
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year's Day on the Beach

I always spend New Year's Day on the slopes.  I had every intention of continuing this tradition January 1st, 2014.  I even skipped the evening's festivities, and went to bed before midnight, in order to be well rested for my ski day.

Happy New Year!

But the lack of moisture that's plagued the PNW continued through the holidays.  When my alarm rang the next morning, my enthusiasm for sliding on rocky slopes and icy snow had waned.  I decided to bag my trip and sleep in.

Bear takes in the salt air

Now I had an entire day with no agenda.  Not wanting to waste a holiday sitting around home, I needed to formulate a plan B.  Then the beach beckoned......

Time for the pups to play

I love photographing the Oregon coast.  And it had been awhile since I'd visited.  Grabbing my camera gear and the dog, I pointed my car west.

Pawprints in the sand

The shoreline just south of Cannon Beach is my favorite part of the coast.  For today's trip, I decided to visit Arcadia Beach.  Sandwiched between Cannon Beach and Hug Point, it was a perfect choice for an afternoon's ramble.

Foamy waves

I'm lucky to live a mere hour's drive from the coast.  In no time at all, I was pulling into Arcadia Beach's tiny parking lot. 

A BIG splash!

My dog Bear also loves the beach.  Once I was stopped, he instantly rocketed out of my car.  Bear got onto the sand and ran forever.  Then he sniffed everything in sight, and made friends with a couple other dogs.

Shell pieces

I, on the other hand, was busy with my camera.  There were a myriad of photo subjects to capture!

Beach scenery

Although high tide covered much the beach, other things caught my eye.  I noticed waves crashing on some rocks offshore, creating large, frothy splashes.  It took a little time and patience to capture one of the bigger swells, but I was rewarded when a giant wave hit, creating an enormous white fountain.

Lone rock

Bear and I slowly ambled down the soft sand, heading towards Hug Point.  It took me awhile, as there were many distractions.  Such as this lone rock, staring out to sea.

Half a sand dollar

And this partial sand dollar buried in the beach (does that make it a half-dollar?)

Splashing waves at Hug Point

Finally, I reached the rocky outcrop and basalt shelf of Hug Point.  The shelf  is an old wagon road, blasted out of the rock.  At the turn of the century, people used the beaches as roads.  The shelf enabled travel across Hug Point during high tide.  I visited the other side of Hug Point last May, and blogged about it here.

Hungry shorebirds

There's a bunch of tidepools full of sea creatures at Hug Point's base.  I noticed a huge flock of little birds pecking around in these tidepools. There must've been something really good to eat in those tidepools, because the birds were not deterred by anything.  Even when waves flooded the beach, the flock stayed put.  Made for easy photo subjects.

Colorful rock layers

Since the tide was still fairly high, I didn't venture out on Hug Point's rocky road.  I turned around and headed back to my car.  It's always amazing the things you discover on your return trip.  Such as these colorful layered rock cliffs.

Beach views

Although the cloudy skies didn't make for the greatest light, the late afternoon winter sun did supply a small streak of gold on the horizon.

Golden late afternoon sun

Which, in the right conditions, lit up the beach's sand ridges brilliantly.

My doggy and I

I came home with a tired, but happy dog, and a camera full of wonderful beach images.  A great way to spend the first day of 2014.

Although I would've rather been skiing, a day at the beach is always a good second choice. 

Sharing with:  Saturday's Critters and Weekly Top Shot and I Heart Macro.


  1. Loved all your images, Linda.. looks like it was a great New Year's Day outing. I was there the weekend before!
    I love that beach.. There are others in the area, but this is my all time favorite.. and it was fun to see it through your lens!

  2. Linda you have a great eye for photography. I enjoyed every photo you posted today.

  3. The Oregon coast is so beautiful and you really captured it. I hope to get back there someday and spend more time exploring.

  4. Moody shots- nice - good job on "the Big Splash" - nice to see the dogs on the beach, especially bear taking in the salt air.

    Sympathize with your weather frustration- we now have lots of ice to contend with.

  5. Linda,What a fantastic way to spend the New Years Day. I miss the Oregon Beaches so much, your photographs sure did bring back found memories. Your photographs, as usual, tells wonderful stories. Thank you so much for sharing. (I understand that Pacific NW is finally getting some moisture)

  6. More fun adventures for Linda! What a great way to kick of 2014. Awesome set of beach front pictures.

  7. Beautiful photos as always and I love the ridges in the sand

  8. That's a pretty beach! I'm glad you were able to visit here and get some shots. Looks like Bear definitely had a good time. Great way to welcome in the new year :)

  9. What a beautiful beach - great shots. I miss living near the ocean.

  10. Beautiful photos Linda! I think the subtle lighting is very nice--makes it seem even more peaceful and suits the winter season.
    I bet this was one of Bear's BEST New Year's Day (even though mom missed out on a trip to the mountain):)
    Stay safe tonight...

  11. What a great way to spend New Year's Day.. I love the Oregon coastline. The beaches and rocks are so pretty. Your Bear is a cute puppy dog.. Lovely photos.. Have a happy weekend!

  12. So lovely there! I think the beach was a lovely alternative, but I do feel sorry that there was not enough snow for you to ski as you usually do.

  13. Linda, thanks for linking up to my critter party. I love your cute Bear and the beach shots. Happy weekend!

  14. Gorgeous shots Linda -- too bad about the skiing, but you and Bear managed to have a great day despite the lack of snow. :)

  15. I love the beach in winter, beats skiing for me any day

  16. Gorgeous scenery! I love the beach in winter.

  17. I have always wanted to visit this beach area. Oh, if I ever get out that way I will have to be there for a few days to see all the cool stuff there is to see.

  18. Beautiful! Looks like you had a wonderful walk on the beach.

  19. splendid shots! I love the sand dollar! I spend my New Years Eve on the beach as well...

  20. The beach is ALWAYS a great plan b! Your shots are simply gorgeous as is your companion!

  21. What a beautiful series of photos Linda… looks like a first day well spent! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  22. What a fantastic series of photos! So amazing and beautiful!

  23. What beautiful seaside clicks! You and Bear are a great team.

  24. Fabulous shots for the start of the new year! I love the OR coast!

  25. Love your shots here! There is just nothinng in the world that lives up to the ocean is there?? Thanks for stopping by my blog, and you are right, it is the cruise up the columbia. My husband and I have been up there before and did a white water raft trip up through hells canyon, but this area will be a bit new for us. I have seen some of your blog posts, and was going to send my friend the link. Beautiful country!


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