
Monday, February 24, 2014

"Super" Weekend at Mt. Bachelor

I'm not a huge Superbowl fan.  The game is almost always a blowout.  Most of the commercials are posted in advance on the internet.  And my hubby's favorite team, the Minnesota Vikings, never makes it that far (and at the rate they're going, probably never will).  Besides, with everyone busy watching the game and having parties, it's the perfect day to hit the slopes.

A clear day dawns on Mt. Bachelor

Last year, I spent Superbowl weekend at Mt. Bachelor.  It worked out so well, I decided a repeat visit was in order.  So Friday night, I packed up my car, and headed to the town of Bend, in Central Oregon.

Ski tracks make fancy patterns on the cone

Although snowfall was still sparse in early February, Saturday dawned sunny with brilliant blue skies.  As I always say, if you can't have fresh powder, sunshine is the next best thing.

Dale and Max are ready to go!

My brother Dale and his son Max joined me that day.  A quick lift ride took us to mid-mountain, where amazing views of the neighboring mountains awaited.

White frosted wonderland

Overnight freezing fog had everything covered in a thick, frosty coat of white.  Amazingly beautiful against the blue sky!

Tiny sunburst peeps out of the trees

I even captured a tiny sunburst peeking out from some frosty trees.

Mountain views don't get any better!

Clear skies at Mt. Bachelor means skiers are treated to gorgeous views of the adjacent mountains.  Broken Top and the Three Sisters can be seen front and center from most every run.  Ski area views don't get much better than this!

Flocked glade

The snow was nicely groomed off the Pine Martin Lift, so Dale, Max and I made a few laps.

Snowmaking next to the lift

The lift ride back up was especially scenic.  First, we were treated to a line up of snowmaking machines, spitting powder into the air.

Riding through the white zone

Then, higher up, we passed by a row of ghostly white trees, thick with icy frosting.

Frosty lift tower

Even the lift towers had an icy coating!

Christmas in February!

The white, ice-laden trees looked like Christmas had come late.  Mother Nature's flocking!

Dale checks out the snowmaking machine

We skied past a line of several snowmaking guns.  So unusual to see this year.  Normally the Cascade Mountains receive such abundant snowfall, snowmaking isn't necessary.  Dale had to stop and check out the snowy stream. 

Someone used the statue as a ski rack

Taking a lunch break, the mid-mountain lodge was so full of skiers, we couldn't find an empty rack to stash our skis.  Some creative person had even used the front door statue!

Bachelor is known for it's fab views

We spent the afternoon checking out the trails on a couple other lifts.  And taking in more of the great scenery.

Stopping to take in the scenery

The next day, Superbowl Sunday, was a complete turn-around weatherwise.  Driving up to Mt. Bachelor, I encountered dense, cloudy skies.  Swirling snowflakes greeted me as I turned into the parking lot.  Yahoo - fresh snow!

Skier peek-a-boo through the trees

Sadly, the snow didn't last.  The temperature warmed just enough to turn the fluffy flakes into a nasty freezing rain.  I managed to ski all morning anyway, even though it meant continuous stops to scrape ice off my goggles.  When I finally went inside for lunch, my jacket was coated in a thin, white film.

Even though conditions weren't ideal, the lack of crowds, and no lift lines almost made up for the crummy weather.  By 2:00, I'd made more runs than the entire day before.  Which was a good thing, as I had to leave the slopes early.

JJ's acting debut

Why leave early you ask?  Had I changed my mind about the big game?  Nooo......I wanted to see my nephew JJ's acting debut!  The other reason I'd chosen this weekend to visit Bend.  JJ landed several minor roles in a local theater's production of "Alice in Wonderland."  His best character?  Hands down the Walrus!  He did a great job, and I loved the costume.  Even though flash photography wasn't allowed, I was able to get a couple decent shots of JJ in action.  Why watch a football game, when there's an opportunity to see a live theater performance that includes a family member?

Two good days of skiing and an entertaining play.  I deemed this weekend a "super" success!

Sharing with:  Our World Tuesday.


  1. We're not much on the Superbowl either, but I can' really recall what we did that weekend --

    Cute photo of your nephew and the other cast members. :)

  2. Another exciting weekend for you. I can't ski but I would love to just be up there admiring those views.

  3. I think it is so awesome that you spent Superbowl weekend skiing! Might as well be doing something you love. These slopes are so scenic and the ice and snow covering the trees make for such a pretty photo op!

  4. The Bend slopes look like my favorite yet!! I love all the big snowy trees.
    "Amazingly beautiful" is spot on!!
    I love the frost & sunbursts, and how about those ski tracks!?

    We spent Super Bowl weekend snowshoeing & reading, if I recall ... not much a fan of it, either.
    Great idea hitting the ski hills while everyone is in front of their televisions. I laughed about the Vikings - of course our family is always pulling for them, too.. usually ending in disappointment. ;)
    Hooray for live theater, too - nice job to you nephew!
    "Super" post, Linda!

  5. A super special way to spend Superbowl weekend. Seem to remember a similar post of last year! Your 2nd photo of the ski tracks is awesome but as I scrolled down the pics became even amazing. Blue sky days - just love them! Fantastic to always be able to enjoy your adventures.

  6. I think you made the right choice to ski and watch your nephew perform. JJ will likely remember that for a long, long while.

  7. I really liked the shots of the slopes on this post. This looks like a mountain I could actually ski. Beautiful!

  8. Sounds like an awesome weekend of skiing and seeing your nephew in the play. Very cool for JJ!

    Your photos are simply beautiful..

  9. The Hubby is a football fan, but since we were dating transformed into a NASCAR watcher. He might watch a game here or there and always tunes into the Division Championship games and Super Bowl. He was not impressed with this year's commercials either.

    Looks like you had a lot of fun skiing. The heavy layer of snow along with the bright blue sky makes pretty tree pictures.

  10. I never watch the Super Bowl either (or any football). Your day sounds so much better!
    I like your new blog design.

  11. Those winter shots are amazing!

  12. It's been a weird winter...snow snow snow then rain rain rain. Not a fan!

  13. WOW!!! these scenes are just magical

    Thanks for stopping over at my blog

    much love...

  14. Beautiful pictures- glad you are finally getting in the skiing you wanted. Know what you mean about the timing - my ex used to go skiing on Christmas day for the same reason.

  15. Gorgeous views and some very beautiful pictures Linda! Just stumbled on your page and I am glad I did.

  16. Looks like an awesome weekend. I've been wanting to backpack the Three Sisters section of the PCT for a few summers now. Looks gorgeous in the winter too!

    I'm not much for the Super Bowl unless the Packers are playing.

  17. Have just shown this to my husband, who is just back from a day's Scottish skiing and still in his salopettes, and he is nearly weeping at the sight of such perfection.


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