
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Photos

The annual "year in photos" recap is always my favorite post.  I love reviewing entries from the past 12 months, remembering the amazing places I've visited, and good times I've had with friends and family.  When I started this blog five years ago, it was originally intended as a place to post vacation photos for my family to see.  From these humble beginnings, "Linda's Lens" has grown into a digital scrapbook documenting my (mostly) outdoor adventures.

As you might have guessed, choosing photos to represent this past year was no easy task.  Some of these images were chosen as much for the significance of the event, as the quality of the shot.  There was much hemming and hawing, lots of thought, and quite a bit of decision-making.  But in the end, I feel confident you'll enjoy the collection I've assembled below.

So - without further adieu, I bring you - 2013 in Photos!

January - I spent all my weekends on skis, either at the resorts, or in the backcountry around Mt. Hood.  A ski trip up the White River Canyon on a bitterly cold, blue-sky day produced some of the most amazing winter landscape images.

February - I celebrated my 50th birthday in style by traveling to Salt Lake City with my good friend and best ski buddy Kim.  Although we only had one powder day out of three, the Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons were gorgeous, and the ski areas loads of fun.  I'm already saving my pennies for a return trip.

March - Portland's rainy dreariness was finally broken by massive amounts of colorful tree blooms.  These cherry trees along Portland's waterfront are iconic for their yearly pink blossom show.  I think you can see why.

April - I checked off an item in my bucket list with a trip to the John Day Painted Hills in Central Oregon.  These fantastic colored landforms were everything I'd hoped and so much more!  I loved this area so much, it may become an annual spring trip.

May - So many great outings in May, it was hard to pick a favorite.  But reviewing the photos from a Mother's Day hike along the old Eagle Creek Trail, I realized this bright, mossy, green, old-growth forest scene represents all that I love about the woods here in Oregon.

June - This month's photo was an easy choice.  My daughter's graduation from Oregon State University was our family's big event for 2013.  Definitely a proud mama moment!

July - So many many do I pick just one?  This photo, of my friend Katie descending from the Coldwater Peak Trail at Mt. St. Helens, was the one I kept coming back to, and eventually got the nod.  This view alone makes it one of my favorite hikes.

August - The hike to McNeil Point on Mt. Hood's western flank is one of my all-time favorite summer wildflower hikes.  One beautiful summer day, Katie and I paid a visit, and were handsomely rewarded with the best display of red paintbrush and pink heather I've ever seen.

September - With the "Monkey Butter Express" I completed my third consecutive Hood to Coast Relay.  Although not in top running shape, it was still my best H2C yet, thanks to the support of my wonderful teammates in Van Two.  This shot of my team crossing the finish line together is my all-time favorite H2C photo.

October -  An unseasonably dry month meant lots of opportunities to hit the trail.  And I did, even taking a couple vacation days to get to all the places on my "must hike" list.  Another month where choosing one representative photo was extremely difficult.  But this shot of Coldwater Lake on a calm fall morning eventually snagged my final vote.

November - November was the month of waterfalls.  It's no secret I love to photograph waterfalls, and the Columbia River Gorge has more than enough to keep me busy.  Although my hard drive is full of gorgeous white cascade images, this one of the twin fans of Upper McCord Creek Falls finally won me over.

December -  With the mountains lacking sufficient snow, I again took to the Gorge, this time in search of frozen waterfalls.  A cold Sunday afternoon was well spent, as I came away with amazing scenes such as this icy base of Horsetail Falls.

And - as a special bonus I give you my favorite photograph of the year.  Choosing this was no contest.  During a mid-October visit to Silver Falls State Park, I was producing mediocre images of Lower South Falls.  Almost ready to pick up my tripod and continue on, at the last minute I spied sunlight filtering through the trees above.  Positioning myself so that the rays produced a star-shaped sunburst, I fired multiple shots.  The result was this beautiful image that I'm extremely proud of.  I hope you like it too.

One last item - announcing the winner of the "Linda's Lens 2014 Calendar."  The lucky winner is Kim@Snug Harbor who blogs over at Snug Harbor Bay.  Congratulations!  Kim, please email me your address at and I'll ship your calendar right out to you.

