
Monday, June 2, 2014

Just Ducky

I spotted these cute little ducklings one rainy Sunday a few weeks ago.  They were swimming around with their mama in a neighborhood pond.

I stood out in the pouring rain with my zoom lens, patiently waiting for them to swim near.  It took awhile, but finally my persistence paid off.  Not only did I capture these duckling's adorable expressions, I really like the silver shimmering ripples in the water.

These little guys remind me of my own two children, now both adults and on their own.  Like the ducklings, it seems children stay little for such a short while.  Before you know it, they've grown up and left the nest. 

Sharing with:  Saturday's Critters and Our World Tuesday.


  1. That is an awesome shot Linda! Well worth the rain and the wait!

  2. GREAT photos of the ducklings Linda! And now I shall go lament my 'empty nest' yet again (until one of them visits us that is)

  3. Sweet sweet captures. I love ducks.. of all ages and sizes.
    I'm glad you braved the rain!

  4. Linda, the ducklings are adorable.. My son 21 is out on his own now too. Great shots, thank you for linking up. Have a happy week!

  5. You were rewarded with a super shot.

  6. Beautiful shot!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  7. How sweet! That is a terrific shot. A photo of those baby ducklings is worth being patient for. I know what you mean about how quickly children grow. My older daughter will be turning 22 this month, and I often ask myself "Where did all those years go?"...

  8. How darling, Linda! Thanks so much for sharing this, you have made my day! :)

  9. Hi,Lind. Nice captures Very cute photos. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Aren't they adorable? I just want to pick them up and hug them.

  11. Sweet photo. It's true that kids grow up way too fast!

  12. Hee Hee and AWWW right back at cha :)))


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