
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Return of the Calendar Giveaway!

Yes, it's back!  Announcing my 2nd annual calendar giveaway.

Last year I created a calendar featuring favorite images from my blog over the past year.  I gave most of them away to family, but happened to have one left over.  I decided to reward my wonderful blog readers with a chance to win the final copy.

The response was positive, and I enjoyed it so much, I decided to bring the calendar giveaway back for 2013.

Throughout this past year, I've made new blog friends, and continued to receive lovely comments from faithful regulars.  I want you all to know how much your visits and words of encouragement mean to me.  Every kind comment puts a smile on my face, and every new follower really makes my day.

This year's calendar is better than ever - I've included even more of the photos from memorable hikes in Oregon and southwest Washington.  The printing company did a fabulous job.

To win a "Linda's Lens 2014 calendar" you must do the following:

1.  Follow Linda's Lens, either with Google Friend Connect, on the Facebook page, or by email subscription.

2.  Leave a comment on this post, or the Linda's Lens Facebook page.  Tell me how you follow this blog, and what your favorite post of 2013 was.

If you have any trouble commenting or registering, please email me at lindaslens13@gmailcom.

All comments must be received by 5 pm PST on Monday, December 30th, 2013.  The contest is open to all followers, regardless of where you live.  The winner will be determined by random drawing.  I'll announce the lucky person's name on my annual "Year in Review" post on December 31st.

Good luck everyone!  Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. 


  1. Since I am the first to comment AND the winner of last year's calendar, guess in all fairness, I should declare my self ineligible for this year's drawing. But I will say that the calendars are BEAUTIFUL. I would love to have 2014 and if you'd send me one, I'll pay you for it AND for the postage. Yes folks, the pictures are THAT pretty. It's a nicer calendar than any you'll find in a store!

  2. I follow Linda by almost daily clicking on this blog, to be transported to her amazing world of hiking, which she shares through stunning photography and words.
    Linda it is impossible to single one post above the others. I've had a lovely morning scrolling back through the year and, as always, I am filled with envy that your playground is so beautiful and that you experience the magic of each season.
    Happy Christmas and best wishes for a lll you have planned for 2014

  3. I already follow you on Friend Connect and have you in my Blog Loving reader. Plus FB of course.

    My favorite post this year was the one where you lost and thankfully found, Bear. That was heart wrentching.

    I really favor your hiking posts and pour over them. I have so many book marked as ones I'd like to do someday and hope I get a chance to hike one with you. Merry Christmas Linda and thanks for all your hard work on your blog.

  4. Nice idea, Linda! Your photos are wonderful.

  5. Please enter me in your calendar drawing. I follow you on Google Friend Connect.

    My favorite blog you did was "Birth of a Bridge." I loved following the construction photos. Nice job.

    My second favorite blog is this one, especially if I win!


  6. I make calendars for my family every year too, I love your idea of giving one away to a blog reader too! Which printer do you use?

    I really love your hiking posts. A lot of the time, I choose hikes based on photos I found elsewhere. I have so much I want to do in the Mt. Hood area because of you!!!

  7. I always LOVE going on these hike with you via your blog Linda. It is a wonderful thing and your photos are always amazing !
    Happy Holidays ,

  8. Oh this looks amazing! Please enter me in your drawing! I follow via GFC. My favorite posts of the year has been the last few with the waterfall shots. Just gorgeous!

  9. Awesome, Linda! I live vicariously through your hiking posts.. your part of the country is the one place I would pick up & move to without hesitation. I just love it. Your photography is outstanding, inspiring.
    GFC via my blogger dashboard is how I follow & prefer to do my reading, and I've enjoyed what you've added to my reading (& viewing) this year!
    My favorites are the scenic hiking posts.. Thanks to you, I learned what "Larch" is (when I've known it all my life, only as another name.) I also enjoy posts that allow us readers to know a little more about you & your family. Dionsaur Park & Linda the RUNNER.. and so on!

  10. Linda, I enjoy your beautiful photography and so much appreciate all your kind comments on my blog posts. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hugs and love to you.

  11. That calendar looks beautiful, but I'm not entering to win it. I am wondering, do you get it printed locally, or do you use an internet company?

  12. Cant say what is my favorite Blog as I have only been following a shoot time (i'm a bit green on the blogging thing) but I fell in love with the walks you took me on especially when you started showing those awesome waterfalls.
    Have a great Christmas

  13. I love the waterfall pictures as I don't have the patience to learn how to make water look like that. I also love to read about other women getting out and hiking trails.

  14. It wasn't the printer that did a great job it was the material he was given to work with. Your photos are always such terrific shots. Have loved following your blog this year as we live in such contrasting parts of the world. Merry Christmas.

  15. I have absolutely no idea how I found your blog a year or two ago. I started out with infertility blogs, but figured out my hiking/adventure/photo friends are where my interests really are!

    Hmmm...I didn't like the post where you lost your dog on the trail - I am so happy it turned out good! I couldn't have handled a lost dog. The running blogs are always fun for me...especially the Hood to Coast. I hope one day that my husband and I might be able to participate in that one. I think also you had posted a women's run post that was interesting...and the rock and roll half...keep running! And oh yeah - I just love every image with the beautiful mountains! Hood, Helens, Adams...keep them coming!

  16. Linda, I didn't realize you had a fb page! I got you liked. I usually follow your blog via blog address.

    2013 favorite post? I don't think that is a fair question. The hikes you take are beautiful and the pictures you share are stunning. If I have to choose a favorite, I pick ... waterfalls.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  17. Thanks for your answer on the calendar printing - I know somebody who had a couple of books printed with them and was happy with the results.

  18. Linda, I know that your calendar is amazing. Your photos are always breathtaking! I follow you google plus, but now like you on fb too. I enjoy all of your posts so much, but I especially love the one about Mt. Hood. I could really relate since I had visited there. Have a wonderful New Year!

  19. I follow you by Google, but I usually catch up on your blog by reading my blogroll through the link on my blog. Two of my favorite posts this year were "Jefferson Park" and believe it or not "Dinosaur Hill". Not that all those gorgeous waterfall hikes didn't make an impact! My first thought was the post where you lost Bear...a story well written with a good ending. Your combination of good story telling and photography is what I look for!


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