Thank you to my readers for all your kind comments and interest in my little adventures.  The best part about blogging is hearing from so many nice people from all over the world.  I really enjoy writing the stories and sharing my photos from this amazing Pacific Northwest that I call home.  Keep it right here, I've got even more good stuff planned for 2014.

Happy New Year!


  1. Breathtaking photography that marked a year of wonderful blog posts! Happy New Year! I am looking forward to your posts in the coming year.

  2. Love your choices, but I have to say I like the photo of you and your daughter best.

    Happy New Year's Linda -- wishing many more adventures for you in the coming year. xo

  3. My favorite photo was the August one!

    I'm so excited to win the calendar. Thank you! And I was just saying to Chablis that I hadn't bought one for 2014 yet. Yeah!!!

  4. You live in such a beautiful part of the world, Linda - thanks for sharing. I really enjoy your skiing and hiking exploits. Best wishes for 2014.

  5. All gorgeous shots and WOW, yes, that waterfall one is great! Love all of your hiking spots... so beautiful

  6. It was fun to walk down memory lane. I remember a lot of these photos from earlier in the year! My favorite is probably the wildflower trail photo. It is just so lovely. But that last photo is truly amazing. The light is just perfect!

  7. Gorgeous, Linda! Happy New Year to you.

  8. I love your choices, that waterfall is fantastic!

  9. Happy New Year, Linda!
    Looks like you had a great 2013 and I hope 2014 brings you as much or more joy and beauty.

    I love your photography. It would be fun to experience the nature you see and share with us.

  10. Wow, beautiful photos! I really love the frozen waterfall one.

  11. I like the first myself. I would not know where to start picking the best of mine as there are 365+ to choose from. Happy New Year Linda and look forward to next years photos

  12. Your favorite is my favorite too!!! The soft water and the sunbeams is perfection! I also love the calm Coldwater Lake photo. And the painted hills is on my bucket list too!!

    Happy 2013, and yes, I agree, maybe we will bump into each other on a trail this coming year!!!! :)

  13. I remember and love them all, but the snow of January and the wildflowers with Mt Hood are my favourites but …… they are eclipsed by the beauty of your final waterfall.

  14. Loved your best of the best, Linda.. but then I love all your work. You put your heart and soul into every image.
    I look forward to seeing all your upcoming adventures in 2014.. and beyond.
    Happy New Year, my dear friend!

  15. Lovely series of images, Linda!
    Happy New Years to you and your family!

  16. Very nice- Happy New Year to you too.

  17. Happy New Year to you! I love reading your posts and seeing your pics - the year in review is another great post with lots of lovely pics :)

  18. Happy New Year !! I love all of your choices you have made of your photographs. It really makes me want to move back to Oregon..

  19. What a wonderful recap to a great year Linda :) you have such beautiful memories to take with you ! I love seeing your side of the world through your amazing pictures. Have a great year ahead . Much love and hugs :)

  20. Wonderful review of your 2013 adventures. For sure I'll stick around to see what's up in 2014. ;))

  21. Beautiful choices!!! Love that top shot...but ohhhh....your favorite is also my favorite!!! Gorgeous shot!!! I hope you framed this one!!!

  22. Metti la mano sinistra sulla spalla destra e la mano destra sulla spalla sinistra.
    Hai appena ricevuto un abbraccio a distanza. Buon 2014.

  23. Linda what a beautiful year you have had !
    Gorgeous photos.
    Here's to many more happy trails in 2014 !
    Happy New Year.
    All the best,

  24. You go to some of the most amazing places. I love your hikes and adventures thanks for sharing this past year with us

  25. A great selection of photos and retrospective. Happy New Year!

  26. Oh Linda. You always 'WOW' me with your photos. Unfortunately I wasn't well & didn't enter your Callendar this year.....bummer!! Good luck to the lucky'm not at all envious! Not likely....huh! I love to follow your wonderful days and trips. Thank you so much for taking us along. wishes for 2014 to you and yours. Joan

  27. Everyone of these photo are fantastic. 2013 was a great year for you Linda.

  28. Hi,Linda. Happy New Year. All of your collection photos in 2013 are breathtakingly beautiful. I want to say congratulations for you daughter gratuating from the university. Thanks for sharing.


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