
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chubby Chipmunks

Warning *****  This post is rated EC for Extreme Cuteness!

We interrupt the endless blog posts bemoaning the PNW's lack of snow to bring you this......

All together now - Awwwwww......

Blog friend eileeninmd has a new meme - Saturday's Critters.  Bloggers are encouraged to share their animal photos, from pets to creatures in the wild.  What a great idea!  Who doesn't like to look at a group of cute animal images?  However, my blog posts and photographs rarely include critters (my dog Bear is usually the lone four-legged photo subject).

Little furry friend

I really wanted to participate in Eileen's meme, so I searched my archives and found these chipmunk photos from an August 2012 camping trip to Olallie Lake.  After setting up our campsite, and settling down in chairs around the fire, my husband and I discovered we had company.

Storing those nuts

A half dozen little chipmunks were skittering underfoot, begging for our potato chips.  My hubby happened to have a bag of old, stale peanuts, and he threw a handful on the ground. 

What happened next was more entertaining than any tv show.  Those chipmunks went after the loot with gusto.  We had lots of laughs watching the little guys stuff nut after nut into mouths, until their cheeks were bulging.

Hungry Gray Jay

I got out my camera, and had a blast capturing the chipmunk's antics.  Word got out to the bird community, and a couple of aggressive Gray Jays joined in the feast.


This little guy was my favorite subject.  He stood up and struck a pose, his cheeks stretched to the max with stored peanuts.  And in this shot, I caught him with his tiny pink mouth wide open.

So if you're interested in checking out more cute critter pics, head on over to this newest meme - Saturday's Critters.

Now back to my regularly scheduled skiing posts......


  1. oh so dang cute. I love their chubby little cheeks

  2. cute! I saw some squirrels over at the coast in Aug. They are fun to watch and I think I got a few shots of them. But they weren't real close.

  3. Look at those chubby little chops, you should be banned form blogging fro showing such cuteness, I want to take one home as a pet

  4. They are cute and they learn to hand feed very quickly.

  5. So hubby carries old stale peanuts around with him..
    Lucky chipmunks!
    These images are just too cute, downright wonderful
    and that last one could win an award
    heck they all can.
    Thanks, Linda!

  6. Linda, I am so happy you posted these cute chipmunks photos. Their fat little cheeks are adorable. Thanks for linking up to Saturday's Critters too. Have a happy week!

  7. A-dorable!! Love the shots...made me smile...:)

  8. I LOVE chipmunks! Your photos are great!

  9. Wonderful shots! They're so adorable.

  10. That last pic absolutely made me day!! What a capture :)

  11. Awwww what a cutie!!! You got some amazing shots of that little guy. Love them!

  12. Adoreable and captured so well.

  13. Awwwwww.....Linda, how adorable is this? Thank you so much for sharing, you made my day. :)

  14. What a hoot, you got some great pictures of the little guy/s. Loved this post, they are one of my all time favorites.

  15. For someone who grew up with Alvin and the Chipmunks (and adores the little guys)...this was EC perfection!! LOVED it:)

  16. THESE ARE DARLING! Will definitely check out this meme! Thanks so much for the heads up on it, and hope you have a wonderful week!

  17. Fantastic shots...I love photographing wildlife

  18. I really enjoyed this post. That last shot made my day. What a cute subject. Also, I had never seen or heard of a gray jay. Always learning here in blogland!

  19. Oh be still my heart!! These are soooooo cute Linda and you need to make these into cute cards! xx

  20. Cute indeed. That bird looks like an old, grizzled fighter - don't mess with him!

  21. These photos are really really CUTE <3

  22. I love chipmunks!
    Had never seen a gray jay before.
    Great shots, Linda! That last one cracks me up. :)

  23. Oh they are cute! It's hard to believe how much they can stuff inside those little cheeks.

  24. Oh my, these are the cutest! Love the one with his mouth stuffed full! Congrats to Eileen.


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