those final five minutes, I got my best photos of the day.  Standing on the walkway above the sand, I fired away at everything in sight.  The light was nothing short of spectacular.  Sky, water and sand glowed a rich golden color.  As the sun slowly sank below the clouds, it gave one last burst of shining light.  Such a magical moment.   

A perfect end to the first day of 2015.

Sharing with:  Saturday's Critters and Weekend Reflections and 52 Photos Project.


  1. So beautiful, Linda! I can't think of a better place to spend time on any day than by the water. Pure magic.

  2. Linda, what a great way to spend the first day of the year.. The beach and haystacks are gorgeous scenery and I love your cute doggie.. I hope your foot was able to recover. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I am glad you are out and about now however you MUST NOT over do it or you will be in trouble! This was a wonderful outing you had and ALL the photographs are stunning. The lighting during the day and as the sun is going down is brilliant. yes the surfers were easy to see and I love the long shots of the beach adn of course your dog.

  4. What a great coastline and photos. Sounds like a good tradition to me!

  5. So glad you had a good day out at the coast. Lovely photos. Your selfie was good. I have a monopod I got in 2013 and should use it more. I have a nice tripod as well. Go easy on your foot, girl. Glad ya made it home ok. See you soon!!

  6. Oh Linda be careful!! I bought my daughter one of those poles for Christmas and she was over the moon. Your trip to the beach was well worth the effort and pain for those fantastic shots. Now put your feet up and relax xx

  7. Oh what wonderful photos of one my favorite beaches! Bear is looking good for 13! That hour before sunset often gives some great photos! What a way to start the new year:)

  8. January 1st was positively spectacular on the OR coast! We were walking on the beach with our dogs, too. :-) Glad that your foot cooperated enough to enjoy the day. Happy New Year!

  9. Seems like a good tradition to start, you certainly got some excellent shots. Now get that foot better!

  10. Gorgeous coastal and beach photos, Linda. Haystack Rock looks like a great place to think and take in the beauty of the sea.

    Hope your foot keeps healing.

  11. I'm jealous, what a great place to spend the day.

  12. Stunning images! What a fabulous way to spend the first day of the year. It certainly sets the tone for the year: lots of amazing photography coming up! I can imagine how hard it was to leave this place. I often wonder how I ever make it back home when I have to stop often to take a photo :)

  13. Beautiful photography of a gorgeous beach ~ Love your doggie photos! Such a darling.

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  14. What a wonderful way to start the year, you could not have found a more perfect place or day; the light, the reflections, the sundown are all just beautiful. Any limitations of your foot are definitely not noticeable. Hope the foot was OK and you didn't pay for your pleasure the next day.

  15. Aside from your poor foot, that was a spectacular day at the beach. You took some grand photos and I did love the one of Bear with his reflection in the watery sand, but those end of the day shots were glorious. A very successful day for photos I would say and I thank you so much for sharing them with us. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and hope your foot doesn't pitch a fit :)

  16. all the photos are gorgeous! bear makes a perfect model among all the BLUE! so lovely! be careful on that foot and keep your sweet old pup safe. :)

  17. That's a great way to start a new year. Some fabulous reflections especially of Bear. Hope you didn't overdo your recovery.

  18. Awesome new tradition! I know what you mean about trying to capture a good splash but it's so much fun trying.

  19. What a magical visit and start to the New Year. The horses are my favourite shot. So glad you didn't let your foot spoil the day but do hope it didn't bring negative results.

  20. Hmmm...a walk on the beach sounds nice. Glad Bear had some fun too! Hope the foot continues to heal - rest is not always as easy as it sounds!

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my reflection. I spent a week in Oregon years ago and it is indeed a beautiful state. You have some great pictures here capturing that beauty. I'll be visiting here often.

  22. So glad you're getting out and about, but sorry about the swelling foot! Great pictures of a beautiful place!

  23. What a fabulous way to spend your New Years Day! Glad that Bear did not run off and you have to chase after him with your foot. Hope it gets feeling better quickly! Thant sunset was gorgeous! Happy New Year to you and Bear!

