
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Icy Morning

The Pacific Northwest wasn't immune to last week's arctic blast.  A week ago Thursday, I awoke to an ice-covered front yard.

Although still home recovering from foot surgery, I couldn't resist grabbing my camera and hobbling outside.

Still-warm ground quickly melted it's icy crust.  But on vegetation, the frozen droplets clung quite nicely.

My rhodie bushes sported tiny, thin icicles. 

The few roses left were encased in a glittering, frosty shell.

After sitting idle for two weeks, it felt great to get out and capture some images.  Sniff....I miss hiking already.  Can't wait until my foot is healed and I can get back on the trail.

Sharing with:  Today's Flowers.


  1. Those rose photos are amazing.

  2. Pretty images! I love the rose.. I hope your foot is healing and you are able to go hiking again soon! Happy weekend!

  3. I love these images. They are stunning! You don't need to go far to capture amazing photographs.

  4. Stunning images. Take care of that ankle.

  5. Glad you can finally hobble out the front door! I enjoyed your posts about your ONP trip with hubby. I'm away from home the last 4 days so am finally getting caught up on my blog reading yet again.

  6. You certainly found the beauty, Linda, and thank you so much for capturing and sharing it here!

  7. Your photos are beautiful, but it looks a bit too much like winter...just like here in Wisconsin! It has been too icy to walk here...hope the weather and your foot improve quickly!

  8. Lovely, icy photos. I especially love the roses. Waiting for another winter storm here. Happy Thanksgiving, Linda.

  9. I love when there's ice or snow. I spend time photograghing as well. Nice photos and a fun reprieve from the house. Hope you are mending well. Hugs and prayers.

  10. Remarkable photos - but don't go hobbling too far!

  11. Gorgeous photos! The sparkly ice is so beautiful.

  12. Glad you are moving around again. These are lovely as always.

  13. Hi! Sorry I did not know that you had surgery. I hope you will recover soon. Your photos are very beautiful,especially the frozen rose one. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Looks like the cold came on very suddenly there! Hope your foot will feel better soon!

  15. I hope you will be up and hiking again soon! The rose photo is beautiful. Take care x

  16. These are fantastic Linda, ice can be very beautiful in nature. I love all your photos but particularly love that deep red rose and I thank you so much for linking with Today's Flowers :) I can understand, after seeing all those wonderful hikes you go on, how much you miss it and I wish you speedy healing. Have a great week!

  17. Lovely, glazed rose and plants! Frost has just benn on short visits here yet. Mostly dark, wet and mild.

  18. That was an untimely blast of cold weather. You got some very nice photos in exchange for your pain!

  19. Quite a contrast- how often does that happen ?

  20. Beautiful captures right in your yard. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  21. BEAUTIFUL photos Linda! So glad that your foot surgery went well, and know it will help you out on your hiking! Have a lovely thanksgiving, and nice to be able to just let everyone else be responsible for the work for once!

  22. I know you can get a bit stir-crazy so I'm glad you had a chance for some fun and beautiful photos!

  23. The rose encased in ice is spectacular. How nice to find great photographs in your own yard... makes the daily search for new photos so much easier!


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