
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Diamond Lake

Before I get started with today's post, I need some help from my blogging friends.  Has anyone had troubles following other blogs with Google Friend Connect?  This week, I tried to follow a few different blogs using GFC, and and it didn't work.  I kept getting error messages.  Has something changed I'm not aware of?  Is Google pulling the plug on GFC?  If any of you can help shed some light on this issue, please leave me a comment!  Thanks!!!

Pointy Mt. Thielson from the highway

Okay, on to today's story.  After spending two glorious days at Crater Lake, Roger and I packed up for the long drive back to Portland.  But on our way home, we decided to make a pit stop.  Just north and west of Crater Lake is another place that's very special to our family - Diamond Lake.  When our kids were little, we used to spend long summer weekends camping at this beautiful body of water.  Fishing was great, the campground was wonderful, and both our kids learned to ride their bikes on the paved path that circled it's shore.

Tall snowbanks line the road to Crater Lake

Since Diamond Lake is a short distance from Crater Lake, Roger and I decided we had to stop by.  So we bid Crater Lake goodbye, and hit the road that wound west and north around the park.  Diamond Lake was only about 20 miles away, and it didn't take long before Roger was pulling into the marina parking area.

Diamond Lake and Mt. Bailey

We'd never visited Diamond Lake in the winter.  The lake has a resort, with a lodge, cabins and a general store.  Although summer is it's busy season, the place stays open year-round.  When the snow flies, snowmobiling, ice fishing, and cat skiing are the main activities.  Diamond Lake is anchored by two lovely mountains on each side - Mt. Bailey to the west, and pointy-topped Mt. Thielson to the east.

Snow art on Diamond Lake's shore

When we lived in South Dakota, Roger was an avid ice fisherman.  Sadly, living in western Oregon, temps rarely get cold enough to freeze the lakes, so Roger hasn't ice fished in years.  But up here in the mountains, in winter the mercury drops well below freezing, and Diamond Lake regularly ices over.  Roger was very interested in checking out the ice fishing scene.

Swedish chef snowman?

It was cool to see the lake covered with snow and ice.  So different from our summer trips!  And even more fun - someone had built a couple of incredible snowmen on the lakeshore.  One looked to be a chef, and the other was built with a set of sturdy legs.  Pine cones and sticks were used to outline facial features.

Roger goes to check on the ice fishing

While Roger trekked out onto the ice to talk to the fishermen, I roamed along the shore snapping photos of these very creative snowmen.

Snowchef and Mt. Bailey

Roger returned with a report that the fishing was slow.  Still, I think my hubby was wishing he'd brought his pole and still owned an ice auger.  Maybe we'll have to return to Diamond Lake next winter.  I'll pass the time skiing up Mt. Bailey while Roger's busy enticing trout to bite.

Our winter trip to Southern Oregon was a rousing success. Whether it's to visit Crater or Diamond Lake, I have a feeling there's a return visit in store for next winter.

Sharing with:  Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Ooooh! White velvety snow, dramatic mountain peaks and artsy snowmen...what cool (pun intended) photos.

    Looks like a great weekend.

  2. Loved your images. What a gorgeous area, and plowed. Up here few mountain roads are.
    I've been having the same problem. I have a favorite blogs list (my inspiration) on my blog.. comes in handy.

  3. Lovely! And the snow art made me smile. :)

  4. The snow art is cool, love the snow people..The mountain scenery is always a gorgeous sight to see. Lovely images. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I couldn't get google friend connect to work this week either, so it must be them.

    I know just how Roger feels about ice fishing. My husband loves going and even tho we had plenty of ice this year, we only had time to go once.

    Great pictures as always Linda.

  6. I read that the problem with GFC is known and google is working on it. Don't you hate when things that worked fine suddenly stop working?!

  7. Beautiful views, and I LOVE the snowmen! I have had trouble in the past with Friend Connect. I go back later and try again, that works most of the time.

  8. Wow what a fun time you had. First I've never been to this lake (must make a note if I'm ever that way again to stop by)
    So loved those super fun and creative snowmen.
    Ice Fishing....brrrr (can't say I'd try it).

  9. You took a great trip, Linda, and I enjoyed your posts about the journey. I think that first snow person looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy! Some blogs on Google Connect allow me to comment, but others ask me to join, which I'm not interested in doing.

  10. I can see why this place is special to your family. I don't think I use Google Connect. I just go to the 'design' page and click on " my blogs " and get a list of the blogs I follow and their latest posts.

  11. I've heard about about Google axing a blog reader, but I heard that rumor a long time ago. I read blogs through, and I can arrange the blogs into groups, and mark which ones I've read so that unread blogs won't get lost in the shuffle. Hope you find a solution that works for the problem for you!

  12. I don't think that google friend connect is working. I changed my way of following a long time ago to Bloglovin and it immediately picked up all of the blogs that I follow. The blogs still stream in the same place on my blog that they always did, but are under blog lovin. I was then also able to downlod an app on my phone called feedly so can view my friends blogs on my phone also. By the way, your shots are just lovely

  13. I'm in love with your photos & Oregon beauty, Linda! Diamond Lake looks like a great place, and I love the family memories you shared with your kids there.

  14. Fantastic wintry photos ~ favorite, of course, is the snow 'person' ~ Happy Weekend ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

    GFC hasn't been working ~ they are really pushing for Google + ~ what can I say ~ change the ever constant.

  15. Gleaming photos♪ Have a great week-end!

  16. I love this different view of Diamond Lake. Phil and I stayed there a few nights a few years ago when we went to Crater Lake. We stayed in the motel. Good idea to visit there after Crater Lake. Beautiful photos as always! Have a good week in sunny Oregon.

  17. Thanx so much for sharing these photos!!! Safe Travels & Big Hugs

  18. We might need just one more I can build a snowman like that :)
    Well maybe next year...I am too much into warm weather now.
    PS: You're making me miss southern Oregon.


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