  24. Those are spectacular pictures! You need to take care of that foot though.

  25. I really love how reflective the sand is in all of your photos. Incredible. Haha, I love that you've got a selfie stick, it's not just for goofballs with their iPhones anymore! :)

  26. Wow, going back to take the sunset photos, was well worth it. I loved the stack reflections and also Bear's perfect reflection in the shallow water. I'm going to join your blog as from now! Happy 2015 to you! Greetings, Jo (East Africa)

  27. How nice to take me on your excursion ! Your photos are so beautiful ! What a beautiful day too !

  28. Hi Linda, Fantastic shots, a successful trip and Bear can write ...;-)) This is the madness Regards Frank

  29. Beautiful photographs, Linda.

  30. A great serie, well done!
    My post at:

  31. Hello Linda,
    What a great shots!! Wonderful so along the beach.
    Your last three shot are amazing with the wonderful light.

    Kind regards,

  32. Gorgeous photos of the beach. I'm glad your foot is well enough that you can drive and go places again.

  33. Fantastic series of photos! Very well captured!

  34. Always love seeing pics of Bear and of course, everything else as well. Much as I love my mountains, I'd love to be able to get to the coast so easily. You have both and I can tell you never take that for granted! Take care of that foot!

  35. What a delight to see your images of Cannon Beach. I have been there several times and froze my feet during the summer. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  36. It does indeed look like a perfect day. Thank goodness your foot is now well enough for you to drive. I like your selfie. It looks like you were taken by surprise, that you weren't posing for it.

  37. Oh wow, Linda! These are simply fantastic pictures, and you're right about having captured a ton of good ones. I love the peaceful beach scene, and gosh I hope you take good care of that foot so you can do more of these. It was indeed a great start to a new year. Thanks for all the inspiration!! :-)

  38. That is a great serie... I'm happy to have shared you beach day through all those dielightful pics.

  39. Wow- thank you for taking me along on your fun trip to the beach- beautiful..just beautiful scenery!

  40. You got a lot of great shots! I love the beach ANY day. I read somewhere that selfie pole were in short supply this Christmas.

  41. *sigh* One day I will move to a house on a beach. I love the ocean and the sand. You made so nice pictures. I love your dog and the reflection of him.
    A dog-owner from germany

  42. Linda,
    I certainly enjoyed your outing to the beach, such a beautiful day and the sunset almost had a creamy hue to it. I love the beach and the mountains and look at you, you have both. I am so sorry about your foot, try not to overdo-I know that is difficult because you are a gal on the move!

  43. You've made me lonesome for the Oregon Coast! Thank you for the wonderful memories! We didn't even get to go there at all last summer (Alaska interfered, which was definitely worth it, but still ...). Your pics are wonderful. And it sounds the perfect New Years Day tradition to me.

  44. Beautiful photographs Linda! I loved seeing Bear again, the horses and the beautiful beach. Now, you have me wanting to take a beach walk instead of doing chores;)
    Blessings, Aimee

  45. Stunning scenery and beautiful photos.

  46. Sigh - how very beautiful!

  47. What a beautiful photo trip to the beach...I would love to visit there one day! Great job!
    Your photos are beautiful! Thank you for your visits and kind compliments to my blog!
    Blog on! LOL

  48. Sigh... One of my favorite places on earth! We loved our stay in Canon Beach and roaming all of the Oregon Coast.
    Sure hope that foot of yours keeps healing and improving at a steady pace. And so glad Bear was out to celebrate the new year with you. Beautiful shots, Linda!
    PS: It's all good to be the wacky lady. :)

  49. I've got to disagree with you...I think your best shot of the day is the one of Bear with his reflection in the water. I miss seeing his cute doggie face, it was nice you got so many shots of him at the beach. I would chastise you for overdoing it with the foot but I know I would have done the same thing. What you should have done was soak it in the cold water before heading home. There have been times I've dipped my sore feet in icy streams to reduce the swelling.

  50. Your shots are all just amazing, and love your use of t he selfie stick! What fun that is. It looks as if you had a wonderful day for your outing, and so glad that your foot is progressing. Beautiful shots and no place better than the ocean.... well, maybe the mountains with the beautiful snow. Know you will be back there next year! Have a wonderful new year!


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