
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Everything is Awesome

Guess what I did on MLK day????

Back in the saddle - finally!

I twisted my doctor's arm a tiny bit, but in the end she grudgingly gave me the okay to try skiing.  Well, with conditions of course.  I promised to stay on easy groomed runs, to wrap the surgical area of my foot, and swore I'd only ski a couple hours.

Sunny skies and new snow

So last Monday, my buddy Kim and I had the MLK holiday off, and we headed up to Mt. Hood.  Our timing was so utterly perfect.  Not only did we escape the weekend rainstorm, the mountain received a couple inches of fresh snow overnight.  Then the sun came out.  Perfect!

Kim is happy her ski buddy is back

I was a wee bit apprehensive about how my ski boot would fit on my still-swollen right foot.  So two days before our planned trip, I tried it on at home.  Although snug, I was able to get it on (and more importantly, remove it) and didn't feel uncomfortable.  I texted a photo of my foot in the boot to Kim with the message "Let's go skiing!"

I missed these scenes

My poor friend Kim.  I'm the one she usually skis with, and since I was out of commission, she hadn't been up at all.  You can imagine how happy she was to have her ski buddy back!

Victory lap

My first run was a bit wobbly.  The foot was still a little sore, and it protested when hitting the inside of my boot.  But once I got going, my foot did just fine.  It felt absolutely wonderful to be sliding down a snowy slope again.  I'd waited over two long months for this day.  I was so happy, I even shed a few tears of joy.

My old friend the sunburst

I brought my new GoPro camera along, and had fun trying to take photos.  I left my selfie pole in the car, so in order to get some footage, I coaxed Kim to hold the camera while I skied by.  The result is this short video below.  Proof I can still ski!

We skied all morning, and my foot held up wonderfully.  Although it was a little swollen and sore, I was able to make turns and fly down the slopes (having some new fluffy snow sure helped!)

Near the end of a fabulous morning, Kim turned to me and exclaimed: "This is like the song in the Lego movie - everything is awesome!"

Glad to be back with my best ski buddy

Indeed it was.  I couldn't have asked for a better first day back.


  1. Wonderful! So glad it all worked out! Loved the video sure sounded like you gals were having fun! :)

  2. Looks like a great day - must be good to be mobile again!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: work has settled down, school and summer holidays just about over, normal service will now be resumed!

  3. Looks like a fun day, Linda, and I love this series of photos.

  4. EEEEEE!! I'm jumping up and down inside for you! Hoooooray, you're back! Also, from the video, it looks like you're really good at skiing.

  5. Must be a great feeling but
    "....swore I'd only ski a couple hours..."
    "...we skied all morning..."
    I hope your doctor doesn't read this blog!

  6. Great photos! I know you are happy to be able to ski again.. I am happy for you and your friend and the awesome day..have a happy week ahead!

  7. I couldn't be happier for you! Love the snow pics!

  8. Gorgeous pictures! I never learned to ski, so I really envy those who can.

  9. That is wonderful! I'm so happy for you, Linda. Enjoy.

  10. Linda, glad you had so much fun on the slopes. Not for me! I don't like to be cold.

  11. How wonderful! I'm so happy for you that you can go skiing again.

  12. So much fun and the weather looks glorious!

  13. Congrats! Glad your foot cooperated so the rest of your body had a good time. ;)

  14. Congrats on the recovery progress...looks like such a fun day!

  15. What a great day! It looks like you're pretty much back. Congrats to you! :-)

  16. I'm so glad to see you back on the slopes and smiling again. Just don't over do it too quickly.

  17. A perfect day to get back on the slopes - gorgeous!

  18. Congratulations! I don't ski. Tried it twice but I was a klutz.

  19. Yippee, Linda! I can't believe it was that uncrowded. It looked like a perfect day. We didn't even try to ski over MLK. You're looking good on those boards - may you have many more powder days.PS I like your jacket.

  20. YAY FOR YOU, LINDA!!! What a beautiful day! LOVE the video of you in action!
    Feeling your joy. :) And singing along, "Everything is Awesome!"

  21. Looks like a *lot* of fun! Glad you have recovered sufficiently to go skiing again!

  22. AWESOME!!! So happy for you:):)
    Blessings, Aimee

  23. Whoo-hoo... congratulations, Linda! So happy for you!

  24. hurrah for you!! glad you were able to ski and your foot was good. What a fun day!! I had to work though, sigh...but that's ok!!! Hugs and happiness, my friend!!!! :0)

  25. Such fun- I can't ski, but your beautiful photos make me wish I could. Be careful and don't overdo!

  26. Awesome footage of you effortlessly gliding down the slope. Terrific to see.
    Being patient has been rewarded.

  27. Yahoo! You are back in your element. Loved the short video and it looked like you and Kim had a wonderful day full of sunshine and fun!

  28. You have more snow than we do! Glad you got out!

  29. What a great day you had. I would love a GoPro, but am I nuts. I really don't know how to properly use the cameras I have now. Tom The Backroads Traveller


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