
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow Day!

After several months of unseasonably dry weather, Portland finally got it's big break.  Snow began to fall midday Thursday, and by evening a couple of inches had accumulated. 

Bear enjoying the powder

Although the nearby Cascade mountains usually get tons of the white stuff, in town measurable snowfall doesn't happen very often.

Tranquil scene at the local park

I awoke Friday morning to nearly four inches of fluffy pow.  AND my workplace was closed.  Woo-hoo!  Snow day!

Snow covered fern

Excited, I grabbed my camera and hustled outside to explore this white world.  You know me - I love snow, and was beyond excited to see it in my own backyard.

I catch Bear in a rare still moment

Later in the morning, I took a walk to the nearby neighborhood park. 

Snow capped cattails

The new fallen snow created many good photo ops.  Such as these snow capped cattails.

My happy doggy

Bear had a blast romping through the powder.  I had fun capturing his joy.  For an old dog, he's still got lots of pep in his step.

Wind blown snow fills in the fence

Even in my yard, photo subjects abounded.  Who would've thought a fence could be so interesting?

Small creek is outlined in white

Or a weedy roadside ditch?

Ears up!

But I'll never tire of photographing my doggy.  He's always doing something cute.

More snowy park scenes

Another snowy scene in the woods.

White-capped bird feeder

Looks like we need to fill the bird feeder.  Gotta help our feathered friends!

Snowy nose

Snow days force us out of our daily routines.  They create a little bit of "bonus time" - perfect opportunities to rekindle our inner 9-year old.   Or to stop and enjoy the wonderful beauty of nature.

Sharing with:  Saturday's Critters and Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Yay snow! Lovely scenes and Bear is so cute. We have about 2 feet of snow, with more on the way! I love it!

  2. Snow and a holiday from work! Awesome :) bear is adorable and I love how his ears are flapping wildly as he runs towards u. Precious :) loved the pictures.

  3. Beautiful photos and Bear sure had fun. I spent time out this afternoon photographing and creating something in the snow that I can share later next week! We have about a foot here. Good thing I didn't work today or yesterday. Will see what tomorrow brings!

  4. Wonderful snow photos, Linda! I love snow days.

  5. I sure love the creek scene. I look forward to our creeks thawing out & to hear rushing, running water again. Bear is looking good & spry!
    Our McGee couldn't get up two days ago - first time in his life. Made me realize I've taken for granted is great health. He's got an injured front wrist joint, pretty swollen, so he's taking it easy. Getting back up & around though. Animals are amazing healers!
    Happy you got a day off to enjoy the change in scenery. While everyone complains here about winter & snow, it's nice to hear a fresh perspective of someone appreciating it! I love the first snow of the year - everything white & seen in new light.

  6. I just LOVE your Bear photos! I never tire of seeing that cutie:)
    Isn't it wonderful how a bit of snow transforms everything? I LOVE it...

  7. Beautiful photos! Bear is really enjoying the snow.

  8. What crazy weather.. we have over a foot of snow here. It's gorgeous and I'm loving it!
    Great snow shots.. you have a sweet dog!

  9. Linda, your Bear is so cute. I am sure he loved playing and running around in the snow. My Goldie Girl loves to laying in the snow, I think she is making doggie snow angels. Very nice, you got A DAY off to enjoy the snow. Loved the photos and Bear is adorable on all the shots. Thank you for linking up to Saturday's Critters. Have a happy day!

  10. Saw some footage of Oregon nightmares on Weather Channel last night and thought about you. Love the pics of Bear. His white whiskers blend right in with the snowy nose!!

  11. Linda,
    Lovely set of pictures. Looks like you have the perfect photo companion. It's fun to watch the dogs jump and play in the white stuff.

    Snow does make for some beautiful photo ops too.

  12. Great snow photos ! Of course I am loving Bear in it . You captured his expressions perfectly ! :)))

  13. Nice series- especially like Bear enjoying the snow

  14. Bear is awesome. Such fun images in the snow with a lot of energy! Stay safe you guys.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  15. Great series of snow photos. Love the one of the cattails. You have a fine looking dog, Bear. He has lots of personality. The last photo of him is a winner.

  16. I bet it didn't take you long to go hit the slopes.

    That's so funny that they closed your work because of 4" of snow. :-)

  17. Can't help thinking, awesome day in your backyard but an awesome day on the slopes must soon follow!
    Wonderful to be able to enjoy it with you.

  18. We have had a lot of snow this winter in Chicago...a lot of cold too. Schools have been closed probably 4 or 5 days now. Unfortunately, I find myself in an employment situation where it is work work work. There is nothing more I would love than to take a snowy day off with my pups to play! Glad you found yourself some snow - we just keep hearing about the drought over on the west coast :(.

  19. did you get ice today? We are melting here! I've enjoyed the snow though even though it was a bit nerve racking to drive in it this a.m. Take care!

  20. Very creative photography of your snow but love your doggie photos the best ~

    thanks, carol mckenna and artmusedog ^_^

  21. A fantastic series of photos Linda, and Bear sure is a gorgeous dog.

  22. It's great to watch a dog romp in snow! I like snow too although I don't usually run around in it like Bear. :)

  23. Wow!!!So much snow!What a beautiful and a happy dog indeed!!!Gorgeous images of winter sceans!!Thank you for visiting!

  24. Love your snow day! One of my friends said that it seems we have changed weather with Portland lately because we have been getting mostly rain instead of snow. Looks like you get your share of snow too!

  25. How fun that you (and Bear) got a snow day! I love all your snowy shots and I'm glad you got some snow there!

  26. Snow days off work are always a treat. Bear looks happy to have you home. Great snowy shots.

  27. Hi,Linda. Nice captures. Bear looks very cheerful even in deep snow.
    We had 17cm deep snow last saturday in 45 years. We managed to come home the saturday night.
    Wishing you a wonderful week.

  28. Beautiful the cattails and pretty creek - magical! I like the way dogs approach newly fallen snow as a miraculous adventure playground.

    Thanks for sharing the beauty,

  29. Wow! Finally, somebody who's not complaining about all the snow! Lovely photos!

  30. That looks like a blast! Glad you had a special day to relax, soak in the snow, and enjoy Bear's company.


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