
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Last of the Fall Colors

Being laid up with a bum foot for the past 7 weeks (yes, it's been that long!) has put a serious crimp in my photo-taking.  But one early December morning, I noticed the bushes by our front window had finally changed into their autumn colors.  And - bonus - they were adorned with tiny glittering dew drops.

A photo opportunity not to be missed!  I dusted off my camera, and hobbled outside.

Usually by December, most of the leaves around here are long gone.  But this fall's unseasonably warm weather has delayed everything, including the leaf drop.

It was sooo nice to be able to use my camera again.  And, lucky for me, I didn't have to travel very far.

My foot is healing, but it's been a long, slow road.  I still can't walk very far without it swelling up and feeling uncomfortable.  However, tonight I was able to get a shoe on for the first time in weeks.  So that's progress.  I'm hoping to be able to start driving again soon - maybe even this weekend.  And maybe - just maybe - I'll be able to ski in January (if our mountains ever get some snow...)  Fingers crossed!

But running and hiking will likely have to wait another couple months.  Since I've finally run out of current pics, I'll be dipping into my archives for blog material.  It'll be some good stuff - trust me!

In the meantime, enjoy the last of Portland's fall colors for 2014.

Sharing with:  Scenic Weekends and Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Well taken to get the dew drops on the leaves like that

  2. Pretty images, love the dewdrops. Have a happy weekend!

  3. It is surprising what one can see when you take a good look around. PS: If one day all of a sudden your foot feels great DON'T OVER DO IT. Speaking from personal experience you can set yourself back again. Give it time to heal.

  4. I've always though leaf drop was caused as much by length of daylight as well as temperature. Hmmm. I learn so much reading blogs! I'm amazed that you have been able to sit this long allowing your foot to heel - you are soooo active.

  5. Don't know how you have leaves in December - shouldn't be allowed! But hope that bum foot continues to improve so you can get out and then post about your wonderful hikes!

  6. Stunning photos! You don't need to go far to get your photo fix :)

  7. Linda, I just stopped by to wish you a very happy holiday. Glad you're healing, and I sure hope that January will bring some skiing your way. We have good early snow in Breckenridge - skied 3x this week. This weekend we'll cross country - another storm is due. We'll be in Denver over the holiday and then back to the mountains to play in the snow. Your leaf photos are stunning. Take Care!

  8. Nice pictures! I hope your recovery continues with ease.

  9. Isn't it great to not have to go far for great nature shots!! I really like the late colors and I'm glad to hear you're making progress in healing, even if it is slow.

  10. Great dew drop pictures Linda! It has been odd to have leaves on the trees this late in the year--but, since I love leaves, very enjoyable:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  11. Very pretty. I can't imagine leaves turning in December, we're in the depths of winter by that time.

  12. Sometimes it's nice to appreciate the beauty right in one's own backyard! Hope the foot will heal up soon...

  13. very nice series- you still have green leaves !

  14. I totally agree with Melissa above. Such a long time to be out of action, but it will be worth while. I'm looking forward to seeing your archive material. Happy Christmas.

  15. You have beauty right out your door. Good to hear that your foot is slowly getting better:)

  16. How very pretty these leaves are. The droplets are like tiny jewels on them.

  17. I'm glad to hear that your foot is getting better. I love the fall colours. Everything here is just grey.

  18. Well, you aren't missing good skiing! Rainmageddon maybe. Can you swim? That saved me when I had plantar fascitis.

  19. Leaves and water are a classic combination.

    Hope you have a great Christmas.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  20. Hi,it's nice you are getting better. From your post,I remember the Last Leaf by O'Henry. Remaining autumn leaves would make us to cheer up. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Lovely photographs, Linda... how nice to find such beauty just a few steps from your door. Glad your foot is healing; I look forward to seeing photographs once you can start hiking and exploring again.

  22. Gorgeous photos of the leaves. It's the same here, a very slow leaf drop and I even have roses growing in the garden! I hope your foot continues to heal and you are up and walking normally again soon. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas xx

  23. You'll be in your ski boots before you know it, just don't rush it though I know it's tempting. I haven't shot much lately either and I'm starting to get the "itch". I think I'll be hiking before the week is out but I have no idea what I might find to shoot we don't even have snow and none in the forecast. Of course all our color is long gone, so enjoy yours and Merry Christmas to you all.


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